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How do you feel about President Trump?

Relevant: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Conquest#Laws_of_politics
"Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing."
Which has been seen in many online communities, acting under the guise of "tolerance and empathy".

I'm not saying it'll happen here, mind you.

Also relevant: my video on why free speech forums "don't work".

Idk about anyone else, but to me, this was great. He's in a room full of corrupt douchebags and he dunks on them.
Relevant: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Conquest#Laws_of_politics
"Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing."
Which has been seen in many online communities, acting under the guise of "tolerance and empathy".

I'm not saying it'll happen here, mind you.

Also relevant: my video on why free speech forums "don't work".
Actually, In my experience any free speech internet space becomes right wing
Actually, In my experience any free speech internet space becomes right wing
Because the left wing is opposed to free speech and has been trying to kill it for years, and the majority of mainstream sites have become predominantly left wing and thus do not truly tolerate any right-wing sentiment as far as the political spectrum goes. Thus why any site that truly respects free speech feels right wing in comparison; those are the only places where the right wing has any actual voice (aside from far-right sites, but the majority of those aren't what we'd call mainstream).

Mind, the right wing is hardly innocent; they're no strangers to bullying people into compliance on the basis of religious self-righteousness, but if it was wrong for them to do it, it's wrong for anyone to do it. I often say that the Left has become just like the Bible-beating conservatives they so despise; they merely use different excuses to rationalize their bullying. But they use the same tactics for the same reasons: trying to force everyone else to obey them in the name of satisfying their own egos, and trying to punish those who dare to defy them. The attitude is the same: aggressive, condescending, manipulative, abusive, and willing to resort to threats and violence. A bully is a bully, no matter the reason they give for acting that way.
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Well, apparently not, because as soon as the voting was over, people cried RIGGED, and started pointing fingers in every possible direction.
Well now. I started reading and replying before I realized this thread is 6 years old. This part though, I don't understand how Trump was supposed to have the power to cheat in the first election. He was the underdog. Same can be said about 2024, except there was some conspiracy theory about sending votes to Elon's Star Link or something unsubstantiated like that.

It wasn't far off from 2020 talking about servers in other countries, but there at least was smoke then for people to be worried about. The voting machines were connected to the internet when they weren't supposed to be, and auditors found logs that had been spammed until the relevant dates were culled. It really looked like someone tried to destroy evidence.

As for the 6 year old question in the title? I'm hopeful. He's made some moves I'm not entirely on board with, but I do appreciate his demeanor. That hour long bit where he's signing the EOs and chatting with Peter Ducy was just so normal and human. Even later when there was more press asking him questions, he mentioned how they had been misreporting on the Ukraine death toll, but he also said plainly he didn't blame them because they weren't being given the correct data. He doesn't shout "fake news" when he knows it's not appropriate. It shows fairness I think many won't attribute to him.
Well now. I started reading and replying before I realized this thread is 6 years old. This part though, I don't understand how Trump was supposed to have the power to cheat in the first election. He was the underdog. Same can be said about 2024, except there was some conspiracy theory about sending votes to Elon's Star Link or something unsubstantiated like that.

It wasn't far off from 2020 talking about servers in other countries, but there at least was smoke then for people to be worried about. The voting machines were connected to the internet when they weren't supposed to be, and auditors found logs that had been spammed until the relevant dates were culled. It really looked like someone tried to destroy evidence.

As for the 6 year old question in the title? I'm hopeful. He's made some moves I'm not entirely on board with, but I do appreciate his demeanor. That hour long bit where he's signing the EOs and chatting with Peter Ducy was just so normal and human. Even later when there was more press asking him questions, he mentioned how they had been misreporting on the Ukraine death toll, but he also said plainly he didn't blame them because they weren't being given the correct data. He doesn't shout "fake news" when he knows it's not appropriate. It shows fairness I think many won't attribute to him.

