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The Official Internet Forums List (Beta)


Staff member
A long while ago, Google used to have this Directory page where they would link to some popular sites, and one of those categories was internet forums. Of course, such a page is long gone now, and with Reddit slowly imploding, I've found a lot of people now asking about possible good internet forums to join. And you know what, I'm kinda wondering the same myself, so I decided to start up this list so we can all start coming together.

Keep in mind though, I will have some standards for this list. While I'm not going to expect any of these sites to meet official Sanctuary quality standards, there will still be some rules, and your forum could be taken off the list at any time if I find you are violating any of them. If you don't agree with these standards, you can bring up any grievances here, but you better have a good argument ready. Vague arguments like, "I don't like it," and, "That's not fair," will be laughed at.


- Site cannot be too niche. The more broad its focus, the better.
- Sites must use the standard subforum-thread-post model.
- No Chan boards. They are not true forums for several reasons including forced anonymity, lack of thread permanence, and bad searchability.
- No payment can be required to get access to post on the forums. Individual monetized sub-forums are allowed but iffy and may affect your ranking.
- No staff hypocrisy. If your rules say something and you discipline users for something else not listed, your site will be pulled from the list.
- Vague rules such as ones regarding "trolling" and "hate speech" will be heavily looked down upon and may be grounds for removal if enforcement is egregious enough.
- No voting systems (save for actual product reviews and objective Q&A). Post reactions will be tolerated but looked down upon.
- No Twitter-wannabes. And linked directly to that, no absurd character limit. Focus should be on threads, not individuals.

This list is in beta because these rules may change (very doubtful though). If they change, you will be notified. Sites listed are ranked according to allowed user freedom and overall site quality. Sites will be grouped into categories based on our existing sub-forum categories. If you're the site owner and you disagree with a category we have put you in, you can request to have your site moved to another category. You can also request to have the site removed from this list altogether.


