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Sanctuary Forum Game #3: Your Greatest Sins

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Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
Having suffered grievous harm in an unforeseen attack, Hrolf, almost unconsciously, casts Steel Will to lessen the future severity of the danger he finds himself in. Groggily shaking his head to clear up the worst of the brain-fog, he chastises himself that he didn't consider the flunkies above being more than just squatters and looters. Obvious in hindsight, of course.


Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
Vale jumps into the portal after the man, he knows its his best chance to get to where he wants.


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Aizen takes a look around the room whilst thinking about whether to head further up the stairs, before deciding to follow vale through the portal. Having stepped through the portal, he decided to step back and observe the unfolding scene before him for the time being.


420 Compliance Agent
Sanctuary legend
Man Behind The Curtain
Lumpy gives Vale a high five, and shouts out, “You da man!!!”
Signaling he’s going to follow Vale and have his back.


Sanctuary legend
Jude notes the new arrivals.

"So, like I was saying about the werewolf thing. Did you all cure your lycanthropy, or..."


Staff member
Jude notes the new arrivals.

"So, like I was saying about the werewolf thing. Did you all cure your lycanthropy, or..."
(Probably not the best time at the moment to ask that question. lol I'll just say this. If they were infected, you would have known by now.)
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Staff member
Turn 14 (cont.)

The general panted a bit and crouched to the ground temporarily to recover his strength after having unleashed such a blast of power upon Hrolf so suddenly. And as he did so, the three people he was talking to began to rush out of his own portal that he forgot to close, with two of them looking about ready to spill blood with Aizen strangely stepping out of the portal and then stepping to the side to silently watch. He slowly began to regret rushing in as he did. But then, if he didn't, he would have then had to deal with a very pissed off Kara, and he certainly did not want to deal with that today. Or ever. Still though, the odds were clearly not in his favor at all. Then, Azazel began to speak out again in that loud, smooth, cold voice indicative of Kara's control as he readied an icey blast in his hands.

"Ooooh, that was pretty good. Did you hurt yourself running, tool?"

And then the attacks started. Vale's dark arrow flashed from his bow to impale itself into the general, or it would, but it seemed to crash and impale itself on a shield around the general. After such, that lumbering monkey ran over and started throwing fists at a speedy rate, smashing down on that same shield, and Jude, following Azazel's lead, came in for a hearty sword slash to the shield as well. The impacts were definitely weakening it, but it still held strong. As this was happening, Hrolf put his Steel Will upon himself almost purely by instinct as he slowly got up and got himself ready for whatever he needed to do.

Vale shoots a Dark Arrow at the general and hits. General now has 58 HP. Lumpy melee strikes the general. General now has 53 HP. Jude slices the general with his longsword. General is now at 46 HP. Hrolf now has Steel Will and is invincible to all actives and passives for this turn and the next.


Sanctuary legend
Jude speaks to Azazel "Hey, if you want me to do something specific, let me know. You're the prophet, after all"

Jude keeps attacking until he hears otherwise.


Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
Vale thinks to himself that attacking the general recklessly might not be a good choice here, he decides to wait and see and prepares a counterattack.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
Still not sure what's going on, Hrolf tries to sneak around to where Aizen is and ask him to illuminate the situation. "Our last encounter might not have been on the best of turns, but the enemy of my enemy, is you."


Staff member
Turn 15

As Hrolf pulls away from the combat and begins to talk to Aizen to try to find out what the hell is going on, Jude makes his allegiance to Azazel clear. "If you want me to do something specific, let me know. You're the prophet, after all!"

Once recharged, the general immediately got up and lashed out telekinetically at Jude, Vale, and Lumpy, but whether it was because they were just ready for him, or because the general panicked, they were able to dodge all three telekinetic grabs. With Lumpy continuing to pound away faithfully at that shield, Azazel looked to Jude and then at the general, the icey blast that he was charging in his hands now fading away. Then, a woman's voice sounded in Jude's mind.

"I will take care of the general. Run to the sword, and pull it from the ground, exerting all your will upon it."

Right after this, Azazel yelled out as he unleashed a massive telekinetic wave, smacking the general away to the wall. With that, Jude ran to the sword and grabbed it, pulling at it and straining to get the metal out of the ice. The flow of red magic began to quicken again. More and more. Then, finally...

