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Sanctuary Forum Game #1: Your Deepest Desires

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Staff member
How does the mimic attack work? Do I need to be hit first? Can I "use" it now, and then instantly return fire with whatever I'm hit with, when that happens?

Or does it only work after I take damage?

If I can use it now, I'll do that.

If I can't, I'll throw a fireball at one of them.
You need to be hit first. So I'm assuming you wish to use Conjure Fire as a preparation attack? Or just use it immediately?


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
I'm going to Longsword slice this unholy abomination, stabby stabby time


Sanctuary legend
You need to be hit first. So I'm assuming you wish to use Conjure Fire as a preparation attack? Or just use it immediately?
Yeah, use it immediately on either of them (assuming there are two)


Staff member
Turn 6
gaijinkaiju/Houseman: Carmin decided on a quick surprise fire attack to the one in front of him (Surana), while Aizen attacked the other with a decisive slash of her sword (Erevar). The sword hit true, ripping a nasty gash right through the thief's paltry armor, but as the thief staggered a bit from the bloody impact, he soon laughed and pounced upon the Hunter, plunging a dagger into her armored shoulder. Carmin fared better but not by much. His fire began to sear the woman's skin but she, too, grinned malevolently as she tossed a fiery counterattack at Carmin, which thankfully missed. The rest of the group though seemed merely content to watch, as if it was a fun show.

--Carmin hits Surana for 3 HP. Surana has 5 HP left. Aizen hits Erevar for 7 damage. Erevar has 1 HP left.--
--Erevar hits Aizen for 3 damage. Aizen has 17 HP left.--

Gauche/andersonnnunes: You both enter into the forest now as well and are greeted by the same hooded male figure blocking the path. You can hear what seems like the beginning but distant sounds of battle. Shouts, fire, and metal ringing on metal. Then he speaks. "Your friends are going to be crushed soon for their sin of hubris. And now I'm going to offer you the same deal they refused... " He pulled out the red gem, offering it one more time to you both. But you also soon here the sound of feet gently crushing leaves underfoot behind you. You both turn quickly and see two different persons. Both male. One with a longsword, one with an axe. Both with glowing blue eyes. "Or do I have to make examples out of you both too?", the hooded man says ominously behind you.

--Again, you can accept with the same conditions as before, if not though, then choose the ability you wish to attack with on your next post. You're both in battle now.--


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
I don't take kindly to being hit, I'll melee this time


Arch Disciple
Fucken die Riva

Your mom didn't want you
Your dad doesn't know you exist
Your lover died cursing your name

I've killed you three times before
How the fuck did you even end up here?


Dagger of Light

Get bandcamp embeds working - need my fighting music otherwise rng jesus shuns me
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Staff member
Get bandcamp embeds working - need my fighting music otherwise rng jesus shuns me
Done. We now have Bandcamp embedding capabilities. Copypasta links in this format: https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/v=2/album={ID number of album here}

I don't know how Bandcamp works at all though and I suspect that currently, this embedding will only work for albums and not individual tracks. BUT it should be an easy fix. Just need a sample URL for singular tracks. (If different.)


Arch Disciple
Done. We now have Bandcamp embedding capabilities. Copypasta links in this format: https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/v=2/album={ID number of album here}

I don't know how Bandcamp works at all though and I suspect that currently, this embedding will only work for albums and not individual tracks. BUT it should be an easy fix. Just need a sample URL for singular tracks. (If different.)
Thanks, got it working but that huge space underneath isn't my doing
Anyway to clean that up? Are some width/height attributes needed or something? Feel free to edit it


Staff member
Turn 7
gaijinkaiju/Houseman: Aizen bitchslaps the blue-eyed thief off her, breaking his neck quickly in the process. But another merely joins the fray, attacking Aizen soon as the thief was smacked off, (Virone, mage) blasting lighting at you and just barely missing as well. Carmin sends another quick wave of fire at Surana, making her scream out in pain, but she soon brings her hand down in a fiery motion to slash at Carmin with magical white hot claws, hitting him and digging easily into his flesh.

