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    All accounts with 0 posts on them have been purged. If you are coming back to us after a long time and you find you can't log in, then that would probably be why.

Greetings to everyone from The Escapist!

Also, re-reading some posts about his ban 1 2, I don't actually know if he got banned because he posted on Nick's Facebook or if he posted on Nick's Facebook because he was banned. Again a problem with the new forum in that it doesn't give us an explicit reason for ban and a link to the offending post. But I have to wonder why exactly Yoshi even went looking for Nick's personal Facebook to begin with. Nick says he 'blocked' 3 him out of existence, but he doesn't actually say he banned him from the Escapist. It's certainly plausible that he was already banned at the point he contacted Nick, perhaps he was trying to appeal.
I somewhat recall either Jojo or Topaz confirming it somewhere, but I can't seem to find that post, so I could be misremembering. Tho as you said, Nick's comments are vague on which way things went down, you might be right about the facebook thing happening after the ban. It does make more sense.
Hah, Nick responded.

"We've been extremely lenient on the bans and warned Houseman more than a few times to chill on the conspiracy theories and trolling."

No, I was not warned "more than a few times to chill on the conspiracy theories and trolling."
I was not even warned ONCE.

I have only received three messages.

1. a PM on the forums from JoJo, telling me to lay off criticizing lil devils because it was bordering on harassment.
(I have no screenshots of this and can't access my account, but JoJo can confirm this from his end)
2. A PM from Nick demanding that I change my avatar from one that advertised a website providing evidence of election fraud.
proof: 3. A email reply from Nick, in response to the contact form I filled out after I got banned on 1/6, saying "I have cleared your ban, but I suggest you (and everyone else of course) read this post https://forums.escapistmagazine.com/threads/recent-bans-via-current-events.1502/"
(I can provide a screenshot of the email if you want)

I was never warned, not even once, for trolling. I was only told to remove an avatar, and I did. Nick stated "I'm not going to allow conspiracy theories to run on our forums", which I took as a warning to stop trying to convince people that election fraud had taken place, so I stopped.

So his other claim: "he continued doing exactly what he had been doing before", is simply not true. I did exactly what he asked each and every time that I was contacted by either Nick or a mod, and was still banned.

Based on the evidence above, including his own words, it's clear that Nick is moderating from a place of emotion. He's misremembering events, confusing them in his mind, and then basing his conclusions on things that never happened. He's disregarding his own rules and procedures where he must give warnings and where users are entitled to appeal, and is instead just doing whatever he wants.

His last accusation is just absurd: "He also made his trolling abundantly clear when he's engaged in every political thread and has never voted by his own admission."

So he's saying that, unless you have voted at least one time in the past, any participation in political topics is automatically trolling? That's obviously ridiculous.

I'm disappointed, Nick. Most of what you said is demonstrably false, and you should have known better.
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There are 'trophies' for things like getting a certain number of likes or making a certain number of posts, but it's really half baked. TBH I didn't care about badges to begin with so I don't care.
You can chalk that up to them using off the shelve XenForo plugins rather than having a team that custom builds plugins to order.

A bit like those thousands of RPGMaker games out there that all use the same Plugin Library and hack and botch together stuff that all looks half-right and half-the same as everything else.

/ Random shitting on not making one's own plugins.

Yeah, I think I'll make a video criticizing the Escapist's inconsistent moderation. I'm pumped up!
Don't waste your time.
Reading the Escapist thread some more, holy hell, people. I get that you don't like Houseman. I'm not sure if I agree with everything he says, but this is going past disagreeing with him and going into cringy-as-fuck us-vs-them thinking complete with stereotyping to the extreme degree. What is this, Reddit? Maybe Houseman is wrong. Maybe he's wrong a lot. But when you go into a thread like that and start reading these overly emotionally charged sensational posts, one starts to seriously question whether most of those people in that thread are talking completely out of their assholes. I'm much more likely to take Houseman seriously than these people.

Corwin (The Chronicles of Amber) said:
Personal feelings don't make for good politics, legal decisions, or business deals.


You can chalk that up to them using off the shelve XenForo plugins rather than having a team that custom builds plugins to order.

Minor correction. Trophies are native to all XF installs. You don't need to download anything to use them. But yeah, they're a very poor substitute for the Escapist v1 badges, hence why I never enabled them.

