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    All accounts with 0 posts on them have been purged. If you are coming back to us after a long time and you find you can't log in, then that would probably be why.

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  • No one is chatting at the moment.
  • @ Houseman:
    Edit 2: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!
  • @ Lost-Zeneration-99:
    "Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/Sanctuary_Chatbox."
  • @ Arnox:
    *cites some bullshit subreddit rule*
  • @ /dev/null:
    Houseman said:
    Good news, you can buy Youtube premium lite for $7.99/mo and get ad free viewing!
    It's cheaper if you geochange location to india, philippines, south east asia and use google play creditds to load over a local credit card but you're still funding the machine, but you're also identifying incorrectly so you won't be geotagged and marketed to aggressively
  • @ /dev/null:
    which is nice, because when ads are in another langauge/from another culture, they're very obvious, and sometimes even more interesting but you catch yourself more. but also, ublock still works (for me) anyway, and dns/pihole, too bad the ukraine/russian location setting on google acocunt doesn't work anymore (or does it?)
  • Link
  • Link
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    I expect nothing less from google.
  • @ Lost-Zeneration-99:
    So will this impact Jdownloader2 or is this different?
  • @ Arnox:
    Lost-Zeneration-99 said:
    So will this impact Jdownloader2 or is this different?
    Not sure. Let us know if you see any difference in service.
  • @ Lost-Zeneration-99:
    I will because it’s gonna suck if it doesn’t work as for my personal use and I been wanting to start persevering stuff for in case of emergencies.
  • @ Dale Gribble:
    Arnie give me mr fap
  • @ Arnox:
    Dale Gribble said:
    Arnie give me mr fap
    Hold on. I gotta get started on sorting out informational threads and then I'll start work on importing legacy smilies.
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    Apropos of nothing, Especially not because of watching cop cams or reading woke stuff or perusing corporate statements.. It feels like a blessing and a curse that I can't casually state the opposite of things. Things like truth, what happened, or just generally be able to have cognitive dissonance. Projecting. Do double-thinking. I actually have to work on it with intention aforethought.
  • @ Dale Gribble:
    You guys remember lolcats?
  • @ Dale Gribble:
    So for a brief period of time there was lolcats, and another site copying it called lolclits. So if you remember lolcats, you can imagine lolclits. That was when the internet was fun.
  • @ Arnox:
    I thought lolcats were definitely the lamer of the old-school internet memes personally, but they are nostalgic now.
  • @ Houseman:
    I remember lolicatgirls
  • Link
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    Sadly, those were all after my time, so I missed out.
  • @ Battousai:
    lolcats were pretty dumb, even if some of the memes did remain for quite a while, like ceiling cat and longcat.
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    I think I tuned back in for Nyan Cat, and I did see some longcat.
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    Just checked KnowYourMeme. It tracks. 2006 for lolcat (and longcat), and 2011 for Nyan Cat. I was probably busy with my second job around that time.
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    Anyway, anyone else started seeing a lot of member only vids on YT? I'm blocking the entire channel if I see any. Not worth subscribing if I don't know if I can watch the next vid of theirs or not..
  • @ Arnox:
    A bit more but I've been seeing one or two for a while.

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