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Monster Monpiece - Illustrator & Flavor Text List


Arch Disciple


NameIllustratorFlavor Text
Red DragonE-ji KomatsuB: 74 cm W: 56 cm H: 80 cm

An inveterate perfectionist with a
short fuse, woe to any who don't
meet her ideals or see her slip-up.
Despite this, she has a caring soul.
OrochiUniB: 85 cm W: 58cm H: 81cm

Tough, simple-minded, and combative.
She used to drink a lot, but
has kicked her old habit.
QinglongKouji OgataB: 73 cm W: 52 cm H: 74 cm

Protective and caring like an older
sister. She's really self-confident,
which makes her impossible to
control once she's on tilt. Run.
OuroborosTokoB: 87 cm W: 58 cm H: 91 cm

Is aggressive or patient, depending
on what the situation needs. This
makes her a natural leader.
She's also good with her hands.
WyvernTerumiiB: 70 cm W: 55 cm H: 95 cm

Her belligerent and cocky traits
combined with her reckless behavior
get her into many scrapes.
She's also proud of her long tail.
LamiaYoshikadu TadimaB: 90 cm W: 58 cm H: 95 cm

Loves kids, but doesn't quite know
how to interact with them.
Very quiet, but good at whistling.
TiamatYasuyukiB: 78 cm W: 55 cm H: 80 cm

Easygoing and docile...until
she's hit her limit. Once she
snaps, you should duck and cover.
NagaUta IsakiB: 83 cm W: 54 cm H: 85 cm

An emotional powderkeg, but also
responsible and diligent. Where she
goes, rain follows.
Don't forget your umbrella!
BasiliskEbisu DaikanyamaB: 93 cm W: 56 cm H: 86 cm

She is provocative and powerful.
She's quite a skilled intimidator,
but at heart she's very much a
girly-girl. ...Or maybe not.
Sea SerpentAraigumaB: 88 cm W: 55 H: 88

Extremely reclusive. In fact, she
is so rarely seen, they call her an
”unidentified monster”.
”Ummm, I'm r-right here...”
HydraKazuharu KinaB: 87 cm W: 57 cm H: 85 cm

Outwardly, she's known for having a
sharp tongue, but she desperately
craves companionship.
FafnirMiyabi FujiedaB: 88 cm W: 55 cm H: 84 cm

Hates losing, so she'll resort to
underhanded tactics to win...
Which she'll immediately regret.
Aside from that, she's quite nice.
LadonTokoB: 7B: 73 cm W: 53 cm H: 80 cm

She is well known both for finishing
any tasks she's assigned, and being
crazy for apples.
BahamutHIDEYUKI TAKENAMIB: 50 cm W: 46 cm H: 59 cm

Tiny now, but she's supposed to hit
a growth spurt. She's convinced
herself that she'll grow to
have supermodel proportions...
HuanglongJyuu AyakuraB: 82 cm W: 57 cm h: 86 cm

Because of her inordinate good luck,
she often looks down on others,
however, she can also be quite
childish and friendly.
GoblinSorimura YoujiB: 62 cm W: 51 cm H: 63 cm

She is mischievous, and loves
playing tricks on people, however,
she doesn't like to think too hard,
which limits her trick repertoire.
OrcMizukiB: 100 cm W: 67 cm H: 93 cm

She might be viewed as tough and
brusque, but she's actually very
sensitive and kindhearted...
according to her.
Troll88B: 73 cm W: 56 cm H: 75 cm

People think she's inflexible
because of her tendency to see
things in black and white. Kind to
those she likes, brutal to others.
OgreKazuhiro TanedaB: 86 cm W: 59 cm H: 85 cm

Her lack of words and vicious
fighting style make others think
she's cruel, but, she's actually
just simple-minded.
MinotaurMotaB: 81 cm W: 57 cm H: 88 cm

A claustrophobe who's always picking
fights. She drinks milk incessantly,
as this gives her the protein she
needs to be strong!
CyclopsTokoB: 90 cm W: 65 cm H: 87 cm

Sexy, cool, and cute. She's a wizard
in the alchemy lab, and a looker
to boot!
CentaurHisanari MinamotoB: 73 cm W: 55 cm H: 230 cm

Her age is unknown, but everyone
suspects that she's a bit older.
Her two biggest loves are alcohol
and the ladies.
SatyrosEma]johnB: 95 cm W: 60 cm H: 90 cm