Spurious Generalities
The Bastard Factoryhttps://bastardfactory.netPretty damn edgy. Very close to how we run things though. Has an annoying Reactions system. XenForo-powered.
Shroomeryhttps://shroomery.orgFocus on drugs but allows many other kinds of threads.
DeviantArthttps://deviantart.comBasic forum with pretty loose rules. Also works as a general forum. DA corporate could step in at any time.
The Giraffe Boardshttps://giraffeboards.comLike the Bastard Factory but much less lenient on the rules. For those who want a general purpose board but a lot more moderation behind it.
Technophiliacs & Technophiles
Level1Techs Forumshttps://forum.level1techs.comRules look rather annoying but might just be full boilerplate to cover their ass. Discourse-powered.
MajorGeeks Forumshttps://forums.majorgeeks.comA bit small. Doesn't seem to have any rules. XenForo-powered.
Games People Play
RPGHQhttps://rpghq.org/forums/index.phpLight rules. Uses phpBB.
Hive Workshophttps://hiveworkshop.comHas an annoying Reactions system. Rules are better than some but still iffy. Xenforo-powered.
Moving Pictures
Home Theater Forumhttps://hometheaterforum.com/community/Focus on home theater setups but also is a general movie forum. Rules are iffy. Requires your first name but you can easily lie.
MovieChathttps://moviechat.orgReimplementation of the old IMDb forums. Almost non-existent moderation. Kinda basic.
Printed Matter
Chronicleshttps://sffchronicles.comFocus on science fiction and fantasy but allows all kinds of literary discussion.
Appealing Design
DeviantArthttps://deviantart.comBasic forum with pretty loose rules. Also works as a general forum. DA corporate could step in at any time.
WetCanvashttps://wetcanvas.comBasic forum with more strict rules and a focus on professionalism. Layout issues.
... And Rock & Roll
Steve Hoffman Music Forumshttps://forums.stevehoffman.tvGeneral music forum with seemingly no rules. XenForo-powered.
The Acoustic Guitar Forumhttps://acousticguitarforum.com/forums/index.phpFocus on guitars and music production but is also a general music forum.
Songstuffhttps://forums.songstuff.comHas an annoying reaction system. Rules are iffy. Has a more general music focus.
Go Team!
Reinvent Yourself
Head Shrinkers
Psych Forumshttps://psychforums.comVery restrictive rules but is one of the very few sites justified in having such.
Oral Indulgences
Calls of Nature
Engineering Sector
Eng-Tipshttps://www.eng-tips.comRestrictive rules due to them demanding professionalism. Been running since 1999. XenForo-powered.
Mad Scientists
Science Madnesshttps://sciencemadness.orgRunning very old forum software. Rather professional. Threads on explosives are available.
News of the World
Round Trip
Oh the Humanities!
Deific Discussions
Politics - Left, Right, and Center
I am the Law!
In My Opinion
Money, Money, Money...
Better Living Through Chemistry
Science Madnesshttps://sciencemadness.orgRunning very old forum software. Rather professional. Threads on explosives are available.
Shroomeryhttps://shroomery.orgFocus on drugs but allows many other kinds of threads.
Bluelight Forumshttps://www.bluelight.org/community/forums/Somewhat restrictive rules list. Doesn't allow talk about drug sourcing. XenForo-powered.
Relationships and Affection
Body Art
Adult DVD Talkhttps://forum.adultdvdtalk.comRules are light. Not very orderly. Focus on mainstream porn.
Military and Combat
The High Roadhttps://thehighroad.orgGeneral firearms forum. Rules are alright. XenForo-powered.
Science Madnesshttps://sciencemadness.orgRunning very old forum software. Rather professional. Threads on explosives are available.
Fringe Division
Wizard Forumshttps://wizardforums.comRules are a bit iffy. Activity a little slow. XenForo-powered.
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I still think the Escapist is a pretty good place to talk about games. The moderation is greatly relaxed from what it used to be, despite whatever rules are there. As long as you are civil you'll be fine. I recently had a conversation with the mod and they state that the only things in the report queue for the last couple weeks was spam and one admin related query.
There is a lot of fucked up shit out there

Like, a lot, lol

Yeah, I gotta do a bunch of searching and investigating... Ugh. It may take a while.

I still think the Escapist is a pretty good place to talk about games. The moderation is greatly relaxed from what it used to be, despite whatever rules are there. As long as you are civil you'll be fine. I recently had a conversation with the mod and they state that the only things in the report queue for the last couple weeks was spam and one admin related query.

Houseman does have a point. And besides, they keep saying, "Oh, the rules won't get in the way! They won't!" Nevertheless, why are the rules even the way they are if that is true? They either don't enforce the rules, or don't enforce them evenly, so it's inconsistent, or they actually do enforce them exactly how they are, in which case, they're authoritarian assholes. You know, at least the LTT forums has the excuse of being backed by a massive business that has massive liability concerns and has a huge audience to boot. What's The Escapist's excuse?

Oh, and also, The Escapist treats their entire forum like a second-class citizen. In fact, so much so that I wouldn't be surprised if they just decided to axe the entire forum altogether. They're unstable. They can't even get their main website in order. It's a giant mess.
I was civil. I was not fine.
You also didn't talk about games. I wasn't suggesting it for political discussions.
Oh, and also, The Escapist treats their entire forum like a second-class citizen. In fact, so much so that I wouldn't be surprised if they just decided to axe the entire forum altogether. They're unstable.
I found some very sus hacker forums that I need to check out more ONE OF THEM WAS OFFERING PRIVATE DETECTIVE SERVICES which I literally had the same idea to become like an internet PI (private eye) it's a big industry okay, big bucks. Like the Pinkertons, remember them? They protected Lincoln!
here is a list of some forum sites I consider blessed and aligned with my morality of freedom