It was done.

Right as the sword came out with a SHINGGGG, the imprisoning spell contracted into itself somewhat and then blasted apart, knocking everyone who was standing to their knees, dazed, and of course, releasing its prisoner. Kara collapsed down to the ground. Unmoving at first before slowly getting up. The general could only watch in horror as his life's dedication came apart before his eyes. And as Kara rose to her full stature and looked out soberly upon them all, the general knew...

It was done.


HP: 20​

Passive: Solidity
Kara's HP cannot be lowered by any active or passive barring specific incredibly special and rare abilities that explicitly allow the bypassing of Solidity. Age and time also does not affect Kara in any negative way.
Passive: Serenity
Any condition put upon Kara whatsoever such as a stun has at least a 50% chance to fail. If the condition seems to succeed on the first roll, it must, then, be rerolled and also succeed on the second roll or else it has no effect.

Active: Summon Steel
Kara can convert any inert lifeless matter in a 1,000 foot radius around her into a special shiny blueish non-corroding steel taking any shape she desires it to. Further, once the kind of steel she controls is in her hands, the steel can be reinforced once per turn as a free action to not ever break as long as she's holding it.
Active: Steel Superiority
For any steel that Kara summons, Kara has full telekinetic control of it as long as it is within a 500 foot radius around her.
Active: Sun Siphon
Allows Kara to siphon the heat in a room away into her body, causing 5 damage per turn in a 100 foot radius. Over long periods of time, the weather in a region will also change and become wintery if it is not magically maintained to avoid this.
Active: Strength
Kara melee strikes the target twice for 8 damage per hit. If a sword is in her hand, her melee strikes will do 12 damage per hit.

Kara looked grimly upon the general now as a bluish grey steel sword was formed within the grip of her right hand.

"Do you have ANYTHING to say on your behalf before I destroy you?"

The general began to get up as well and dust himself off.

"Funny... I kinda always wanted to ask you the same thing. But regardless, I will not be judged by you. Not here. Not today."

Kara raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? Not today then? Well, I'm going to have a very busy schedule, so I'm not gonna have time to work your death in later. I guess today will just have to do."

Then she began to walk toward him, smiling. Or she was, before the general smiled as well.

"Fuck you, Kara."

Then, he quickly portaled to another room in the castle, and shut the portal down after he went in. Kara paused then with wide eyes then let out a scream in frustration as she jammed the sword into the blue ice-covered ground. Then, she looked up, her eyes now glowing bright blue, her arms raised with the castle trembling heavily now. It was clear she was changing and morphing the steel of the castle somewhere else in order to trap him in, but then, the trembling ceased and she lowered her arms and head and sighed.

"Well... Looks like I must deal with that later..."

She then raised her head and looked around her a bit.

"I'm sorry for the abruptness. I don't think I've been formally introduced to anyone here except Azazel."

At this time though, Azazel was sitting with his back to a wall with his eyes closed, biting his lip and not answering, wondering about the implications of what he'd done, or more appropriately, what he has allowed to happen.

The general uses Mass Telekinesis on Jude, Vale, and Lumpy, but rolls a 1 with a d2 for all characters targeted. Lumpy melee strikes the general. General is now at 41 HP. Azazel cancels his prepared icey spell and instead uses Telekinesis on the general. General is knocked aside and stunned for two rounds. Jude pulls out the sword and fully unbinds Kara. The general portals himself to another part of the castle then uses another portal device within another room in the Castle, going to an entirely different unknown region of the continent.

Combat has now ended at this time as Kara wishes no one else any harm. Anyone can choose to challenge Kara if they really really wish to, but with Kara's abilities and the character's abilities taken into consideration, it's gonna be assured death. Assuming no one is challenging Kara, it will be a Game Set on the next turn and the epilogue will then be written. If you wish to ask any questions of Kara, make all of them known in a post for the next turn. If you have anything you want your character to do besides combat, also post that as well.
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Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
Vale looks a the woman and he can sense her otherworldly power, his instincts tell him this might be the person he has been looking for. However proud as he is he can tell it would not even be a match, the woman at the moment seems to be impervious, it would be pointless to launch an attack against what is basically a wall. He decides to wait and approaches her cautiously, he asks her "Who are you? Are you the real master of this place? I can tell you are nothing like that man who just ran away, your power is different."