She loves music and dance and is
thought of as bold and daring, but
she's actually painfully shy.
This pose is pushing it for her.
YetiKuuchuuyousaiB: 84 cm W: 56 cm H: 84 cm

Her love of cold weather often gets
her mistaken for an unidentified
creature when she's spotted playing
in the snowy mountains.
KoboldBomiB: 61 cm W: 49 cm H: 65 cm

Loves to help others, and receive
gratitude for her help. However,
if you don't show gratitude,
she'll get payback.
Aka OniMATRA MILANB: 89 cm W: 53 cm H: 92 cm

Standoffish and cold until she gets
to know you, but once she's your
friend, she'll do anything to
protect you.
TenguBakutendouB: 78 cm W: 55 cm H: 82 cm

Scatter-brained and whimsical.
Her entire life is a series of
spur-of-the-moment decisions.
Her dream is to fly really high.
Lizard ManPatriciaB: 80 cm W: 52 cm H: 77 cm

She is pure, just, and passionately
hates evil. You don't want to be
on her bad side. If you are, you
can possibly tame her with sweets.
TitanKatsuyuki HiranoB: 89 cm W: 59 cm H: 86 cm

She is calm and very tough to anger,
but once you push her beyond her
limits, it is impossible to calm
her down.
NeptuneTsunakoB: 73 cm W: 54 cm H: 76 cm

A hyperactive troublemaker who falls
from the sky. In her goddess form
she turns into Purple Heart.
Loves pudding and video games.
Purple HeartTsunakoB: 73 cm W: 54 cm H: 76 cm

A hyperactive troublemaker who falls
from the sky. In her goddess form
she turns into Purple Heart.
Loves pudding and video games.
ThorKatsuyuki HiranoB: 89 cm W: 59 cm H: 86 cm

She's so powerful, yet so merciful
to the weak. Doesn't even flinch
when she hits her toes on furniture.
That's how powerful she is!
UnicornYumehito UedaB: 87 cm W: 56 cm H: 88 cm

Outwardly, she seems to be very
easygoing, but her real persona is
quite vicious. Fortunately, she's
usually too lazy to get worked up.
CerberusE-ii KomatsuB: 64 cm W: 54 cm H: 67 cm

All she needs to stay happy are
beautiful music and delicious sweets.
Maybe that's why she's always
trying to bite everything.
Baihu88B: 94 cm W: 58 cm H: 82 cm

She's responsible and serious, but
also a jokester. Her best feature
is her pale, flawless skin, and
skin care is her hobby.
FenrirFukahireB: 80 cm W: 57 cm H: 76 cm

A fierce competitor and a bit of
a tomboy, her hobby is running
around. She's easygoing and takes
care of her friends.
FearFukahireB: 80 cm W: 54 cm H: 76 cm

May's super-direct buddy. She's
quite strong and really energetic.
Loves her comrades, battling, and
ChimeraGinB: 73 cm W: 53 cm H: 80 cm

She loves any food that is hot, but
not if it's too hot, which causes
her problems. She also likes to talk
to her tail.
SphinxSeiji MatsuyamaB: 130 cm W: 63 cm H: 90 cm

On the surface, she seems flighty,
but she's very good about keeping
her words. She spends her time
solving puzzles and playing games.
KamaitachiYasuyukiB: 71 cm W: 54 cm H: 76 cm

She is very sincere and polite,
though, secretly she'd like to be
more frank. Unfortunately, she
doesn't know how to change.
ManticoreHitoshi DoiB: 88 cm W: 60 cm H: 89 cm

It seems like she's always eating,
and always eating something huge!
In actuality, she spends a lot of
time burning off the food she eats.
RaijuTsumiki.B: 75 cm W: 56 cm H: 79 cm

She's sleeping when it's sunny
and active when it's raining.
Details aren't important to her,
unless you're talking about corn.
KyuubiShoutarou TanakaB: 84 cm W: 56 cm H: 85 cm

Wild and free, she knows exactly
what she likes and dislikes. She's
fond of seduction and is fiercely
loyal to her friends.
NekomataMikako MikakiB: 80 cm W: 54 cm H: 77 cm

Her two greatest loves are
narcissism and cosplay. Obviously,
narcissism is first.
GrizzlyTeru NatsukiB: 86 cm W: 56 cm H: 84 cm

Despite her frail looks and her
reclusiveness, she is quite strong.
If she's angry, you'd better get to
a safe distance!
Humbaba88B: 83 cm W: 55 cm H: 79 cm

