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  • @ Lost-Zeneration-99:
    I will because it’s gonna suck if it doesn’t work as for my personal use and I been wanting to start persevering stuff for in case of emergencies.
  • @ Dale Gribble:
    Arnie give me mr fap
  • @ Arnox:
    Dale Gribble said:
    Arnie give me mr fap
    Hold on. I gotta get started on sorting out informational threads and then I'll start work on importing legacy smilies.
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    Apropos of nothing, Especially not because of watching cop cams or reading woke stuff or perusing corporate statements.. It feels like a blessing and a curse that I can't casually state the opposite of things. Things like truth, what happened, or just generally be able to have cognitive dissonance. Projecting. Do double-thinking. I actually have to work on it with intention aforethought.
  • @ Dale Gribble:
    You guys remember lolcats?
  • @ Dale Gribble:
    So for a brief period of time there was lolcats, and another site copying it called lolclits. So if you remember lolcats, you can imagine lolclits. That was when the internet was fun.
  • @ Arnox:
    I thought lolcats were definitely the lamer of the old-school internet memes personally, but they are nostalgic now.
  • @ Houseman:
    I remember lolicatgirls
  • Link
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    Sadly, those were all after my time, so I missed out.
  • @ Battousai:
    lolcats were pretty dumb, even if some of the memes did remain for quite a while, like ceiling cat and longcat.
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    I think I tuned back in for Nyan Cat, and I did see some longcat.
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    Just checked KnowYourMeme. It tracks. 2006 for lolcat (and longcat), and 2011 for Nyan Cat. I was probably busy with my second job around that time.
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    Anyway, anyone else started seeing a lot of member only vids on YT? I'm blocking the entire channel if I see any. Not worth subscribing if I don't know if I can watch the next vid of theirs or not..
  • @ Arnox:
    A bit more but I've been seeing one or two for a while.
  • @ Signa:
    A couple I'm subscribed to have those pop up, and they are poorly labeled. When I add them to my watch later list, the list pauses and I'm not always at my PC when this happens. It's pretty annoying, but I wouldn't block the channel for it. It's just content they wanted to save for their paying members
  • @ Arnox:
    According to Mutahar, Canadians are now rushing out to get firearms due to (unfounded) fears of possible military annexation. LOL
  • @ Arnox:
    I love it. The left will often blast firearm ownership for being unnecessary and awful right up until their ass is on the line, and then conveniently drop that little belief once they realize just how important firearm ownership is. Fucking clown world.
  • @ Arnox:
    Now they get to put up with Canada's ridiculous pain-in-the-ass process for getting firearms.
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    I got myself a Blackpowder ELG Revolver just the other day.
  • @ Gauche:
    Just 3D print them with the fentanyl and wood
  • @ Dale Gribble:
    She ebbin on my neezer til I scrooge
  • @ Arnox:
    Just a small update. Official Content Listings has been fully cleared out and deleted. Also did a bit of rejiggering of the Oh the Humanities sub-forum. Sociological topics should now go into Head Shrinkers. Thank you for your cooperation.
  • @ Arnox:
    Also in the process of giving Stand Alone Complex another shot. This time, I'm barreling through the entire first season no matter what.
  • @ Arnox:
    "Whew... Got done prefixing all the informational threads in SG and T&T... Now for GPP. A bit of a large sub-forum too but I'm sure no larger than T&T... FUCK!"

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