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
Feeling no hostility from the woman, though great power, Hrolf approaches her to hear any answers to Vale's questions. Perhaps interjecting his own when if, and as needed. Only once looking back to the stairs, to see if the path is clear. Because, you never know, and it doesn't hurt to have a contingency plan. Truth is too precious to risk death. Can't work a tongue, ears, and eyes, when dead.


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Aizen decides to leave the basement, proceed up the many sets of stairs and return to the room where he initially walked through the portal, and then proceeds to take a nap in the bed.


Staff member
Turn 16 (END)

Jude looked soberly at Kara as she walked over to them before kneeling before her, presenting the sapphire-and-steel sword to the woman.

"I hereby pledge my eternal loyalty to you from this time forward."

Kara blinked as she was taken aback somewhat by this sudden pledge of loyalty, but she then nodded to him and accepted her sword from him.

"I greatly appreciate this, hunter. You may follow me if you wish it, though perhaps you should first see my future actions before you commit to serving me for all time. After all, eternity is a very long time. I should know."

She smiled a little as she laid her hand gently on Jude's shoulder before nodding again and passing on to now stand before Lumpy as she conjured up a beautiful blueish steel sheath at her side to slide the sword into. But Lumpy had found a nice clear spot in the room and was already asleep and snoring hard.

"What an interesting character," she murmured before she moved on to Vale and looked upon him. Vale looked to the side for a second as if a little unsure of things, but then looked back at her and spoke.

"Who are you? Are you the real master of this place? I can tell you are nothing like that man who just ran away, your power is different."

Kara nodded as well and spoke gravely.

"I am indeed the true and rightful master of this Castle. I built it with my own magic and my own steel, and it was mine entirely for hundreds of years before... My sister came to tear it away from me. Like she tore away the rest of my life... "

She sighed as she turned in her place a little and raised her arm, forcing a steel chair to rise straight up from the ground before she sat down onto it in front of Vale and continued her explanation. Jude and Hrolf both came near to listen.

"I do not know how much you wish to hear of this very long story, but I will try to be brief and give you the main points of it. And to make it short, I was there before Aria became its own state entirely alongside my sister Kraos. Back then, the world was full of incredibly powerful magic. Dangerous creatures. Even more dangerous people... You had to be incredibly strong to survive. And lucky. We were both some of those lucky ones."

"Our father was a powerful mage who took us both in when we were both very young after our mother died in an assault on the city we lived in by an enemy force. And were it not for his power and resources, our father's abode would have fallen to the ravages of the world like all the rest. We would have fallen. But we both had a chance to not just live, but to thrive. We put our father's considerably vast resources to use to learn everything we could and to gain in power. And it turned out we had a talent for it unlike anyone else. Again, we were only lucky."

"Kraos branched out into so many fields. She could learn many, many different subjects at a time and she loved to explore all the different boundaries and peculiarities of magic. I, though... I was much more focused with my studies. I explored how magic interacted with this universe. How the very atoms of this world were put together and what exactly they were made with. What magic was composed of. It took over 100 years of study. I wanted to know the truth of it all. Every single bit of it. And to put it shortly, after such a long time, I was finally successful, and I had achieved something even my sister couldn't quite understand."

Kara smiled then.

"But... I will not explain further with this. A woman has to have her secrets after all. Sufficeth it to say that I was able to bind myself and merge with the very fabric of reality. I became utterly immortal. Invincible. Nothing could pierce my flesh. Age did not affect me any longer. I was and still am now a permanent fixture in this world."

"As to Kraos, she had a different breakthrough. She could change things. Although she never could figure out how to get past my invincibility, she found quite a few other things. She also found her own way of stopping all aging, though her process was different from mine. And the raw power she could wield... It absolutely dwarfed mine. She could bath a mile of land in fire with a snap of her hand. And she knew so much. To this day, I could not tell you how she memorized all of what she had."