She's a kindhearted nature lover,
but because of her eyes, people
think she's angry. To change this,
she practices smiling every day.
PegasusNankotsu MisakuraB: 90 cm W: 56 cm H: 93 cm

Typically pure and gentle, but
she's ready to mix it up whenever
the situation calls for it.
Quite proud of her tail.
HarpyYoshikadu TadimaB: 91 cm W: 54 cm H: 180 cm

Her motto is, ”As long as you have
passion, you can do anything!”
She loves to eat, so maybe it
should be, “food and passion”.
PhoenixMotoyuki NakajimaB: 61 cm W: 48 cm H: 65 cm

This self-titled “eternal beauty”
loves yakitori and can be
irresponsible sometimes. She's
serious when it counts, though.
ZhuqueRco WadaB: 85 cm W: 55 cm H: 84 cm

She is inscrutable, free-spirited,
and keeps to herself. If you see
her in public, consider it your
lucky day!
GriffinTokoB: 87 cm W: 57 cm H: 84 cm

The perfect lady; intelligent,
polite, and forgiving. She makes
minor mistakes sometimes, but that
just adds to her charm!
GarudaSiroB: 70 cm W: 58 cm H: 75 cm

She loves to serve others, but can
sometimes go overboard. She means
well, though, so take it in stride!
CockatriceMotoyuki NakajimaB: 82 cm W: 54 cm H: 85 cm

She's a tiny, spoiled, birdie-girl.
Somehow she convinces everyone to
overlook her selfish ways.
Don't get on her bad side!
RocMiyabi FujiedaB: 76 cm W: 56 cm H: 79 cm

Despite her shy, waifish looks, she
eats a lot and is very athletic.
Word on the street is that she'll
laugh at bad jokes...
ThunderbirdKomakoB: 91 cm W: 60 cm H: 80 cm

Seems selfish, but in actuality,
she's compelled to help when she
sees someone in need. She's kind
and sweet once you get to know her.
YatagarasuMATRA MILANB: 87 cm W: 56 cm H: 84 cm

She doesn't speak much, but that's
not because she's being frosty. She
likes guiding others, and enjoying
the few rays her skin can bear.
Mau SibauMotoyuki NakajimaB: 60 cm W: 49 cm H: 61 cm

A dyed-in-the-wool dreamer, she
loves to fall in love. Sadly, she
often crushes the hearts of those
who fall in love with her. Beware!
PerytonHisanari MinamotoB: 83 cm W: 54 cm H: 84 cm

She has the worst sense of
direction, so she attacks others for
navigation help. She could ask,
but she's shy...
Snow OwlEvemoinaB: 94 cm W: 61 cm H: 94 cm

Part of the 1%...as in, she's so
lazy, she'll only finish her job
1% of the time. Try not to be
too disappointed in her, though.
DodoTokoB: 84 cm W: 55 cm H: 86 cm

A calm soul that doesn't like wars.
She's so calm, in fact, she takes
centuries to do anything.
Usually her luck or friends help.
FenghuangE-ji KomatsuB: 83 cm W: 57 cm H: 80 cm

Shows her pride by maintaining her
looks and staying clean. She enjoys
clean air and water. She's skittish,
but if you see her, you'll be lucky!
FairyCaskabe AkiraB: 80 cm W: 55 cm H: 82 cm

She's fond of dancing and playing
tricks. Her nemesis is boredom.
Her favorite foods are milk and
ElfKanami SakuraB: 77 cm W: 53 cm H: 78 cm

She's a very kind nature lover whose
intellect attracts those seeking
knowledge. She's horrible with
romantic topics.
SalamanderTatumi KumatoraB: 87 cm W: 56 cm H: 85 cm

A straight-shooter who won't
hesitate to tell anyone what she
thinks. She claims to like hot weather,
but she gets hot rather quickly.
UndineHiroyukiB: 90 cm W: 54 cm H: 87 cm

She's kind and considerate, but
terrible at relationships. If her
partner cheats on her, she'll hold
that grudge until the end of time.
SylphMana MitsuiB: 93 cm W: 55 cm H: 89 cm

Curious, aloof, and loves to gossip.
That's pretty much her. She also
loves high places, so check
mountaintops for her.
GnomeBakutendouB: 83 cm W: 53 cm H: 75 cm

She's good with her hands and
enjoys crafting. She often smiles,
and her smiles radiant happiness.
Dark ElfBomiB: 92 cm W: 56 cm H: 90 cm

People constantly comparing her
to an elf has warped her personality
3 bit. She'll always blush when
she's complimented.
PixieKomomo HimenoB: 76 cm W: 56 cm H: 80 cm