First version of Into Sanctuary. Tho you're right, alt-right is not the correct assessment. More like obnoxiously shitposty. Lots of going on and on about the n-words, and the jews, and the queers. Or was it? Don't remember it looking like this. I lurked around a lot of places at the time, and my memory of that time is pretty blurry, might well be mixing this and another place up. In which case, mea culpa.

Sorry, I forgot to respond to you.

Fair enough. Yeah, there were very good reasons why I dumped that old community. You can read all about it here.
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Reading the Escapist thread some more, holy hell, people. I get that you don't like Houseman. I'm not sure if I agree with everything he says, but this is going past disagreeing with him and going into cringy-as-fuck us-vs-them thinking complete with stereotyping to the extreme degree. What is this, Reddit?

I mean, to be quite honest... that sounds pretty much like the Escapist I remember from a few years back.

Other than the moderation not even bothering to try and at least look impartial, that is.
I mean, to be quite honest... that sounds pretty much like the Escapist I remember from a few years back.

Other than the moderation not even bothering to try and at least look impartial, that is.
When did the moderation try to look impartial? I don't remember that. Must have been before I joined in 2010.
When did the moderation try to look impartial? I don't remember that. Must have been before I joined in 2010.

Welcome to 2021, where we don't pretend anymore to give two fucks about things like fairness.

By the way, you should just sign up for an account already, Drath. Come join the big boys.
Welcome to 2021, where we don't pretend anymore to give two fucks about things like fairness.
Man, they used to ban people for posting a funny image with no text 8 times across 5000 posts. What was fair about that? Iceforce was convinced that Barbas was extremely flighty and inconsistent in his moderation, and that was, like, 2015.

I care. I care more than probably anybody else on the Escapist. I kept up to date a list of banned users until they implemented auto-locking threads that closed after 2 months. I made everybody avatars that helped get Zontar unbanned for posting a stupid bleach drinking meme. I encouraged Basement Cat to give amnesty and extend the free pub club to users who missed out due to warning level but had since showed good behaviour. I forced the mod team to reveal that TopazFusion, the mod that was dishonorably discharged for abusing his mod powers, had been secretly reinstated as a mod under a new username. I even threw my hat in with Epyc Wynn, of all people, and tried to get the mods to not unjustly remove his Pub Club membership.

By the way, you should just sign up for an account already, Drath. Come join the big boys.
Getting sick of having to approve my posts all the time? :P

I've been thinking about it. I might.
If anything else, you'll get a say in official Sanctuary matters. Guest posters do not.
Fine. Considering I've just been banned from the Escapist I might as well.

Also, I messed up and used a not valid email when I registered so I had to do it again with a dumb 4 in my name. Are you able to fix this?
Consider everything good I previously said about the Escapist's current moderation officially retracted. I had no idea how bad it was.
Fine. Considering I've just been banned from the Escapist I might as well.

Why? What reason did they give?
Were you given any previous PMs or emails?
Were you suspended or temp-banned at any time previously?

Can I get a screenshot of your ban message?

If I were to guess, it would be because of that "prank quiz". I don't see anything in the rules forbidding such a thing, especially not a "zero tolerance" offense.

With your permission, I'll include this information in the video I'm making.
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Why? What reason did they give?
Were you given any previous PMs or emails?
Were you suspended or temp-banned at any time previously?

Can I get a screenshot of your ban message?

With your permission, I'll include this information in the video I'm making.
Reason was "Spamming the report queue." I went back through every thread that B-Cell posted in on the new site and reported every post that directly insulted him. It just bothered me that B-Cell was banned and the people that regularly insulted him never got so much as a slap on the wrist. It was maybe 10-15 posts. They were also the first non-spambot posts I'd ever reported on the new site. There's nothing about being banned for reporting too many posts in the CoC. The CoC says to report posts and let the mods handle it!

I've never had a single warning on the new site. No PM, email, or mod warning me in the forums. I had maybe 3 on the old forums over 8 years. I'm shocked, to say the least. What kind of a way to run a forum is that? I never thought I'd say it but moderation was actually better in the old days. At least when you were banned for something idiotic like low content you had 8 chances before it happened. Really makes me feel dumb for everything I said on page 1. I've appealed using the contact form, so we'll see if anything comes of that.