bastardfactory.net (kinda like SG but chaotic non aligned, all trump nutters)
niggermania.club (skitzo right)
www.objectivismonline.net - objectively they should more or less align with values I think would be popular in these types of communities

lots of xenforo stuff, I don't know how y'all feel about kiwifarms. I got into an argument with someone over their policy on doxxing, I consider it a gossip site / OSINT that does draw a lot from chan culture. It was a lot more diverse than people make it out to be, I was a pretty active lurker, at least before the original drama


these communities are SERIOUS about the industry, I just learned about them recently and I can almost write a guide on how to do this, I learned all the different laws, they have stuff going back as far as USENET and possibly an active BBS
I think there is also a BBS forum maybe FidoNET or MysticBBS, that's a pretty chill community, all old computer guys but lots of new people on reddit doing cool stuff, sucks that it's mostly reddit or I am just not plugged into that scene enough, it's pretty niche

I think I might know who's behind this forum, which would be weird if i'm right. It's like a half clearnet half darknet total nutter drug everything forum. I've never seen a skitzo forum so active in my life I immediately wrote it off as a honeypot, be careful with any links Idk what's going on but they had some of the best chem info ive seen, I know some other chem sites, they are easy to find if you do a little digging into the USENET / hive rhodium archives.
I found some very sus hacker forums that I need to check out more ONE OF THEM WAS OFFERING PRIVATE DETECTIVE SERVICES which I literally had the same idea to become like an internet PI (private eye) it's a big industry okay, big bucks. Like the Pinkertons, remember them? They protected Lincoln!
here is a list of some forum sites I consider blessed and aligned with my morality of freedom

bastardfactory.net (kinda like SG but chaotic non aligned, all trump nutters)
niggermania.club (skitzo right)
www.objectivismonline.net - objectively they should more or less align with values I think would be popular in these types of communities

lots of xenforo stuff, I don't know how y'all feel about kiwifarms. I got into an argument with someone over their policy on doxxing, I consider it a gossip site / OSINT that does draw a lot from chan culture. It was a lot more diverse than people make it out to be, I was a pretty active lurker, at least before the original drama


these communities are SERIOUS about the industry, I just learned about them recently and I can almost write a guide on how to do this, I learned all the different laws, they have stuff going back as far as USENET and possibly an active BBS
I think there is also a BBS forum maybe FidoNET or MysticBBS, that's a pretty chill community, all old computer guys but lots of new people on reddit doing cool stuff, sucks that it's mostly reddit or I am just not plugged into that scene enough, it's pretty niche

I think I might know who's behind this forum, which would be weird if i'm right. It's like a half clearnet half darknet total nutter drug everything forum. I've never seen a skitzo forum so active in my life I immediately wrote it off as a honeypot, be careful with any links Idk what's going on but they had some of the best chem info ive seen, I know some other chem sites, they are easy to find if you do a little digging into the USENET / hive rhodium archives.

Thanks! I'll be sure to check out some of these.

This one is a potential add for Printed Matter. It looks pretty cozy, but book forums very often are for some reason. Rules are a little silly, but I don't think I'm gonna find any major forum that has at least a little inanity in their rules. It seems to be a rule. Regardless, I find I have to keep remembering that no site is probably ever gonna meet full Sanctuary quality standards, as depressing as that is.
Ok! Sorry this took so long.

bastardfactory.net (kinda like SG but chaotic non aligned, all trump nutters)

Woah, they're edgy. I thought we were edgy, but nope. They win.

Their forum theme changing depending on what sub-forum you're in is pretty neat, but in the end, I'm not a big fan of it at all. I had the chance here to do the same thing, but I decided against it as it added a little too much complexity to the themes and sub-forums and it also completely overrode user preference. I love every theme we make here, and I want our users to be able to use whatever theme they wish, regardless of whatever site area they happen to be in.

