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What is your opinion on the ongoing replacement of whites in the US?

Dale Gribble

In my opinion it's not going to have a good effect on the US. The more third worlders come in the more the US will reflect the third world. There's already parts of the US you don't even have to know English. What will the country look like 10 years from now?
Could have fooled me. Almost everyone in the US Congress is a white boy/girl.

In some seriousness, the US has been a melting pot of cultures for a very, very long time. Ever since the Viking's starting coming down and getting rowdy with everyone before they then got scared and left.
Could have fooled me. Almost everyone in the US Congress is a white boy/girl.

In some seriousness, the US has been a melting pot of cultures for a very, very long time. Ever since the Viking's starting coming down and getting rowdy with everyone before they then got scared and left.

The racial makeup of congress is irrelevant if they don't serve white interests. The melting pot saying comes from a French jew. Also back then it meant a melting pot of white cultures. How does dirk a dirk Mohammed and white catholic Becky mesh? They don't.

You also cannot deny that the last census the white population of the US went down for the first time ever.
and how wells that working out for you?

I mean... Actually pretty good. We got some brain-drain in our favor, especially during WWII, because other countries were just that fucking awful. So basically, we hijacked a lot of good stuff from other countries and integrated it into our own society. 10/10 Would recommend.
I mean... Actually pretty good. We got some brain-drain in our favor, especially during WWII, because other countries were just that fucking awful. So basically, we hijacked a lot of good stuff from other countries and integrated it into our own society. 10/10 Would recommend.
So are you saying it's a good thing whites are becoming a minority in the US? If you are, what do you think the country will look like in 20 years?
So are you saying it's a good thing whites are becoming a minority in the US?

I'm saying it's entirely irrelevant. Race does not determine the success or failure of a country. Rather, healthy families (first and foremost), well-implemented social programs, good corporate regulation, and sufficient civil rights such as the US Bill of Rights ensure a country operates at maximum potential.
I'm saying it's entirely irrelevant. Race does not determine the success or failure of a country.
I disagree with you there. Why are white countries are functional, whereas black countries are not? Africa was functioning then whites left and it fell apart for example
I disagree with you there. Why are white countries are functional, whereas black countries are not? Africa was functioning then whites left and it fell apart for example

Now this is kinda getting into opinion territory here on my part so bear with me, but one thing you'll need to understand is that the US and, more specifically, its revolutionary origins were a very happy anomaly where the stars aligned and we got a massive breakthrough in social policy and government. If we look at countries before the US colonies or, hell, even just before the revolution, you'll see plenty of other terrible countries run by whites. Spain, Russia, Britain... Authoritarian shitbag countries. And the US natives (somewhat) weren't really any better. Child sacrifice. Caste systems. Actual slavery. Might makes right. Blah de blah. Hell, the Roman empire was known for its incredible brutality (though honestly, most countries at that time were pretty brutal too).

Things only finally started calming down to actual sane levels when the US basically showed everyone how it was done and the other countries and peoples in them took notice. Not all countries cared though for whatever reason and were not so lucky, and thus, continued to experience shit conditions even to this day. That's my take though.
I'm saying it's entirely irrelevant. Race does not determine the success or failure of a country. Rather, healthy families (first and foremost), well-implemented social programs, good corporate regulation, and sufficient civil rights such as the US Bill of Rights ensure a country operates at maximum potential.
Can you point me to a successful country in Africa? Occupied Rhodesia is a complete shit hole today. Would you like to live in mexico?

Blacks perform lower by every metric you can measure but you don't think race plays a part in a country's success?

Also, what is the racial makeup of the area you live in? The only people I know who still believe that civic nationalist bullshit are people who live almost exclusively around whites. What is your race btw?
Now this is kinda getting into opinion territory here on my part so bear with me, but one thing you'll need to understand is that the US and, more specifically, its revolutionary origins were a very happy anomaly where the stars aligned and we got a massive breakthrough in social policy and government. If we look at countries before the US colonies or, hell, even just before the revolution, you'll see plenty of other terrible countries run by whites. Spain, Russia, Britain... Authoritarian shitbag countries.
By what metric do you define a terrible country? Authoritarian =/= terrible. A present day case would be El Salvador, that was transformed into one of the safest South American countries overnight because of an authoritarian government.
Culture is often overlooked and mistaken for race.. Especially to narrow-minded racists who can't think beyond and above a superficial aspect to scapegoat. While race do play some minor parts in most everything, it is Very minor and not even really worth mentioning. Culture is history, tradition, religion, arts, and politics. In that order.