"Time passed, and with this kind of power, we couldn't stand by any longer when we saw our people killed, burned, eaten, controlled... It was too much. Our father asked us not to step in, and Kraos was hesitant, but I convinced her of reigning in this chaos. I saw it as our natural responsibility. And so, we went to war. And we seized control. Some of the different tribes and groups around us rebelled, but it wasn't long at all before they too fell to us and bowed to our rule."

"And then, finally, things began to become peaceful. The warring stopped. We eased our hold on the kingdoms a little and were beginning to become enthusiastic about giving our father the right of rule as we thought with his kind and gentle disposition, he would be a far better steward of it all in peace than we were, and we also got him to agree to this. We felt we were only thuggish enforcers and weren't good for civil rule, having only known so much conflict and the use of magical power and military might to resolve everything. And of course, that doesn't really work in peacetime."

"The cracks began to show only a year into my father's rule. It seemed that the numerous kingdoms weren't quite rid of their warring tendencies and began to revert back to the old ways. Peace talks began to do less and less. We felt it was finally time to step in again, but this time, father absolutely forbade it... And no matter how much we begged and pleaded for him to send us out to take care of it, he wouldn't allow it. He said he had seen enough bloodshed from both of us to last twenty lifetimes. At this point, it seemed to me and Kraos that those twenty lifetimes didn't look to be enough."

"Nevertheless, Kraos supported her father's wishes in the end. I slowly began to hate her and my father for it as I saw more of the same chaos and misery that had so marked our childhoods. Aria was beginning to dissolve ever more, and there were many nights where I had cried upon my bed and cursed anyone and everyone I could as I witnessed it all. And like before, it was too much. I couldn't stand for it any longer. I told Kraos of what I intended to do, and she, of course, tried desperately to talk me out of it, but I wouldn't listen to her and gave her an ultimatum. That she would either help me once more or stay out of my way in this. And then...

Kara was silent for a while as she stared down at the icy ground, her expression still.

"I killed my father." She shook her head and looked up at them again.

"There wasn't really much he could have done about it. He was outclassed, plain and simple. There was no way for any person to kill me or even harm me. But then, I don't think he would have done so anyway, even if he could. Kraos tried to stop me, but she also couldn't touch me. I did what I needed to do... It didn't stop there though. I portaled to many places. Went to every ruler of the separate kingdoms of Aria and made a brutal example of anyone who would not bow to the rightful rule of Aria. For the more brutal rulers, I didn't even allow them to talk. I just slaughtered them and threw their bodies into the streets and made sure every single person saw me do it."

"Once I was done and my bloody message to the kingdoms was delivered, I went to the north and stayed here with some of those who supported me and fought with me. Kraos wasn't far behind. Only just a few days out. I had already been forced to kill my father, I didn't want to have to kill my own twin sister too, but of course, she wouldn't listen to me. Not anymore. And so, she came here. Her armies fought with mine. I fought with her. But once again, she couldn't stop me. Couldn't kill me. Couldn't even scratch me. But then she did something I had no knowledge of and also wouldn't think my sister would have done in the first place anyway.

She sacrificed so much of her power to use an imprisonment spell upon me, and before I knew it, I fell into ceaseless sleep and was bound here. And there I sat in the worlds I dreamed, knowing down to the fiber of my being that everything about them was untrue and false, but not being able to do anything at all about it. Never being able to wake up or even sense something from the real world. And there I lay in the dreams for an amount of time I would much rather not think about... But finally, someone had managed to slay Kraos, and then I could finally reach out with my mind to the outside world again. It wasn't much at all and the imprisonment spell kept me bound up well, but I could still do small things with my mind with this new freedom."

"Which brings us," she spread her hands and smiled up at Vale, "to now."

Kara then looked around her and, spotting Azazel still sitting the corner, she got up and went over to him and knelt down to his level, laying her hand on his shoulder.

"You didn't unleash a monster. Do not worry. I will prove to you that I am better than that."

She got up then and looked around once more.

"You know... I do recall there being a sixth member of your party. I know him through Azazel's mind to be Aizen, one of those who slew Kraos. But it seems... He has gone?"

Kara began to explore the Castle, looking for Aizen, but it wasn't long at all before she found him sleeping in her bed. She smiled at this and said something quietly to herself.

"Definitely one used to the sidelines. But maybe one day, you will learn to choose."

She then silently left him where he was and, with one last look at him, closed the door.

Game Set


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