All that aside, they do definitely qualify for the list, so I'll add them to Spurious Generalities. Their rules though need more filling out. For example, there's nothing prohibiting spam bots in there even though I'm very sure they would nuke 'em from orbit if staff ever saw them on the forum. The VIP Lounge (and any exclusive non-staff-members sub-forum really) I also think is pretty silly and redundant, but hey, if the members there want it and it drives donations... So be it I suppose.

What's strange is I've sworn I've heard of them by name before, but for the life of me, I cannot remember where or when. Regardless, thanks for recommending this!

niggermania.club (skitzo right)

Da fuq is this? XD

www.objectivismonline.net - objectively they should more or less align with values I think would be popular in these types of communities

Disqualified due to being way too heavily moderated and, as a cherry on top, being absolute hypocrites with their site philosophy.

I don't know how y'all feel about kiwifarms.

In short, I think they're hypocritical since they perma-banned me for making a silly post. I also never liked their site goals either.


I guesssss I might be able to add this one... Rules are... Eh. I dunno, I just keep getting the feeling like this forum is aimed more at, uh... Underage peoples than adults. I REALLY don't like the feeling that I could get banned at any time just because some fucking rando autistic 10-year-old got mad at what I was posting. It should probably be remembered though that the site goal is simply to be a place to discuss autism, and from what I can quickly tell, it seems to be successful in doing what it sets out to do and doesn't seem to want to be anything else other than that, which is respectable, but I don't know if that really makes it worthy enough to be added to the list.

If I see another recommendation for this one, I'll go ahead and add it, but until then, I'll leave it off.

Ooooooohhh, this is a very good site. It's as basic as they get, but it would also probably work and display on a Pentium 2 running Internet Explorer 1.x. And you know what... I respect that. Rules are a little iffy but they're fine otherwise, especially for a scientific site.

This forum will be added to multiple categories, specifically Better Living Through Chemistry, Military and Combat, and Mad Scientists.

Another goldie. Rules are relatively light. Surprisingly has many areas for discussion outside of drugs as well which is very welcome. Will be added to Better Living Through Chemistry and Spurious Generalities.

This forum isn't very orderly at all. Needs more differentiation between kinks and orientations. Rules are very reasonable though. Got an annoying pop-up immediately after opening the site.

I wonder how they would react if I posted about furry porn there. lol In any case, I'll be sure to add it to Body Art.

The Southern Charms Fan Box • Index page

I don't, uh... Maybe? I got the main thrust of Adult DVD Talk, but I'm not sure I get this one. lol

I think I might know who's behind this forum, which would be weird if i'm right.

The URL says "instagram"... We don't allow popular social media bullshit on this list. >:O


Found this for And Rock & Roll: https://forums.songstuff.com/

Rules are the usual BS. Not sure whether to allow this one or not. I should talk to @M0nke3 about this and see if he has any recommendations.
Whoops, forgot. Adding a new rule as well. No payment can be required to get access to post on the forums. Individual monetized sub-forums are allowed but iffy and may affect your ranking.
Well since you seem intent on putting every single forum you can think of here, I'll just put what I know of course: https://jkhub.org/forums/ and then
https://jawaclan.com/ since it seems to be the only site/forum out of all these old clans that is still working, not even KR has a forum anymore except their small section of the Jkhub one and mentions in the JAWA one, which is funny because their server is up and relatively active, went into Gametracker to see if they had a subforum there but all I see are posts in the blog section so that doesn't count.
Well since you seem intent on putting every single forum you can think of here

lol Not all of them. I want to find the best of the best of the best, sir, in every (general) area. If a forum is too niche, it won't get added, no matter how good it may otherwise be.

I was pretty tempted to add this, but I'm worried it might be too niche as well. If I add it, I might as well add the forums for an ass-ton of classic games. (And believe me, there are, indeed, an ass-ton.)

and then
https://jawaclan.com/ since it seems to be the only site/forum out of all these old clans that is still working,

Connection is timing out for me.

not even KR has a forum anymore except their small section of the Jkhub one and mentions in the JAWA one, which is funny because their server is up and relatively active, went into Gametracker to see if they had a subforum there but all I see are posts in the blog section so that doesn't count.