Benevolent dictatorships are once in a blue moon, and should not be relied upon, as power corrupts and goals shift. Preventing societal decay requires education first and foremost, as well as a sturdy document that outlines positive and negative rights and freedoms. Not to mention holding apathy at bay. Informed and engaged masses makes better choices to vote in and out corrupt, backsliding, and overton shifting politicians.

While religion should take most of the blame, in inducing an apathetic and obeying population, creating opportunities for corruption, and being a matter of interpretation, it's sadly not alone. Historically, politics can be almost equally fluid and prone to lose-lose compromises and personal greed. When it comes to greed, corporations also take advantage of, and foster, clueless consumers and value profits above values and principles.
Can you point me to a successful country in Africa

South Africa is kinda livable. Not good still, but I don't know what your definition of "success" is. I will say though that if SA isn't a successful country by your metrics, then that would also condemn a lot of "white-run" countries as well.

Would you like to live in mexico?

Nah, but I hear Spain's nice. Also, some touristy parts of Mexico may be rather alright to live in. Maybe. I don't have any personal experience or have talked to anyone who used to or does live in Mexico recently. One of our members does live in South America if that counts, so if anyone here would know, they would, but it's up to them if they want to say anything.

Blacks perform lower by every metric you can measure

I've seen many black people that make far more than me and are more ethical to boot, so you're just wrong here.

Also, what is the racial makeup of the area you live in? The only people I know who still believe that civic nationalist bullshit are people who live almost exclusively around whites. What is your race btw?

I'm part of the Anonymous race. I try not to disclose any PI about myself as a matter of Sanctuary administration policy. The only thing I will say is that I live in the US.

By what metric do you define a terrible country?

Extremely bad conditions of the poor. Very little or even non-existent middle class. A governmental system with an overabundance of selfishness and corruption. Just some things off the top of my head but I've never really given it much thought before. If you want a more in-depth and accurate answer, I'd have to think about it.

Authoritarian =/= terrible.

As @Vendor-Lazarus said, benevolent dictatorships are once in a blue moon and cannot be relied on.

A present day case would be El Salvador

I'm very familiar with the situation in El Salvador, and the heart of the matter is that the president made a metaphorical deal with the devil there in suspending pretty much all civil rights. He also was lucky because gang members would tattoo themselves with very distinctive markings which made them very easy to spot and arrest. Although of course, it wasn't a 100% sure thing for every person. A trained professional insurgent would not be nearly so easy to spot, but he was dealing with masses of amateurs. Dollar-store criminals, though of course, still very dangerous to the public in general.

As to the deal with the devil, you do realize that a bunch of innocent people also got locked up as well? And you also realize that Bukele (the president) has suspended even the right to a trial and those innocent people may rot in that prison for the rest of their lives? And finally, you ALSO realize that Bukele also was a big proponent of and the initiator of new social programs along with the crackdown? He makes great use of carrot-and-stick political strategy. Something I'm also a big proponent of.

And finally, you realize that you are, of course, promoting a "spic" president as other racists would call him?
Culture is often overlooked and mistaken for race.. Especially to narrow-minded racists who can't think beyond and above a superficial aspect to scapegoat. While race do play some minor parts in most everything, it is Very minor and not even really worth mentioning. Culture is history, tradition, religion, arts, and politics. In that order.

Benevolent dictatorships are once in a blue moon, and should not be relied upon, as power corrupts and goals shift. Preventing societal decay requires education first and foremost, as well as a sturdy document that outlines positive and negative rights and freedoms. Not to mention holding apathy at bay. Informed and engaged masses makes better choices to vote in and out corrupt, backsliding, and overton shifting politicians.