She enjoys helping others and
playing tricks on people.
Oftentimes, she'll try to trick
someone, but end up helping instead.
KoropokkuruNellyB: 80 cm W: 53 cm H: 79 cm

She's cheerful, open-minded, and
terribly shy. If you coerce her to
go out in public she'll hate you
for it!
Jack FrostKarateka ValueB: 125 cm W: 65 cm H: 128 cm

She acts like a child, but dismiss
her at your own risk. She is fond
of playing pranks and cold weather.
Cait SithEvemoinaB: 89 cm W: 54 cm H: 85 cm

An intelligent, aggressive tomboy
who demands to be treated with
respect and courtesy.
BrownieRuki AsunaB: 61 cm W: 49 cm H: 62 cm

Quite modest and conservative, the
implications that come with an
expensive gift will drive her
GremlinSorimura YoujiB: 62 cm W: 50 cm H: 65 cm

If her rampant imagination has led
her to believe that you look down on
her, she'll get back at you for it.
Gum will make her happy.
TitaniaMotaB: 52 cm W: 45 cm H: 60 cm

She seems like a snob, but she's
just assertive. She protects the
weak, but needs protection from
her own bad taste in men...
DryadYuuki TakanaB: 84 cm W: 53 cm H: 85 cm

She's partial to trees and flora, as
a result, she shies away from
people. When she falls for a man,
her aggression scares them off.
MatangonamoB: 74 cm W: 53 cm H: 75 cm

Calculating and logical, her way of
doing things often leaves people
feeling hurt, though her actions
had no ill intent.
Sand WormTakeB: 93 cm W: 58 cm H: 89 cm

She keeps to herself so much that
all anyone knows about her is that
she is angrily private, and loves
sand baths.
Man EaterKazuharu KinaB: 82 cm W: 53 cm H: 85 cm

Her voracious appetite leads others
to crack jokes about her eating
humans. Said she'd never eat a human
raw, but that's not reassuring...
AlrauneEmaljohnB: 96 cm W: 62 cm H: 93 cm

A wine-loving, dishonesty—hating
walking dictionary. Tell the truth,
or she'll throw the book at you!
HornetKomomo HimenoB: 84 cm W: 54 cm H: 93 cm

She doesn't listen to others, and
when it comes to battle she'll get
extremely aggressive. Loves fall
and hunting.
TarantulaTerumiiB: 93 cm W: 58 cm H: 390 cm

Acts like a mean girl because she
knows others are intimidated, but
she's actually quite kind, so she
forgets to act mean sometimes.
RafflesiaNankotsu MisakuraB: 93 cm W: 56 cm H: 300 cm

75% of the time, she works every
time. The other 25% of the time,
she's lazy. She also acts carefree,
but will keep her word.
Death ScorpionHiroyukiB: 71 cm W: 52 cm H: 74 cm

She's supremely confident in her
abilities in any situation, even
when she doesn't have any backup.
Loves dancing more than eating.
Death MantisChika UedaB: 77 cm W: 55 cm H: 78 cm

Footloose and fancy free. She
doesn't get bogged down in the
details. She loves meat, and tries
to eat humans when she's hungry.
Poison ToadYatsune MifuneB: 81 cm W: 54 cm H: 83 cm

She's smart, though she tends to
space out a lot. She prefers to
work at night, rather than the day.
Giant MothHitoshi DoiB: 83 cm W: 57 cm H: 90 cm

Very reticent, and doesn't show her
emotions, though she's aggressive in
battle. Hates rain and fire.
Killer Ant88B: 86 cm W: 55 cm H: 84 cm

She's honest, hard working, and
charismatic. She won't show her
anger, but she holds grudges...
MandragoraKuuchuuyousaiB: 67 cm W: 53 cm H: 72 cm

She's clumsy, but she's trying to
change. Screams if she is surprised
or threatened.
ZombieEbisu DaikanyamaB: 85 cm W: 55 cm H: 84 cm

Pay no attention to her patchy
outfit. She's very curious, loves,
to read, and is usually quiet.
GhostPatriciaB: 63 cm W: 57 cm H: 70 cm

Loves to scare others by abruptly
moving furniture and plates, though
she hates being scared herself.
DeathFukahireB: 77 cm W: 54 cm H: 78 cm

She just wants to party all the
time, though despite her bubbly
nature, she's quite responsible.
She's afraid of ghosts.
DullahanHitoshi DoiB: 85 cm W: 56 cm H: 86 cm

