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Sanctuary Forum Game #1: Your Deepest Desires

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Arch Disciple
Gauche, knowing full well what he hadn't done, maybe, tackles into the shouting loon with bedazzling speed and away from lightning wizard


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
I'm going to run for the scroll, while contemplating my inaccuracy with a bow


Sanctuary legend
Great. As long as one of us gets it. If it comes to us scrambling over it, I'll let you have it. I was planning on using it to kill the dragon or something, though.


Staff member
Turn 17

Houseman/andersonnnunes/Gauche/gaijinkaiju: Arnox eyed what was really going on here and soon screamed in rage before she immediately made to snatch up the red glowing scroll. But Carmin and Aizen dived in and rolled out of the way fast enough to take the scroll and avoid her crushing grip. "How do you know about this spell!? I killed the former possessor of it years ago!" the dragoness yelled out, her fury making the cave shake a little. Just as this happened though, Lain grabbed Carmin and stabbed him once more, right before Gauche could get to him in time, making Carmin cry out. The pain now was so intense, Gauche crashing into them both barely registered with him. Carmin was now hanging on by a thread as he lay there in his torment. After this, Aizen quickly opened the scroll, but to her dismay, she finds she cannot remember how to read the black magical writing on it that seemed to pulse with power. She recognized it but for the life of her and in her panic, she couldn't remember how to read it at this time. She knew someone like Carmin would immediately recognize it though.

--Aizen has current possession of the scroll and Arnox uses up one of her survival re-rolls. Arnox has only one re-roll left. Aizen can't remember how to read the magical writing. Lain hits Carmin for 7 damage. Carmin has 3 HP left. Lain is drawn away from Carmin by Gauche and cannot attack Carmin next turn. (Carmin and Aizen got super lucky with the rolls. lol Oh, also keep in mind, although Houseman can still potentially earn the title if he dies, he'll still be banned for a week if he does die.)--
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Sanctuary legend
Yeah, if you could just hold the scroll open for me to read as I lay dying, that would be great, thanks.


Staff member
Yeah, if you could just hold the scroll open for me to read as I lay dying, that would be great, thanks.
Um... Yeahhhhh... I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you there. If you could just... Get crushed under my magnificient tail, that'd be great. Thanks!


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
I feel conflicted about what to do, BUT it feels right to respect a dying mans wish, so i'll hold it open for him to read


What was the name of the dragoness, again? Guess she does not have a strong reputation given how she would not even present herself in a memorable manner. Seems like this fight isn't going to remedy that either.

Lain has tasted blood so he won't stop no matter what. Long-sword slash at Gauche.


Staff member
What was the name of the dragoness, again? Guess she does not have a strong reputation given how she would not even present herself in a memorable manner. Seems like this fight isn't going to remedy that either.

Lain has tasted blood so he won't stop no matter what. Long-sword slash at Gauche.
To be fair, I... I mean, she wasn't expecting even a couple people to start attacking her.


Sanctuary legend
I feel conflicted about what to do, BUT it feels right to respect a dying mans wish, so i'll hold it open for him to read
If you want, you could just hand it to me, just in case it's also touch-activated, or in case I have to actually "scroll" it. Just trying to cover the bases.


Staff member
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh... You lucky sons of bitches...

Turn 18 (END)
Houseman/andersonnnunes/Gauche/gaijinkaiju: The dragoness advanced upon both Aizen and Carmin, but Aizen was already holding the scroll open for Carmin to read. Soon, ethereal words of power began to fall from Carmin's lips. Arnox's eyes widened and, in a last-ditch effort focused her gaze intently on Aizen. It didn't take long for the girl to involuntarily lock eyes with the dragoness, but as the spell came over Aizen, she bit her lip and resisted it, trying her best to close her eyes. Already, she could feel her hands almost imperceptibly beginning to close the scroll, but she soon shook her head and held it open once more. Snarling, the dragoness tried again, this time even more intently, but the woman below her didn't crumble, resisting all her efforts. "Why, Hunter? Why!? Why betray me... ?" Behind her, Lain was only a vessel of rage now, and it showed in his actions, his sword finding purchase in Gauche, but only just. And then, as Lain looked up for a moment... It happened. The spell from the scroll was finished and an earth-trembling roaring soon filled the cave. Or perhaps it was the dragoness as she screamed out in both pain and anger before collapsing onto the piles of gold. Red pulses of energy soon began to... Tear into and out of the flesh of both Lain and the dragoness. The carnage was awful and the roaring was beginning to deafen. And then just as it happened, it faded. It was over. Lain laid there now, almost dead, his body almost unrecognizable with all the burned tissue and hunks of flesh that were simply torn away. The dragoness didn't exactly fare much better. Her formerly glistening blue scales were now almost entirely covered in blood and carbon. Huge chunks of flesh also torn and ripped away. Her large bloody ribcage now somewhat exposed. The whole cave smelled like a steakhouse. And yet, she was still breathing, but only just. As she weakly clenched and unclenched one of her paws, she said nothing at first but merely looked on.

"Hundreds of years have I been here... Countless men and women have fallen to me. Served me. Been destroyed by me... And now... It's over... Now I am the one that is powerless... And I hate it... But sooner or later... Our dreams have to end."

She shuddered but soon closed her eyes now for good, her breathing stopped. It was done.

--Arnox fails to affect Aizen with her Stare spell. Arnox has no survival rolls left. Lain hits Gauche for 4 damage. Gauche has 21 HP left. Carmin hits both Arnox and Lain for 86 HP and 38 HP respectively. Arnox and Lain are defeated.

Game Set--


So, I gotta be an asshole here and give Aizen a temporary title here only. I just... Don't think it's fair to the others that they had to risk everything while Aizen does a face-heel turn and still gets to make away with the goods. Sorry Gaijin. Please don't be mad. I'll also give anderson a temporary title too, just for sticking to his guns. Both your titles will expire in a month, but can be regained for good when the next forum game comes up! Houseman and Gauche will get permanent titles though for sure. I'll PM you all right after this post to see what you want.

Thank you as well to you all for playing this. It was truly exciting and I hope that you all had a good time as well. <3 After this, I might write an epilogue and give some comments on the game now.

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