While religion should take most of the blame, in inducing an apathetic and obeying population, creating opportunities for corruption, and being a matter of interpretation, it's sadly not alone. Historically, politics can be almost equally fluid and prone to lose-lose compromises and personal greed. When it comes to greed, corporations also take advantage of, and foster, clueless consumers and value profits above values and principles.

When I speak about race I mean the biological and genetic differences in race. Anyone can have a difference of culture.

We're kind of getting off in the weeds here, my initial question was what effect do you think whites becoming a minority will have on the country?
South Africa is kinda livable. Not good still, but I don't know what your definition of "success" is. I will say though that if SA isn't a successful country by your metrics, then that would also condemn a lot of "white-run" countries as well.

Nah, but I hear Spain's nice. Also, some touristy parts of Mexico may be rather alright to live in. Maybe. I don't have any personal experience or have talked to anyone who used to or does live in Mexico recently. One of our members does live in South America if that counts, so if anyone here would know, they would, but it's up to them if they want to say anything.

I've seen many black people that make far more than me and are more ethical to boot, so you're just wrong here.

I'm part of the Anonymous race. I try not to disclose any PI about myself as a matter of Sanctuary administration policy. The only thing I will say is that I live in the US.

Extremely bad conditions of the poor. Very little or even non-existent middle class. A governmental system with an overabundance of selfishness and corruption. Just some things off the top of my head but I've never really given it much thought before. If you want a more in-depth and accurate answer, I'd have to think about it.

As @Vendor-Lazarus said, benevolent dictatorships are once in a blue moon and cannot be relied on.

I'm very familiar with the situation in El Salvador, and the heart of the matter is that the president made a metaphorical deal with the devil there in suspending pretty much all civil rights. He also was lucky because gang members would tattoo themselves with very distinctive markings which made them very easy to spot and arrest. Although of course, it wasn't a 100% sure thing for every person. A trained professional insurgent would not be nearly so easy to spot, but he was dealing with masses of amateurs. Dollar-store criminals, though of course, still very dangerous to the public in general.

As to the deal with the devil, you do realize that a bunch of innocent people also got locked up as well? And you also realize that Bukele (the president) has suspended even the right to a trial and those innocent people may rot in that prison for the rest of their lives? And finally, you ALSO realize that Bukele also was a big proponent of and the initiator of new social programs along with the crackdown? He makes great use of carrot-and-stick political strategy. Something I'm also a big proponent of.

And finally, you realize that you are, of course, promoting a "spic" president as other racists would call him?

I'm on mobile so I'm not going to quote everything I want to reply to. However, south Africa is only livable because of the white minority there, who coincidentally are being murdered in extremely brutal ways, that I won't even go into because it makes me sick, and at an alarming rate. One political party sings a song at rallies called shoot the boer (boer being the Dutch who live there)

Spain used to be a lot nicer before the flood of third worlders.

The argument you are making Is that because extremes exist, the majority does not.

You could define a lot of the US as being terrible if that's how you measure it.

Bukele may not be the same race as me, and that's fine, but I still admire what he did for his nation and his people. I don't really see what other option he had.

But again. We're off in the weeds. If I remember correctly you said that whites becoming a minority and third world immigration will not have an effect on the nation, is that correct?
Dale, Dale, Dale... Buddy. It's never about skin color. It's about Christian liberalism that made the world what it is today. So long as those ideals survive, it doesn't matter the skin color of the makeup of a country. Even if all immigration stopped right now and the birthrate skyrocketed, we're basically doomed on our current path because most people aren't Christian liberals any more. Hell, I'm not even Christian any more. But that doesn't stop me from recognizing what the belief system did for me and society, and also seeing what its absence has done for others around me.
I'm on mobile so I'm not going to quote everything I want to reply to.

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south Africa is only livable because of the white minority there, who coincidentally are being murdered in extremely brutal ways,

Yeah I'm gonna need a source for that.

Spain used to be a lot nicer before the flood of third worlders.