I swear, KR is becoming a small anomaly in the JK space.
ANOTHER update. Sorry, I don't mean to multipost so much, but I keep getting more and more ideas. But yeah, just remembered the Giraffe Boards were and are a thing. Yeah, that one forum I tried to do a merger with ages ago.

Looking at some of my old posts again, I saw some of @Houseman 's and holy hell, dude, I don't know what exactly it is but you really seem to have a talent for making everyone ass-mad. XD And I mean that. I really truly don't understand why people get their panties in a bunch about you, but everyone here at Sanctuary seems to be immune to it. Maybe it's the JW thing. Who knows. I actually do feel some sympathy for ya'. Admittedly, I don't know how you are IRL or the full specifics of being a JW, but you have been a really good poster here.

I imagine you're like the guardian of Sanctuary at this point. If people get super fucking mad at you then it's probably a sign they don't really belong here. lol

Yeah, many forums on this list do to some extent. Again, there's not really a lot of escape from these kinds of rules. The only thing I can do is make sure that the rules (and how they enforce them) are not too egregious.
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I just clicked on the link and it works fine, must be your VPN acting up again.

Yeah, you're right, mostly. Though it's not the VPN acting up per se. It's the site flipping ass because it's detecting a VPN address.
I have found..... so many forums.. commodore BBS scene.. underground demo scenes.. oh god the pain. The screaming electron has been shouting in my ear holding me down and torturing my mind with skitzo insanity of all orders. I bring you another list
https://www.principiadiscordia.com/forum/index.php - skitzo nutters , not very active
https://autotrend.activeboard.com/ - auto trends??? and UFOs??? I guess UFOs are a vehicle...
https://hackforums.net/ - active hacking forum
https://sinister.ly/ - hacking
https://forum.16colo.rs/ -both araknet and 16colors are demoscene ANSI art type communities, not a active forums exactly, I think they all use old fashioned BBS's (i.e skitzos, but cool)
https://bbs.boingboing.net/ - some sort of BBS forum, seems pretty active
https://anarchybbs.com/?page=001-forum.ssjs - same case as above
https://bitcointalk.org/ - bitcoin skitos
https://bbs.market/ - some weird hybrid crypto/bbs , somewhat active
https://8bitboyz.com - retro gaming, C64 era BBS site, amazing listing of every active BBS
https://theoasisbbs.com/community/ - c64/BBS
http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/ - based bay12 community indie games real old skool gamers here
https://forum.bodybuilding.com - classic forums, no idea what it's like but its been around forever
https://mercdonalds.proboards.com/board/1/general-discussion - cool hidden underground game forum I think it's still active
https://www.vg-resource.com/ - video game sprite resources, active forum
https://magistream.com/index.php - im not even sure what this is but it seems active and maybe skitzo?

Good choice not including BF, thought I would just mention them and KF as the communities do have some overlap, I consider them more deplorable than 4channers/redditards these days and seen what little of an independent freeedom culture they had get sweeped away by the insanity of modern society
I have found..... so many forums.. commodore BBS scene.. underground demo scenes.. oh god the pain. The screaming electron has been shouting in my ear holding me down and torturing my mind with skitzo insanity of all orders. I bring you another list
https://www.principiadiscordia.com/forum/index.php - skitzo nutters , not very active
https://autotrend.activeboard.com/ - auto trends??? and UFOs??? I guess UFOs are a vehicle...
https://hackforums.net/ - active hacking forum
https://sinister.ly/ - hacking
https://forum.16colo.rs/ -both araknet and 16colors are demoscene ANSI art type communities, not a active forums exactly, I think they all use old fashioned BBS's (i.e skitzos, but cool)
https://bbs.boingboing.net/ - some sort of BBS forum, seems pretty active
https://anarchybbs.com/?page=001-forum.ssjs - same case as above
https://bitcointalk.org/ - bitcoin skitos
https://bbs.market/ - some weird hybrid crypto/bbs , somewhat active
https://8bitboyz.com - retro gaming, C64 era BBS site, amazing listing of every active BBS
https://theoasisbbs.com/community/ - c64/BBS
http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/ - based bay12 community indie games real old skool gamers here
https://forum.bodybuilding.com - classic forums, no idea what it's like but its been around forever
https://mercdonalds.proboards.com/board/1/general-discussion - cool hidden underground game forum I think it's still active
https://www.vg-resource.com/ - video game sprite resources, active forum
https://magistream.com/index.php - im not even sure what this is but it seems active and maybe skitzo?

