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Erowid 2012 Official Site Archive (DVD ISO)

Miscellaneous Erowid 2012 Official Site Archive (DVD ISO) 2025-01-28

For those who don't know, Erowid is a huge website dedicated to in-depth information on recreational drugs. Unfortunately though, the site is no longer allowing users to conveniently download a full backup of the site.

Originally, if you were a user and made a donation, you would get a DVD mailed out to you that had the full site loaded onto it. Unfortunately again though, they stopped making archives of the site in 2012, and finally in, I think 2023/2024, they shut down their DVD delivery perk entirely for any donations made to the site.

Now, I had thought that they were at very least still offering the old archived 2012 version of the site for download, but no. Apparently even that has been lost to time... UNTIL NOW. I reached out to a Reddit user who apparently still had the 2012 DVD ISO file to ask them if they still had it, and lo and behold, they did! So once more, the 2012 version of Erowid can now finally be downloaded.

I wish we had a much more up-to-date version of the site, but eh. What can you do.
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