I'd rather not be in the video, though.
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Reason was "Spamming the report queue." I went back through every thread that B-Cell posted in on the new site and reported every post that directly insulted him. It just bothered me that B-Cell was banned and the people that regularly insulted him never got so much as a slap on the wrist. It was maybe 10-15 posts. They were also the first non-spambot posts I'd ever reported on the new site. There's nothing about being banned for reporting too many posts in the CoC. The CoC says to report posts and let the mods handle it!

I've never had a single warning on the new site. No PM, email, or mod warning me in the forums. I had maybe 3 on the old forums over 8 years. I'm shocked, to say the least. What kind of a way to run a forum is that? I never thought I'd say it but moderation was actually better in the old days. At least when you were banned for something idiotic like low content you had 8 chances before it happened. Really makes me feel dumb for everything I said on page 1. I've appealed using the contact form, so we'll see if anything comes of that.

I'd rather not be in the video, though.

To be clear, you would rather that I not repeat any of the information in this post in my video, correct?
Fine. Considering I've just been banned from the Escapist I might as well.

Also, I messed up and used a not valid email when I registered so I had to do it again with a dumb 4 in my name. Are you able to fix this?

Yep. Username has been fixed and I put your regular email in as well in place of the new one you put down.

Welcome to the rebellion.
Yep. Username has been fixed and I put your regular email in as well in place of the new one you put down.

Welcome to the rebellion.
Get over yourself 😂

Sad to see you get banned, Drathnoxis, you were one of the posters I genuinely liked.

I hope you don't become an eternal sourpuss about it like some people.
Yoshi specifically got banned for pestering Nick with questions on his personal social media. From what I've gathered, Nick doesn't take kindly to intrusions into his private sphere.
Chimp you are absolutely deluded if you actually believe that.

i messaged Nick on facebook AFTER he had already perma banned me from escapist FYI. get your facts straight.

Nick Perma banned me from escapist after people like Brawlman, Dirty Hipsters and (NotSo)Criticalgaming had a cry when i stopped arguing with them and just spammed the laugh reaction emoji to all of their posts. Then when i said, fine if you guys want me to stop arguing all the time then i will.
i'll just laugh at you instead.

they were all like "why can't you just be nice?" so i then pointed out that none of them were EVER nice to me at all so why the fuck should i be nice to them? that's when i got perma banned.

They didn't like me and i didn't like them. it was as simple that. that's why they got rid of me.
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Yep. Username has been fixed and I put your regular email in as well in place of the new one you put down.

Welcome to the rebellion.
Thanks, but the gmail one was wrong. I don't have a gmail. I just use @gmail.com on Shamus' blog to get a decent looking random avatar.

To be clear, you would rather that I not repeat any of the information in this post in my video, correct?
Chimp you are absolutely deluded if you actually believe that.
That was the story that went around at the time, based on the scant comments made by Nick, possibly in error since you contacting him on fb after the ban does make more sense. And what I believe is of little import.
That was the story that went around at the time, based on the scant comments made by Nick, possibly in error since you contacting him on fb after the ban does make more sense. And what I believe is of little import.
basically forum users like criticalgaming got all pissy when i stopped arguing and instead just started laugh reacting at all of their shitty posts. anyway while people were whinging about it all at me i remember them saying something like "why can't you just be nice?"

so i said something along the lines "why should i? why the fuck should i be nice to you when none of you have EVER been nice to me in the first place. you guys always complain about getting into arguments with me all the time. don't want to argue with me? fine i'll just laugh at you instead" and then i got perma-banned.

it was only after i got banned i laugh reacted at Nick's public facebook profile pic and sent him a couple message's saying stuff like "that laugh react to your profile pic is what i think of you and your website.
none of you were ever nice to me to begin with so why the fuck would i ever be nice to you?. block me. i don't give a shit lol"

and that was basically just one final way of saying fuck you from me to the escapist website and their community.

that's funny to know Nick had a cry about my couple of FB message's though lol
I was summoned by a quote! How's that ironic? This post marks the first time I've acknowledged the ban, I found the topic distasteful. I was most certainly not talking shit on someone not around to respond.