Yeah but then, five minutes later... $TRUMP COIN

I mean, honestly, he just makes himself so easy to hate, I wonder if he does it on purpose. lol (No, that's not a compliment.)
Yeah but then, five minutes later... $TRUMP COIN

I mean, honestly, he just makes himself so easy to hate, I wonder if he does it on purpose. lol (No, that's not a compliment.)
Yeah, I'm waiting to see if there's Fallout on that or not. It doesn't look good. I'm hoping that the people that are buying it are doing so as more of a political donation than anything intended as an investment. I guess when it crashes we'll find out how generally upset the holders are, because that will reveal their intentions when they put their money into it.
Wow a topic on politics that is not a mosh pit!! Did I wake up in the matrix or twilight zone? Anyway I been torn on Trump more on because I never liked his style on stage that he used to have but the older I get I only care about the policies, and how will it impact me and will it give the Uncial Sam more control over my life. If they are good and don't screw me over I could care less. I hate the whole game of the sides and "Oh i'm on this team or that". I could give a rats ass I got my shit to deal with. Speaking on that there is a book called Hate Inc. by I think Mark Tabi that is a interesting read on the whole news and the rise of the "football politics". I never found what the fun in the whole pick a side thing can someone explain it to me?

I will say I wish we only dealt with policies instead of the shit throwing game, jezz are all them people scat fans or something. lol But hey im the anarchist what could I know. Now im gonna duck and cover because this thread sounds to good to be true and there gonna be a mob somewhere/s
I never found what the fun in the whole pick a side thing can someone explain it to me?

It's like belonging to a religion. You just follow the rules and preach the gospel of "your side" to convert non-believers and condemn the demons that belong to "their side".

It satiates your spiritual needs of morality and justice, and the need to belong to something bigger than yourself, in the same way that junk food satiates your hunger. It provides a quick fix, but it's not good for you, and ends up doing you more harm than good in the long term.
Thanks @Houseman that make perfect sense. Now I do have to wonder if someone already has a religion, then could that help or can keep them from subscribing to the "Religion or Cult of Politics"? Then there are people who I know who are religious and still act like they have two religion of sorts, Interesting.
Now im gonna duck and cover because this thread sounds to good to be true and there gonna be a mob somewhere/s

Nah, we're pretty chill. Which is funny considering we allow "trolling" and "hate speech" and "direct insults". Go on to Reddit or Twitter though and it's fucking radioactive.
yeah I think Im still in shock to experience a political discourse that doesn’t go to hell in an hand basket. It’s sad that a regular civil discussion about the president of the USA is considered a rare event online or could never happen. What a time to be alive. Speaking of Trump who you guys thinking shot JFK if he gonna declassify the documents. I think it Old Smokey lol.
yeah I think Im still in shock to experience a political discourse that doesn’t go to hell in an hand basket. It’s sad that a regular civil discussion about the president of the USA is considered a rare event online or could never happen. What a time to be alive. Speaking of Trump who you guys thinking shot JFK if he gonna declassify the documents. I think it Old Smokey lol.

Wasn't the release of those documents already scheduled?
Last thing I heard was it got block or pushed back by something. I am not 100% percent sure. I haven’t been keeping up I didn’t even know her was going to declassify them until now.
Trump setting aside the pen that signed the JFK EO for RFK was a baller move, IMO. That pen is going to be a family treasure going forward.
Trump setting aside the pen that signed the JFK EO for RFK was a baller move, IMO. That pen is going to be a family treasure going forward.

Honestly, I'm surprised it took this long to release the damn files. 10 years? Sure. 20 years? Maybe. 30 years? Ok, what the fuck are you doing?
It's like belonging to a religion. You just follow the rules and preach the gospel of "your side" to convert non-believers and condemn the demons that belong to "their side".

It satiates your spiritual needs of morality and justice, and the need to belong to something bigger than yourself, in the same way that junk food satiates your hunger. It provides a quick fix, but it's not good for you, and ends up doing you more harm than good in the long term.
That's why being a third positionist is always superior
Thanks @Houseman that make perfect sense. Now I do have to wonder if someone already has a religion, then could that help or can keep them from subscribing to the "Religion or Cult of Politics"? Then there are people who I know who are religious and still act like they have two religion of sorts, Interesting.
I'm religious and really only care about politics insofar as it relates to white people, the environment, and abortion.

I can also start calling you a nigger or faggot if things are too calm for you.
I'm religious and really only care about politics insofar as it relates to white people, the environment, and abortion.

I can also start calling you a nigger or faggot if things are too calm for you.
Unfortunately that won’t work because I cant be a nigger because im white as paint, and I can’t be a faggot because I can’t stand looking at ugly man ass. Why suck cock if you can suck on a tit. lol