She's strong-willed and stubborn.
People think she may be trying to
cover her shyness by acting
VampireKanami SakuraB: 65 cm W: 53 cm H: 63 cm

She fantasizes about being lazy,
but her personality won't actually
allow her to be lazy...
Unaffected by the sun.
SkeletonMotoyuki NakajimaB: 61 cm W: 51 cm H: 64 cm

She hates losing to anybody, and is
extremely persistent, so don't make
her angry at you...
Will-o'-the-WispYoshitaka UshikiB: 83 cm W: 55 cm H: 85 cm

Loves making up stories and telling
them. People call her a liar, but
she is just really into her
Jack O' LanternMikeouB: 92 cm W: 56 cm H: 93 cm

Likes jokes and chitchat.
Sometimes her joke is taken
as she is lying. She always helps
lost children. What a nice girl...
MummyMana MitsuiB: 84 cm W: 55 cm H: 85 cm

What she considers normal is way
off kilter compared to everyone
else, and she doesn't care. She
bandages herself, but she's bad at it.
HomonculusYou SakushimaB: 93 cm W: 57 cm H: 84 cm

She's knowledgeable and lazy, and
people often mistake the combination
of the two as her being cold.
She's just an introvert.
BugbearSenmuB: 90 cm W: 56 cm H: 88 cm

Rumor has it that if she makes eye
contact with someone, she'll take
control of them. Maybe that explains
the eye patch.
PhantomYuuki TakanaB: 86 cm W: 55 cm H: 85 cm

She thinks she's upbeat, but she
holds grudges and dwells on the
past. She does have a strong sense
of justice, though.
JiangshiSatomi IchikoB: 79 cm W: 52 cm H: 77 cm

Her facial expressions are hard to
read, so it's tough to read her.
She is quick and good at hopping
DoppelgangerFukahireB: 76 cm W: 56 cm H: 77 cm

She rarely speaks, but she's not
anti-social. She like to laugh at
the funny things other people say,
she just doesn't talk.
WightTatsunori NakamuraB: 81 cm W: 54 cm H: 75 cm

She's proud, arrogant, and emotional.
She must help those who are in need,
no matter what. Hates being called
SlimeShin InohB: 91 cm W: 58 cm H: 88 cm

She's the kind of girl who causes
trouble when she tries to help
because she's super clumsy.
GolemTakeB: 75 cm W: 53 cm H: 80 cm

Has an emotionless tone of voice,
but is quite emotional. She always
cries when she watches an
animal documentary.
XuanwuYoshitaka UshikiB: 81 cm W: 55 cm H: 84 cm

A constant ball of energy who can
make friends with anyone. Her
favorite season is winter because
of the snowball fights.
KrakenSeiji MatsuyamaB: 60 cm W: 50 cm H: 64 cm

Very curious, but when that is
combined with her persistence, it
often annoys others.
SuccubusTatumi KumatoraB: 92 cm W: 54 cm H: 91 cm

She's a diligent introvert who wants
to be more open. She takes walks at
nighttime because she prefers it to
the daytime.
MedusaAraigumaB: 91 cm W: 57 cm H: 96 cm

She's a boundless source of
confidence. She's not arrogant, it's
just that she honestly feels that
she can beat anyone.
GargoyleSiroB: 66 cm W: 54 cm H: 65 cm

She seems gentle, but sometimes
hurts others with her bluntness of
speech. She's nice at heart,
MimicMejiB: 85 cm W: 58 cm H: 89 cm

She loves live-action roleplaying.
She has acting talent and wants to
be an actress. Sometimes she tells
funny jokes.
AngelMizukiB: 78 cm W: 55 cm H: 80 cm

She is a “Class president type” who
hides her weakness, but secretly
hopes to show someone some day.
SirenYumehito UedaB: 95 cm W: 64 cm H: 91 cm

Brutal to her enemies and always
worrying about everything. Some say
her singing voice can seduce others,
but she's just singing for fun.
ImpUta IsakiB: 68 cm W: 51 cm H: 70 cm

Loves to tease others, and play
tricks, but she feels bad if people
get hurt by her tricks. She just
wants to have fun.
KappaHiroyukiB: 82 cm W: 55 cm H: 85 cm

Her greatest loves are cucumbers
and sumo wrestling. If the plate on
her head gets dried she loses her
MarionetteEma]johnB: 83 cm W: 54 cm H: 86 cm

She's easy to boss around, but she
has good self-awareness. She
likes sweets and hates bitter food.
LeviathanCaskabe AkiraB: 97 cm W: 65 cm H: 92 cm

She acts violent and cruel, but
she's just trying to be like her
favorite book characters. She likes
reading and being by the water.
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Staff member
I'm a little confused. Why post this when it seems there's already a...

