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Andrew Bustamante: Self-Proclaimed "CIA" Agent

I googled his name after listening to three of his YouTube interviews. I was impressed with the information in the first one, which was chronologically his newest interview. I started having questions during the second one. In the third interview, chronologically the earliest of the three, I heard obvious inconsistencies and contradictions with the other two. He gives different answers to the same questions about his own life.

Thus, he answers readily, speaks confidently, and contradicts himself from one interview to another. He is clearly not concerned that someone will notice the inconsistencies and publicly confront him about them. And that lack of concern for the public discovery of his lies, combined with the ability to skillfully lie on the go, is a telltale sign of either sociopathy or psychopathy. The other red flags that I noticed include his very confident provision of incorrect information on certain aspects of human psychology and on a foreign culture with which he is clearly completely unfamiliar. The key word here is “confidently”, and again, without a concern for being called out on that.

Some other aspects of how he speaks and presents himself add to the basket of ‘likely a sociopath or psychopath’. The question here was whether he really worked for the CIA. Sociopaths and psychopaths are very skillful liars. So, there is a high probability he lies about that too, and his 'CIA knowledge and skills on how to manipulate people' are just his own skills. I suppose, that would qualify him, at least to a certain degree, to teach how to manipulate others, however, I would be sceptical about quality of any other 'knowledge' that he shares,
Bitching about this here because there is literally no where else on the internet to do so. This guy has controlled his internet presence so carefully that it is insane.

First off, I am pretty sure that this guy is not CIA, never was/has been. Maybe air force put somewhere near cool people, but there is no way that he actually was ever in. At best he is some reject from FANX who decided to talk a bit big. There are a few really easy ways to tell that he is no where near legit:
  • He says on his linkedin that he has secret clearance.
  • Talking about what clearances you have/had publicly is a very big no no, and if he was legit OPM would be out bonking him in the head with a bat.
  • Saying you have secret clearance is like saying you have a highschool diploma. It is the most basic level of clearance that is given to pretty much everyone. I know 18 year old kids that were given secret for esentially no reason. It is the bottom of the barrel for clearance levels.
  • If he was ops side like he claims, he would never be allowed to ever publicly state that he worked for the CIA. Analyst people can, and every once in a while some admin people can, but ops side never can. Sometimes they might say they are "state department" or whatever, but they can't really ever talk about anything they do.
  • Almost everything Bustamante has ever talked about can pretty much be gleaned from a spy movie. Want to hear about way cooler things than this stuff? Watch a defcon talk called "advanced physical security," its a bit dated but its actually vaguely accurate.
  • Lets assume that he is real, was ops side, AND was able to say it (huge stretch already). He would never be able to talk about the actual techniques and theory being used behind the scenes. There exist entire departments at the CIA, NSA, DIA, ect just to control what goes out into the public through FIOA's. If he was legit then he would be a total and complete nightmare, to the point that CID might even get involved.

This guy is pretty much a serial fraudster, of which this is his newest grift. Most of his books are trashy overpriced self help books in which he caters to people who do not feel like they have control in their life. Like god, read some of these listings:

"'Everyday Espionage: Winning the Workplace' teaches you how to use spycraft to win what you want in the workplace"
https://new.everydayspy.com/wtw1 -- https://archive.is/IUJ9Y

"SEX & SPIES gives you the POWER to unleash your sex, pleasure, and libido on YOUR own terms using elite spy skills."
nigga WHAT
https://new.everydayspy.com/sex1 -- https://archive.is/lUEYw

One of the funniest elements of this guy is his "OPTHINK" course, of which he charges a whopping $997.00. This gives you access to his learning materials and his "secret chat" that is part of his "OPTHINK platform." Of course this is actually just a shitty discord chat room that you pay a lot of money for, and unfortunately it is configured incorrectly. Any user can see the room and all of its messages, they just can't post. After reading through them, a good idea of the material being taught can be gathered. Apparently this genius has been telling people to use FUCKING MYER BRIGGS TESTS ON PEOPLE FOR "BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS." I have absolutely NO idea where this fucking retarded gem came from but I ended up laughing so hard that I almost swallowed my cig.

The best part of all of this is that for a "spy," Bustamante has really piss poor opsec. I am not going to post it here because it clearly includes his genuine honest to god home address, but I am pretty sure that he is in the process of creating one of those "crypto arbitrage trading bot" ponzi schemes.

