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The Official YouTube Spam Thread


Staff member
For videos that you may not want to make a whole thread about but still want to recommend, go ahead and post them here. Doesn't have to be YouTube either. The video just needs to be hosted somewhere and publicly available.

INSTRUCTIONS: Post the title and the video author in your post. Then, obviously, post a link to the actual video. Embedding is preferred. Discussion about any videos posted here as well is fine.


(No idea if I'll keep this topic stickied or not. We'll see how it goes.)

I'll start us out.

Title: L.A. Noire is a lot more funny if you only choose doubt
Author: CallMeKevin

Act Man giving us his rundown of the newest MW2

Title: Modern Warfare 2 is Gem Covered in Diarrhea
Author: The Act Man

Act Man giving us his rundown of the newest MW2

Title: Modern Warfare 2 is Gem Covered in Diarrhea
Author: The Act Man

Good old Act Man. As always, a very good review. Beyond that though, that trashtalk clip at 5:47 was fucking gold. I was rolling.
Title: The blackpilled mindset that keeps people from trying
Author: Louis Rossmann

Are you a Mexican or a Mexican't?
Title: Blender 3.0 Beginner Tutorial
Author: Blender Guru

Definitely one of the best tutorials to learn the current behemoth that is Blender. Now, Blender is currently on 3.3 LTS, but 99% of what he says here still carries over to the current version.
Dead Game News: Stadia is shutting down
Ross Scott

Oh yeah, heard about that last week and how they simply "forgot" to tell all the devs that had been making games for Stadia, they just got a big "fuck you, deal with it, peace out."
Oh yeah, heard about that last week and how they simply "forgot" to tell all the devs that had been making games for Stadia, they just got a big "fuck you, deal with it, peace out."
They'll be giving out refunds for all hardware and software purchases - the entire project was a waste of money, time and resources
Future interviews will be awkward

"Why were you let go by Google?"
"My work amounted to nothing of value"
Title: Things about Relationships I wish someone told me about
Author: Jaiden Animations

Title: Do you actually own anything?
Author: Lexual_Tension

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Yes, I know. That's what I was talking about. Current copyright lasts for WAYYY too long.
Life time of the creator is fair though, I mean It's their property and it remains so until their death however long it might take. After that it does seem fair it should automatically enter public domain.
Life time of the creator is fair though, I mean It's their property and it remains so until their death however long it might take. After that it does seem fair it should automatically enter public domain.

But it's not really that simple, and there are some factors I feel you may be overlooking.

It says lifetime of the creator, but in the case of group creative efforts, who is the "creator"? The studio? The publisher that owns the studio? Let's say there is an independent studio but they sign over rights to a publisher. That means of course that the publisher now has control over the IP in complete perpetuity and the original creators can do nothing about it whatsoever. And what about works that also license one or more third-party IPs but the contracts expire? Or maybe there was a stupid dispute and the contracts got voided. Should that conglomerate IP have to drift into nothingness now pretty much forever?

Keep in mind, just because a work passes into public domain, it doesn't mean the author or even the rights holder can't work on it anymore. It doesn't mean that the original creators of the IP are no longer the original creators of the IP. They will always be, of course, and nothing can change that. But it does mean they now have to let others have a crack at it. They had a 20 year monopoly on that IP and if they can't generate something good in that timespan, then maybe it's time to let others have a shot at it then. Or maybe they DID generate something good, in which case, they had a 20 year monopoly on the profits and rights to that IP. Isn't that enough?

And in any case, patents last for 20 years only. Why are copyrights so much more special than patents?
Title: Can You Beat Oblivion With Rusty Weapons and Armour?
Author: Nerbit

Oblivion still proves to be the source of excellent content
Title: Lack of Refinery Capacity | The Jones Act | Oil Company Profits & Russian Sanctions
Author: What is Going on With Shipping?

An interesting take on the Diesel controversy. It's just one take though, so take the take with a grain of salt.
Forgot this thread was here, let's put a debate video.
Title: JFK Has A Peculiar Knowledge Of The Future
Author: Brian Rosney

This shit is so surreal

METAVERSER is the worst thing I ever played.
By: Oboeshoesgames