I'm not going to sit here and pretend that people of the poorer economic class don't commit more crime than their higher-class fellows, but what I WILL say is that this is a question of economic class, not a question of race. It's a lot easier to behave yourself (entry #5) when you don't have to worry about things like food, rent, and etc.

The argument you are making Is that because extremes exist, the majority does not.

What's your argument? That because a majority exists (debatable in and of itself, but let's say you're right here, hypothetically), that gives you the right and the moral high-ground to stereotype and have prejudice against an ENTIRE racial group? Guilty until proven innocent? Even if you WERE right that blacks tend to be more biologically inferior to whites, the guilty-until-proven-innocent mindset is still a pretty shitty one to have. Not to mention pretty un-American as well, funnily enough.

I don't really see what other option he had.

I think the biggest problem I have with Bukele is the prisoners sitting in detention without any fair trial. Police also just kinda barged right in there with bullets flying, which I'm sure caused a fuckload of collateral damage. He also could have just gathered intel on what identifiers gang members have and then make mass arrests based on that. No deal with the devil needed. Of course, some collateral damage was gonna be inevitable as some non-gang members may hate that you're arresting "their boo-boo" and try to stupidly jump into the fray.

But again. We're off in the weeds. If I remember correctly you said that whites becoming a minority and third world immigration will not have an effect on the nation, is that correct?

Actually the question you asked me was, "How do you feel about whites becoming a minority?" Not the same question as the effects of lower-class immigration. As to the immigration though, as I said, poor people will commit more crimes regardless of their race. One of the big problems though is that our system for immigrant intake is fucking garbage in many ways. It's now become EASIER to illegally migrate here than to have to go through all the bullshit just to legally get in. This is also naturally going to attract criminals. "Wow, I can go into this more rich country AND do it easily? Sign me up! I don't even have to stop my drug cartel job!"

The solution isn't to completely block immigration but to both clean up the borders and lock down the borders with automated drones and turret systems AND ALSO allow easier, more sane ways for people to immigrate here legally. There should definitely also be an intake system where immigrants are properly screened and also trained and equipped to be productive members of the United States. This way, assimilation is much easier with much less conflict on either side.
XF Protip: If you highlight text in a post, XF will pop-up with a small helpful box asking if you'd like to add that selection as a quote in your post (Reply) or to add it to multi-quote now and then insert them all later when you want (+Quote).

Yeah I'm gonna need a source for that.

I'm not going to sit here and pretend that people of the poorer economic class don't commit more crime than their higher-class fellows, but what I WILL say is that this is a question of economic class, not a question of race. It's a lot easier to behave yourself (entry #5) when you don't have to worry about things like food, rent, and etc.

What's your argument? That because a majority exists (debatable in and of itself, but let's say you're right here, hypothetically), that gives you the right and the moral high-ground to stereotype and have prejudice against an ENTIRE racial group? Guilty until proven innocent? Even if you WERE right that blacks tend to be more biologically inferior to whites, the guilty-until-proven-innocent mindset is still a pretty shitty one to have. Not to mention pretty un-American as well, funnily enough.

I think the biggest problem I have with Bukele is the prisoners sitting in detention without any fair trial. Police also just kinda barged right in there with bullets flying, which I'm sure caused a fuckload of collateral damage. He also could have just gathered intel on what identifiers gang members have and then make mass arrests based on that. No deal with the devil needed. Of course, some collateral damage was gonna be inevitable as some non-gang members may hate that you're arresting "their boo-boo" and try to stupidly jump into the fray.

Actually the question you asked me was, "How do you feel about whites becoming a minority?" Not the same question as the effects of lower-class immigration. As to the immigration though, as I said, poor people will commit more crimes regardless of their race. One of the big problems though is that our system for immigrant intake is fucking garbage in many ways. It's now become EASIER to illegally migrate here than to have to go through all the bullshit just to legally get in. This is also naturally going to attract criminals. "Wow, I can go into this more rich country AND do it easily? Sign me up! I don't even have to stop my drug cartel job!"