Tl;dr, this guy is a legitimate disgrace to the actual IC, to the point of being stolen valor. If you want some actual idea of what analysis is like go rip "cases in intelligence analysis" off libgen or something. Anyways, im out.

like the old style forum btw
This is a small gotcha but the reason I went looking to see if he was legit was his comment about “getting a full ride scholarship” to the Air force Academy. That is not something ANY academy cadet or graduate would ever say because if u accepted (appointed) to any of the academies the government pays for it-there are no scholarships. My husband is West Point grad and when we moved to a small town in Oregon some yahoo tried to us that he went to West Point on a partial scholarship-no. When this guy, Andrew Bustamente, said I got a full scholarship to AFC my bs radar went off immediately. You obviously have a lot more info that proves he’s full of shit but here’s one more little nugget to throw on that fire.
Bitching about this here because there is literally no where else on the internet to do so. This guy has controlled his internet presence so carefully that it is insane.

First off, I am pretty sure that this guy is not CIA, never was/has been. Maybe air force put somewhere near cool people, but there is no way that he actually was ever in. At best he is some reject from FANX who decided to talk a bit big. There are a few really easy ways to tell that he is no where near legit:
  • He says on his linkedin that he has secret clearance.
  • Talking about what clearances you have/had publicly is a very big no no, and if he was legit OPM would be out bonking him in the head with a bat.
  • Saying you have secret clearance is like saying you have a highschool diploma. It is the most basic level of clearance that is given to pretty much everyone. I know 18 year old kids that were given secret for esentially no reason. It is the bottom of the barrel for clearance levels.
  • If he was ops side like he claims, he would never be allowed to ever publicly state that he worked for the CIA. Analyst people can, and every once in a while some admin people can, but ops side never can. Sometimes they might say they are "state department" or whatever, but they can't really ever talk about anything they do.
  • Almost everything Bustamante has ever talked about can pretty much be gleaned from a spy movie. Want to hear about way cooler things than this stuff? Watch a defcon talk called "advanced physical security," its a bit dated but its actually vaguely accurate.
  • Lets assume that he is real, was ops side, AND was able to say it (huge stretch already). He would never be able to talk about the actual techniques and theory being used behind the scenes. There exist entire departments at the CIA, NSA, DIA, ect just to control what goes out into the public through FIOA's. If he was legit then he would be a total and complete nightmare, to the point that CID might even get involved.

This guy is pretty much a serial fraudster, of which this is his newest grift. Most of his books are trashy overpriced self help books in which he caters to people who do not feel like they have control in their life. Like god, read some of these listings:

"'Everyday Espionage: Winning the Workplace' teaches you how to use spycraft to win what you want in the workplace"
https://new.everydayspy.com/wtw1 -- https://archive.is/IUJ9Y

"SEX & SPIES gives you the POWER to unleash your sex, pleasure, and libido on YOUR own terms using elite spy skills."
nigga WHAT
https://new.everydayspy.com/sex1 -- https://archive.is/lUEYw

One of the funniest elements of this guy is his "OPTHINK" course, of which he charges a whopping $997.00. This gives you access to his learning materials and his "secret chat" that is part of his "OPTHINK platform." Of course this is actually just a shitty discord chat room that you pay a lot of money for, and unfortunately it is configured incorrectly. Any user can see the room and all of its messages, they just can't post. After reading through them, a good idea of the material being taught can be gathered. Apparently this genius has been telling people to use FUCKING MYER BRIGGS TESTS ON PEOPLE FOR "BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS." I have absolutely NO idea where this fucking retarded gem came from but I ended up laughing so hard that I almost swallowed my cig.

The best part of all of this is that for a "spy," Bustamante has really piss poor opsec. I am not going to post it here because it clearly includes his genuine honest to god home address, but I am pretty sure that he is in the process of creating one of those "crypto arbitrage trading bot" ponzi schemes.

Tl;dr, this guy is a legitimate disgrace to the actual IC, to the point of being stolen valor. If you want some actual idea of what analysis is like go rip "cases in intelligence analysis" off libgen or something. Anyways, im out.

like the old style forum btw

So, I came across a video where this guy said everyone needs to leave the US by 2030, and the claims were just outlandish. Looking further, I see he claims he was a CIA agent and an air force officer in charge of nuclear weapons. My bs meter pops more red flags than a May Day parade in Red Square. I start looking into some of his claims (USAFA graduate, etc).

Initially, I could not find any record of him at the academy. I looked thru yearbooks and alumni sites, scoured the congressional record for a notice of his nomination to the academy, etc. I was diverted in other directions, and noticed that his wife had the same last name on her degrees. Then it hit me to search on his first name and middle initial. He took his wife's name when they married (no shame in that I guess, but why?). And I found him in the yearbooks. Fun fact, his final year, there is an entry, but no picture of him. Anyway...

