Before I continue further, I'd actually like to thank you for your patience in discussing this stuff. I do notice and appreciate it.
He owns the company. It's his responsibility. That's how leadership and ownership works. Power equals responsibility.
The question isn't whether it happened or not. Of course it happened. The question is whether it's actually happening with serious regularity. The United States has over 300 million people living in it. SOMEONE'S going to be eating a cat or dog in there. Probably several. The video doesn't really prove anything in the end.
C'mon man... I appreciate the honesty, but c'mon.
Yeah, rather convenient, that.
If a law is so vague/broad that it needs interpreting, then you cannot interpret without writing more law. For example, the 1st Amendment says the government shall not abridge the right to free speech. Does that mean I can lie all I want about my products when I own a business?
Wait, I'm a little confused here. Are you saying he directly addressed this complaint?
Assuming this is true (I would need to see the actual public record released), there's actually another possible explanation for this. The FBI was being incompetent during the riot and wanted to cover their ass.
And I don't expect anyone running for president to be, believe it or not. Hell, JFK used to bang girls in the oval office on the regular, but I still think he was an
incredible president who got us out of a
fucking terrible time in history. What I look at is, off the top of my head, how they treat others under them and how they manage the assets they do have. I'd have to think about it a bit more if you want a more in-depth answer, but regardless, I've seen Trump's history of management and his recent history of management and it's pretty damn bad.
"By their fruits, ye shall know them."
Although you could say I'm not analyzing those fruits correctly, and that's perfectly fair to bring up.
Well of course there's something there that people latch onto. For example, a ton of people also buy Apple products because they're prestigious and they think that they "just work" and are "leading innovation." But the prestige is purely a social construct and the other two are mostly false. In the case of Trump, when he first came onto the political scene, he made a HUGE splash and made himself look very attractive to the conservative party as a metaphorical brick thrown through the US government window. People on the conservative side are mad. They're angry. They're scared. They want immediate action. They're tired of gun rights being trampled. They're tired of small businesses being crushed by large ones. They're tired of more taxes that don't seem to go anywhere. They're tired of the middle class becoming smaller and smaller. Among many other things.
Trump promises catharsis after a long while of the conservative portion being left in the dark. But...
And while the conservative portion is supporting Trump, the liberal portion is ALSO getting freaked out. They're scared that transgender peoples will have much less medical coverage. Will be seen as less human. They're scared of important environmental regulations being possibly destroyed in favor of more company profits. They're scared of companies enjoying even LESS regulation than they already have now. They're scared of the acceptance of more racist attitudes. They're scared of the US government making deals with authoritarian shitbag countries. Among many other things as well. So THEY'RE becoming more militant and radical too.
The left and the right both have some great points on their side, but emotions and fear are blinding each side and driving them further and further apart. The two CAN meet in the middle and begin to understand each other, and the middle is where the full truth is, but there has to be a start, and voting for one extreme over another is NOT going to solve things nor is it even a "step in the right direction". It will, in fact, harm us further as a country. Now excuse me while I be especially nerdy here and quote Elrond from The Fellowship of the Ring.
Ahhh, but it's through the mistakes of the past, long developing, that got us all into this mess in the first place. There is much that is good in the past, but there is also much evil. At times, we have to start asking ourselves a simple question. "Can this be better?" If we never asked ourselves that, we wouldn't even have the United States in the first place.
Sorry. I'm on a bit of a quoting spree here.
Actually, it's funny you say that, because (I think) that movie was what first started disillusioning me from both the Democrat and Republican party long ago and got me to think about how much we need a third party that addresses both left and right concerns. I should watch it again sometime.
And that is you. Directly. You have power, whether you realize it or not.
You ALL here have the power to change the world for better or for worse. Take control of your own agency. Be the change you want to see in your communities. You don't have to be perfect, but even just an honest attempt is worthy of great praise.
Except Trump has a very long track record of scamming to get to where he's at now.
Actually this is true... But let's not forget the power inherent in the presidential position. Also, who knows. Maybe he's actually being paid off by hidden third parties to run for president. But that's just speculation on my part though. And finally, remember,
Ok, but what are you and I doing here, Houseman, on this site?
Good question. My answer is for someone to be fully American, they need to support the Bill of Rights fully at minimum and speak English, OR have an honest desire to learn it.