Good choice not including BF, thought I would just mention them and KF as the communities do have some overlap, I consider them more deplorable than 4channers/redditards these days and seen what little of an independent freeedom culture they had get sweeped away by the insanity of modern society

Bastard Factory? They got added to the list. Why? Did I miss something? I don't recall seeing BF say they were a trolling forum like KF.
Looking at some of my old posts again, I saw some of @Houseman 's and holy hell, dude, I don't know what exactly it is but you really seem to have a talent for making everyone ass-mad. XD And I mean that. I really truly don't understand why people get their panties in a bunch about you, but everyone here at Sanctuary seems to be immune to it. Maybe it's the JW thing. Who knows. I actually do feel some sympathy for ya'. Admittedly, I don't know how you are IRL or the full specifics of being a JW, but you have been a really good poster here.

I consider it all joy to be persecuted for the Lord.

Here's one, recommended by Monkee. Seems kinda good. Rules are a little restrictive.

I kinda had to laugh out loud when I saw vB3 again. Not because the forum software is bad at all though. As I was telling Monkee, I feel like it's kinda the Windows XP of forum software at this point. It just keeps hanging on.
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Here's one, recommended by Monkee. Seems kinda good. Rules are a little restrictive.

I kinda had to laugh out loud when I saw vB3 again. Not because the forum software is bad at all though. As I was telling Monkee, I feel like it's kinda the Windows XP of forum software at this point. It just keeps hanging on.
Forum established 2000 and quite clearly kept exactly the same for 23 years possibly not updated since then. That thing is a window to early 2000's webpages, it's pristine.
Two potential forums found for Moving Pictures.

Focuses more on the technical side. Rules are kinda restrictive (man, I'm getting so fucking tired of saying that) but were the least egregious of the general movie forums I looked at. They have this weird fucking rule where they require you to give your first name on registration but they don't verify this information and they even admit in the terms that they're not actively gonna check at all if you're lying or not. As to why they demand this information, no fucking clue. I'd just ignore it and give them a bogus name.

Remember when IMDb had those really cool individual movie forums you could post in? And then one day, they decided, "Fuck our site. Let's make it worse," and then shut it all down? Welp, some generous soul has basically taken it upon themselves to recreate it entirely. Once AGAIN, rules are restrictive, but on the other hand, with so many damn sub-forums, I am definitely getting the feeling here that the rules are there almost in name only, and the site has turned into the movie version of GameFAQs. For example, I saw a rule whining about users posting sexual content of any kind, but in the Fight Club forum, first post at the top, there's a three years old thread of someone talking about masturbation. (lol)
I deleted my IMDB account when they deleted the forums, and went to https://www.themoviedb.org/discuss instead. Which doesn't seem to have any rules at all?

I should have said, MovieChat has actually preserved the original IMDb forums' content, so that's really cool. As to TMDB, that could be an option as well. Looks less active than MovieChat though, and again, I really can't stress enough how much of a feeling I'm getting that MovieChat has little to no moderation. I even saw some dumbass MAGA post that got left up. lol