--Carmin hits Surana for 3 damage. Surana has 2 HP left. Aizen hits Erevar for 5 damage. Erevar is defeated.--
--Surana hits Carmin for 5 damage. Carmin has 15 HP left. Virone misses Aizen. Aizen still has 17 HP left.--

andersonnnunes/Gauche: As you two attack, the hooded man smiles once more and soon crushes the red gem in his hands, the glassy pieces falling to the forest floor and disappearing entirely. Gauche's eye's shine with steely resolve as he slashes expertly with his prismatic dagger, cutting through Riva in a second, but the warrior yells his defiance and answers with a sword swing, missing as Gauche successfully dodges it. Lain responds equally with his own longsword, tearing through Feari. The warrior powers through it though and swipes at Lain with his axe, hitting him and sending him slamming against the tree.

--Gauche hits Riva for 2 damage. Riva has 6 HP left. Lain hits Feari for 4 damage. Feari has 4 HP left.--
--Riva misses Gauche. Gauche still has 20 HP left. Feari hits Lain for 6 damage. Lain has 44 HP left.--

Thanks, got it working but that huge space underneath isn't my doing
Anyway to clean that up? Are some width/height attributes needed or something? Feel free to edit it
I tried resizing it via code in the admin CP but the stupid window isn't allowing it, so whatever. We'll just have to live with it.


Sanctuary legend
Where's the hooded figure? Are they in range? I look around (looking is a free action, right?)


While recomposing from the impact, Lain uses his blade to poke the body attached to the nearest tree, partially out of curiosity to see if the body would react and partially to taunt the enemy. (assuming Lain traveled far enough to see the bodies)

Then he doubles down with a second Longsword Slice targeting Feari.
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Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Longsword slice , again


Staff member
Where's the hooded figure? Are they in range? I look around (looking is a free action, right?)
You take a quick look around but the hooded man seems to have vanished again into the ether. You may still perform an attack action if you wish.


Staff member
Turn 8
gaijinkaiju/Houseman: Carmin's eyes begin to glow now as well, but a different color as he mimics the same motion by the sorceress and finishes her off with her own magical attack, the mage collapsing completely now before him, sizzling. And yet another blue-eyed person joins the fight (Creila, thief) slashing her dagger ferociously at him but thankfully missing both times. Aizen throws a perfect swipe at Virone, cleaning cutting off his left arm and making the mage stumble back and scream in pain, before he answered with startling speed and ferocity, hitting Aizen with a retaliatory ball of lightning. The smell of carbon was heavy in the air, and small fires burned on some of the trees and the ground, the battle showing no signs of stopping but instead picking up more and more.

--Carmin hits Surana for 5 damage. Surana is defeated. Aizen hits Virone for 7 damage. Virone has 1 HP left.--
--Creila misses Carmin twice. Carmin still has 15 HP left. Virone hits Aizen for 5. Aizen has 12 HP left.--

andersonnnunes/Gauche: Gauche once again hits with his inescapable dagger, this time severing a major artery of Riva's, blood pooling on the ground, but soon, Riva's metallic blade whistles through the air, catching Gauche off guard and tearing through his leg. Next to him, Lain finished off the hulking warrior with a stab of his own longsword, impaling him and killing him, the blue light fading out of his eyes. Like clockwork though a small man (Zermi, thief) joins. Lain manages to narrowly dodge the first strike, but the second one hit true, the small blade sinking beneath Lain's skin into his arm some. Would this onslaught EVER end? It seems like a damn nightmare.

--Gauche hits Riva for 2 damage. Riva has 4 HP left. Lain hits Feari for 4 damage. Feari is defeated.--
--Riva hits Gauche for 6 damage. Gauche has 14 HP left. Zermi misses Lain once but hits him the second time for 3 damage. Lain has 41 HP left.--
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Sanctuary legend
What happens if I get hit with a knife and then use mimic? Do I summon a knife to use just for that one attack? Just wondering...

Anyway, here's fireball

I change my mind, and attack myself with Conjure Fire, just to see what would happen
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Staff member
What happens if I get hit with a knife and then use mimic? Do I summon a knife to use just for that one attack? Just wondering...

Anyway, here's fireball
Pretty much. Also remember that your other charged magical attacks have different effects.


Sanctuary legend
I change my mind, and attack myself with Conjure Fire, just to see what would happen
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