Nevermind. Looks like there's no wiki for this game. lol


Arch Disciple
I used cheat engine to give myself 99 of every card/item in the game and started searching around to make sure I got them all
Figured this game would of been documented to hell and back but it turns out IGN doesn't even have the complete card list those useless first page result fucks. While a few have documented the card list fully no one bothered with this info - damn nerds only caring about numbers

Anyway, for future readers, yes, the fully nude Fear card is in this version

As an aside, Wikia's are cancer. A web page full of useless tracking scripts they are

Praise be to Capture2Text for making this not a total pain in the ass to do


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
damn nerds only caring about numbers
Says the nerd who only posts one image of a card, and then only flavor texts.
Anyway, for future readers, yes, the fully nude Fear card is in this version
A drawn image can't really be underage. Nor can it be pedophilia.
This isn't photographs of real kids, these are drawn images of fantasy creatures.
Learn the difference.


Arch Disciple
Says the nerd who only posts one image of a card, and then only flavor texts.
Measurements are the only numbers that matter in my card games!

A drawn image can't really be underage. Nor can it be pedophilia.
This isn't photographs of real kids, these are drawn images of fantasy creatures.
Learn the difference.
Though no one finding this thread gets to leave without an accusation



Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
Measurements are the only numbers that matter in my card games!
I didn't notice the waist/hip ..whatever..ratio.
Don't matter that much to me. As long as those numbers aren't too big, or not proportional.

Though no one finding this thread gets to leave without an accusation

Look up Hebephilia and Ephebephilia. Boy are you going to be surprised!
Even the Spell-checker is apparently. Bad Spell-checker, that is NOT the same as pedophilia!


Arch Disciple
Now..Do the same for Monster Monpiece! ,)
(With all the card images) ^^
I brought this over here as it had nothing to do with Neverland and I didn't want to add further images to that thread

Do you want just the card gallery or the whole package of stats in there?
I ask as most cards in that game have 9 different iterations each with their own set of stats/skills but they all share the same 3 art images
Red Dragon for instance also includes Red Dragon +1 and Red Dragon +2
The difference would be a request of ~1050 images (21 posts) accompanied by a metric ton of text or just 351 images
Ones a reasonable request while the other is "FUCK YOU! PAY ME!" territory
There was a very real reason why I just covered flavor text

Anyway, the images would all be 259x360 as the upscaling fucked with the side edges so they bleed into the background as a result

If you zoom in on the left image you can see a width of 1 pixel of the background (I left it in) along with 1 pixel width of bleeded image and on the right a width of 1 pixel is bleeded. This doesn't happen with the right image. I checked all the resolutions and the smallest is just the way to go. If I crop those out I'd just be destroying data but if I don't I'd be archiving imperfect data, which sucks as there is quite a loss in detail

Edit: I forgot, this game has a zoom function which doesn't keep the entire image in the window so I'll have to take 2 screenshots and line them up in photoshop. They do however look much better

A genuine question: is there not a complete gallery of these already on the net?
I took a look and only found an imgur gallery but that I know is incomplete as it was missing Kappa

Another uploaded the dlc art to scribd
Aside from those I legit couldn't find one out there
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Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
Do you want just the card gallery or the whole package of stats in there?
I ask as most cards in that game have 9 different iterations each with their own set of stats/skills but they all share the same 3 art images
Red Dragon for instance also includes Red Dragon +1 and Red Dragon +2
The difference would be a request of ~1050 images (21 posts) accompanied by a metric ton of text or just 351 images
Ones a reasonable request while the other is "FUCK YOU! PAY ME!" territory
There was a very real reason why I just covered flavor text

A genuine question: is there not a complete gallery of these already on the net?
I took a look and only found an imgur gallery but that I know is incomplete as it was missing Kappa

Another uploaded the dlc art to scribd
Aside from those I legit couldn't find one out there
It was said in a sort of joking manner, and I would never expect or force you to do anything you didn't want to do.
I did search myself right after you posted this thread and couldn't find anything real either. Only bits and pieces.

I guess what people would be most interested in is the final version/evolution of each creature card.
No matter, it will be out there eventually.

Thanks for at least humoring my ridiculous joke request!