The solution isn't to completely block immigration but to both clean up the borders and lock down the borders with automated drones and turret systems AND ALSO allow easier, more sane ways for people to immigrate here legally. There should definitely also be an intake system where immigrants are properly screened and also trained and equipped to be productive members of the United States. This way, assimilation is much easier with much less conflict on either side.

Bro a single Google search will tell you all about South Africa. Lauren southern even made a documentary about the farm murders and the ANC. She didn't even cover some of the most gruesome murders.

If it is purely socioeconomic factors, why do thr richest blacks commit more crime than the poorest whites? No matter where you go in the world, a majority black area is not a good place to live. Why is that?
When whites first arrived in Europe Africans didn't have a written language, didn't have a two story structure, didn't even invent a wheel. Why is that?

As for the border, we finally agree on something. I think it should have razor wire and machine guns, automated turrets are great as well. If people immigrate here, I don't really care, but it should never be at the expense of the native population. We were sold a lie that we would get doctors and lawyers, the best of other countries. Then they stopped requiring an Iq test. Then the 1964 hart cellar act. This is where we are now.
Bro a single Google search will tell you all about South Africa. Lauren southern even made a documentary about the farm murders and the ANC. She didn't even cover some of the most gruesome murders.

Fine. I looked it up. Honestly, it's hard to say if this is the actual prevalent attitude among most black people in South Africa or if this is just a fringe group getting nasty. Though with that said, those same attitudes were in the United States as well among many whites, even if it's perhaps not as prevalent nowadays. I dunno. Trying to argue about complex issues in other countries when you don't even live on the same continent as them seems like a fool's errand on both our ends.

No matter where you go in the world, a majority black area is not a good place to live. Why is that?

Is this assertion really valid though? As much as I don't like dragging statistics into debates for a multitude of reasons, I think we've gotten now to the point where we need at least a little. (Although I will say, even if the statistics were in your favor, it still doesn't justify racist guilty-until-proven-innocent attitudes.)

So yes, what do you think of this article and the statistics they cite in it?

And finally, I'd like to just point out that the most oppressive awful society that has probably EVER been on this planet, no joke, was entirely perpetrated by this fat white fuck and his entire cursed family:

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Daniel 2:31-33
“Your Majesty looked, and there before you stood a large statue—an enormous, dazzling statue, awesome in appearance. The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay.

Daniel 2:41-43
Just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw iron mixed with clay. As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.
Fine. I looked it up. Honestly, it's hard to say if this is the actual prevalent attitude among most black people in South Africa or if this is just a fringe group getting nasty. Though with that said, those same attitudes were in the United States as well among many whites, even if it's perhaps not as prevalent nowadays. I dunno. Trying to argue about complex issues in other countries when you don't even live on the same continent as them seems like a fool's errand on both our ends.

Is this assertion really valid though? As much as I don't like dragging statistics into debates for a multitude of reasons, I think we've gotten now to the point where we need at least a little. (Although I will say, even if the statistics were in your favor, it still doesn't justify racist guilty-until-proven-innocent attitudes.)

So yes, what do you think of this article and the statistics they cite in it?

And finally, I'd like to just point out that the most oppressive awful society that has probably EVER been on this planet, no joke, was entirely perpetrated by this fat white fuck and his entire cursed family:

View attachment 357

Dude, I can tell you have never interacted with many other races, definitely not lived around them.

The issue I was trying to illustrate with south Africa is that it's not a complete shithole only because of whites. Communists got voted in and that's what started the problems. Haiti used to be a French colony until the Haitians killed them all. Now look at it. The examples go on and on.

The article is just the writer not understanding per capita and trying to shift the blame away from blacks, as if it's anything besides blacks commit a shit load of crime. 13/50 isn't just a meme. If you were to remove the old people and infants it's something like 4/50.

Kim Jong is Asian. Not white.
Daniel 2:31-33
“Your Majesty looked, and there before you stood a large statue—an enormous, dazzling statue, awesome in appearance. The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay.

Daniel 2:41-43
Just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw iron mixed with clay. As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.

Revelation 3:9