I've been reading up on things like how long it takes to move from one rank to another, training times for various specialties, etc. Did you know to get promoted to 1st Lieutenant from 2nd Lt, you need to have 24 months of "time in grade" to be eligible for promotion to 1st Lieutenant? That's just to be eligible for promotion. Then another 24 months as a 1st Lieutenant until you are eligible for promotion to Captain (O-3).

His first assignment (not counting the Officer in Residence thing), was "Junior Officer; Air Force Pilot Training", at Moody AFB. This could be plausible, there was an Undergraduate Pilot Training presence there between 2000 and 2007 (Andrew was there from Nov 2004-August 2005). But what could he have learned there? I doubt it was pilot training, unless he washed out, because the timeline is just too short.

Next assignment, Nuclear Missile Operations; Officer in Charge! This one seems the most sus. To be a missileer, you need to go thru intensive schooling, and that entry does not appear on his linkedin. Why would you not want to include that!?!?! The other part that makes me question if he was actually involved in Nuclear Missile Operations, is that the requirements for officers are to have some sort of STEM degree. Andrew's is "Foreign Area Studies" with a focus on Asia (nothing wrong with that). So to even start the training for this station, he is missing a big requirement.

The CIA stuff is rather hard to verify. But still, a field operator being so open about all of this stuff? So public? I can't make that make sense. It reminds me of "Archangel", the guy who used to post to usenet newsgroups, claiming to be a retired CIA hacker. At best, I've seen some people claim he used to be a contractor for BAH or one of the other companies that does stuff for the intel community.

There are so many questions.
He was at the Academy and I knew him then. You are right, that’s not his real last name. He did go to pilot training & I think washed out. Last time I knew of him, until I recognized him all over the internet. Always a charismatic good talker….his biggest asset.
He was at the Academy and I knew him then. You are right, that’s not his real last name. He did go to pilot training & I think washed out. Last time I knew of him, until I recognized him all over the internet. Always a charismatic good talker….his biggest asset.

So, can you answer a couple questions? Why did he not have a picture in the yearbook for his final year at the Academy?
His postings correlate with attending pilot training, but the ICBM/Missileer claims can't fit within the timeline of his service. I was under the impression the schooling requires at least 3 years. Is that, to your knowledge, accurate?
I appreciate everyone's analysis of this fellow. Unfortunately I have no idea how these government agencies work which gives me only my suspicions and years of working with my own personal bullshit detector.
I just generally don't trust people who talk that confidently while peddling books and courses and also self promote like realtor.
Maybe he was in the CIA. Culinary institute of America?


This is the second video I've seen with this guy, and if someone can tell me if I'm off-base here at all, please tell me, but in all my looking at his material, he presents ZERO proof that he actually worked for the CIA, or was even in the damn Air Force. In that interview above, he also has this wonderful art of phrasing something in a seemingly brand new way that is, in reality, a completely obvious statement. Yes, other countries want the top spot. Yes, the CIA employs psychoanalysis. Yes, people are driven by goals.

[ATTACH type="full" alt="youdontsaynicholascageobviousstatementstupid.png"]165[/ATTACH]

Here's his website: https://everydayspy.com/about-andrew/

Dude can apparently convert anyone into an asset but he can't design a website that doesn't piss me off. And why is he trying to sell me (supposed) spy shit? What the fuck is this? I'm not gonna become Jason Bourne, man.

Here's the AMA he did: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/a8c03j/i_am_andrew_bustamante_a_former_covert_cia/

No proof of experience given. Again. And apparently the IAmA subreddit is cool with this too. Maybe all I need to say is I'm from the CIA and Reddit will get off my ass. So, all in all, I'd highly recommend ignoring this guy and looking at Snowden's work instead.

EDIT: Looked at the video's comment section and there's a depressing of lack of real questions being asked. Either they're bots, fake commenters, or we're in a sad state of affairs where any fucker can just come off the street and say they're from the CIA and nobody will question it.

Three more your perception.
I have been saying this since the first time I saw him in an interview.
This man, if he did work for the CIA, he was a pencil pusher or at best an analyst.
In one interview he was handed semi-automatic handgun. He was handling it like boogers on a stick, zero comfort or experience handling a firearm. Blatantly obvious.
He also made an audacious claim that the CIA does not call disguises "disguises" assistant call them"costumes!" I almost fell out of my chair laughing. That is why they actually have a division of the CIA and the person who heads this division is indeed, the "DIRECTOR OF DISGUISES."
He is a salesman at best!
Thank you for your time!
Bitching about this here because there is literally no where else on the internet to do so. This guy has controlled his internet presence so carefully that it is insane.

