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  • @ Arnox:
    Vendor-Lazarus said:
    I found this. "I have just sorted out a similar problem when using Palemoon. A kind A/c posted the following: You can get decent user agents by running a search for "The Latest and Most Common User Agents List". Give it a try, see if it works. I did, and it worked for my problem."
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    Lots of people have already tried this, but user agent switching is useless and only truly effective on bad user agent sniffing sites. Anyone can change their user agent so that's a bad thing to test against.
  • @ Arnox:
    Well, it seemed to have worked for that guy in this particular instance so...
  • @ Arnox:
    Two people actually.
  • @ Houseman:
    Good news, you can buy Youtube premium lite for $7.99/mo and get ad free viewing!
  • @ Houseman:
  • @ Houseman:
    I will never ever. Like I said, if I can't watch youtube videos ad-free, for free, like I am already doing, then I will simply stop watching youtube altogether.
  • @ Arnox:
    I don't mind YouTube Premium in theory... But they run their site like such fucking garbage that giving them any money at all seems like a laughable prospect.
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    What Arnox said. Have an upvote. 👍
  • @ Gauche:
    What Vendor said. Have an upvote. 👍
  • @ Houseman:
    Edit: Wow this post blew up!
  • @ Houseman:
    Edit 2: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!
  • @ Lost-Zeneration-99:
    "Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/Sanctuary_Chatbox."
  • @ Arnox:
    *cites some bullshit subreddit rule*
  • @ /dev/null:
    Houseman said:
    Good news, you can buy Youtube premium lite for $7.99/mo and get ad free viewing!
    It's cheaper if you geochange location to india, philippines, south east asia and use google play creditds to load over a local credit card but you're still funding the machine, but you're also identifying incorrectly so you won't be geotagged and marketed to aggressively
  • @ /dev/null:
    which is nice, because when ads are in another langauge/from another culture, they're very obvious, and sometimes even more interesting but you catch yourself more. but also, ublock still works (for me) anyway, and dns/pihole, too bad the ukraine/russian location setting on google acocunt doesn't work anymore (or does it?)
  • Link
  • Link
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    I expect nothing less from google.
  • @ Lost-Zeneration-99:
    So will this impact Jdownloader2 or is this different?
  • @ Arnox:
    Lost-Zeneration-99 said:
    So will this impact Jdownloader2 or is this different?
    Not sure. Let us know if you see any difference in service.
  • @ Lost-Zeneration-99:
    I will because it’s gonna suck if it doesn’t work as for my personal use and I been wanting to start persevering stuff for in case of emergencies.
  • @ Dale Gribble:
    Arnie give me mr fap
  • @ Arnox:
    Dale Gribble said:
    Arnie give me mr fap
    Hold on. I gotta get started on sorting out informational threads and then I'll start work on importing legacy smilies.
  • @ Vendor-Lazarus:
    Apropos of nothing, Especially not because of watching cop cams or reading woke stuff or perusing corporate statements.. It feels like a blessing and a curse that I can't casually state the opposite of things. Things like truth, what happened, or just generally be able to have cognitive dissonance. Projecting. Do double-thinking. I actually have to work on it with intention aforethought.

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