First off, I am pretty sure that this guy is not CIA, never was/has been. Maybe air force put somewhere near cool people, but there is no way that he actually was ever in. At best he is some reject from FANX who decided to talk a bit big. There are a few really easy ways to tell that he is no where near legit:
  • He says on his linkedin that he has secret clearance.
  • Talking about what clearances you have/had publicly is a very big no no, and if he was legit OPM would be out bonking him in the head with a bat.
  • Saying you have secret clearance is like saying you have a highschool diploma. It is the most basic level of clearance that is given to pretty much everyone. I know 18 year old kids that were given secret for esentially no reason. It is the bottom of the barrel for clearance levels.
  • If he was ops side like he claims, he would never be allowed to ever publicly state that he worked for the CIA. Analyst people can, and every once in a while some admin people can, but ops side never can. Sometimes they might say they are "state department" or whatever, but they can't really ever talk about anything they do.
  • Almost everything Bustamante has ever talked about can pretty much be gleaned from a spy movie. Want to hear about way cooler things than this stuff? Watch a defcon talk called "advanced physical security," its a bit dated but its actually vaguely accurate.
  • Lets assume that he is real, was ops side, AND was able to say it (huge stretch already). He would never be able to talk about the actual techniques and theory being used behind the scenes. There exist entire departments at the CIA, NSA, DIA, ect just to control what goes out into the public through FIOA's. If he was legit then he would be a total and complete nightmare, to the point that CID might even get involved.

This guy is pretty much a serial fraudster, of which this is his newest grift. Most of his books are trashy overpriced self help books in which he caters to people who do not feel like they have control in their life. Like god, read some of these listings:

"'Everyday Espionage: Winning the Workplace' teaches you how to use spycraft to win what you want in the workplace"
https://new.everydayspy.com/wtw1 -- https://archive.is/IUJ9Y

"SEX & SPIES gives you the POWER to unleash your sex, pleasure, and libido on YOUR own terms using elite spy skills."
nigga WHAT
https://new.everydayspy.com/sex1 -- https://archive.is/lUEYw

One of the funniest elements of this guy is his "OPTHINK" course, of which he charges a whopping $997.00. This gives you access to his learning materials and his "secret chat" that is part of his "OPTHINK platform." Of course this is actually just a shitty discord chat room that you pay a lot of money for, and unfortunately it is configured incorrectly. Any user can see the room and all of its messages, they just can't post. After reading through them, a good idea of the material being taught can be gathered. Apparently this genius has been telling people to use FUCKING MYER BRIGGS TESTS ON PEOPLE FOR "BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS." I have absolutely NO idea where this fucking retarded gem came from but I ended up laughing so hard that I almost swallowed my cig.

The best part of all of this is that for a "spy," Bustamante has really piss poor opsec. I a0m not going to post it here because it clearly includes his genuine honest to god home address, but I am pretty sure that he is in the process of creating one of those "crypto arbitrage trading bot" ponzi schemes.

Tl;dr, this guy is a legitimate disgrace to the actual IC, to the point of being stolen valor. If you want some actual idea of what analysis is like go rip "cases in intelligence analysis" off libgen or something. Anyways, im out.

like the old style forum btw
Thank you for seeing so clearly through this fraud. I have been saying this since his first interview that I witnessed.
Sadly some of these reputable people put them on his podcast just by merely taking his word for what he has done and who he allegedly is. Blatantly obvious! The reasons I could give you a list but I do not want to bore you.
Thank you for your time.
The amount of unverified users coming here to talk about this guy is fascinating.
The amount of unverified users coming here to talk about this guy is fascinating
Makes it seem like the dude really pissed off everyone and their mother all over the interwebs.
Makes it seem like the dude really pissed off everyone and their mother all over the interwebs.

Of all the threads to get randomly popular, I definitely would not have expected it to be this one. Again though, I stand by my theory that the CIA is watching this website.
Of all the threads to get randomly popular, I definitely would not have expected it to be this one. Again though, I stand by my theory that the CIA is watching this website.
i'm sure the cia cares about a site with 5 users
i'm sure the cia cares about a site with 5 users

Yeah, you wouldn't think so, but explain to me then why so many of these randos are bringing in knowledge of inner agency workings? Or at least, so they allege anyway.
Yeah, you wouldn't think so, but explain to me then why so many of these randos are bringing in knowledge of inner agency workings? Or at least, so they allege anyway.
they probably just read a book or two and are parroting what they read. It's probably just one guy.
either way, don't care for this schizo larping as a cia spook. hes full of shit
to add: why would the cia even care if you're talking about this loser
Some scenarios: There are users who just read or watched something about the guy, and want to know more, so they find this thread from a google search.

CIA agents are posting here to spread sentiment and/or confusion about him.

CIA agents are posting here to keep this thread active to keep it as a honeypot, so that when real information appears, they can pounce on whoever leaked it.

It's Andrew himself, keeping his own name relevant.
so they find this thread from a google search
I can't through a general search, doubt peeps are digging through search results to drop gossip here of all places

Google does have a Forum search tool and the thread does show up in the first page of results there but hard to imagine many make use of it in this day and age
they probably just read a book or two and are parroting what they read.

It's certainly possible, though I think it's unlikely that anyone would remember these minor details they read in a book unless it was literally their job.

to add: why would the cia even care if you're talking about this loser

Oh, I'm sure the CIA (as an organization) don't care about this thread or this loser, but they do seem to care about Sanctuary as a whole. Or at least enough to keep an eye on it. For what purpose, I have no idea. And while they kept an eye on it, some bored agents maybe found this thread and wanted to comment on said loser. Maybe they think we're some potential terrorist group or something. Which would be quite funny considering we're less of a terrorist group than some of the groups I see on Discord and Twitter by far. The biggest thing we do is some lightweight piracy and also talk about how to use the dark web black market. Whoop de doo.

Then again... I think it's important to remember that we do have lineage all the way back to TOTSE which DID have alllllll sorts of criminal and terrorist activity being discussed there from shoplifting to bomb-making. Which was then passed on to Zoklet. Which was then passed on to us. Which then got passed onto... niggasin.space or something. I dunno. I think the Bad Ideas crowd has mostly dispersed at this point now though. It could also be that the CIA fear someone's going to come on here and start leaking state secrets, which would be a terrible idea in a multitude of ways.

I can't through a general search, doubt peeps are digging through search results to drop gossip here of all places

Also this.

Google does have a Forum search tool

Where? lol Last I heard about anything like this was when Google was still running Google Directory. But that was over 12 years ago.
Oh, I'm sure the CIA (as an organization) don't care about this thread or this loser, but they do seem to care about Sanctuary as a whole. Or at least enough to keep an eye on it. For what purpose, I have no idea. And while they kept an eye on it, some bored agents maybe found this thread and wanted to comment on said loser. Maybe they think we're some potential terrorist group or something. Which would be quite funny considering we're less of a terrorist group than some of the groups I see on Discord and Twitter by far. The biggest thing we do is some lightweight piracy and also talk about how to use the dark web black market. Whoop de doo.
You are huffing you're own farts right now. No-one cares about this sight other than the five of us who are here. if you can't get normal internet users here, what genuinely makes you think the cia care.
Maybe they think we're some potential terrorist group or something.

It could also be that the CIA fear someone's going to come on here and start leaking state secrets, which would be a terrible idea in a multitude of ways.
why would someone who wants to leak state secrets come here of all places, and not, idk, a journalist. I'm sure Snowdens kicking himself for not knowing about the site

Yeah, you wouldn't think so, but explain to me then why so many of these randos are bringing in knowledge of inner agency workings? Or at least, so they allege anyway.
None of these people have provided any evidence they work for the cia, or that they know andrew other than "trust me bro". It's just as likely that you (or anyone else) is just making up accounts to feign interaction
No-one cares about this sight other than the five of us who are here.

Eh, there's definitely more than 5 of us, but admittedly, that's just semantics at this point.

if you can't get normal internet users here, what genuinely makes you think the cia care.

Your mistake is thinking of the CIA as an organization run by intelligent people. Snowden exposed a ton of corruption and idiocy in the CIA. Do you really think that the situation's improved nowadays?


Indeed. Which would be right in line with modern US government behavior.

why would someone who wants to leak state secrets come here of all places, and not, idk, a journalist. I'm sure Snowdens kicking himself for not knowing about the site

Bruh, I said it would be a terrible idea. lol Someone though could come on here, see that we're overseas and that we support freedom of speech and then decide to dump stuff here. I've seen stranger things and I'm sure you have too.

None of these people have provided any evidence they work for the cia

Obviously they wouldn't... >_>

It's just as likely that you (or anyone else) is just making up accounts to feign interaction

Man, if I was really going to do that, why would I put all the activity in one thread? lol Give me a little bit more credit than that. Fucking hell...