Bitching about this here because there is literally no where else on the internet to do so. This guy has controlled his internet presence so carefully that it is insane.
First off, I am pretty sure that this guy is not CIA, never was/has been. Maybe air force put somewhere near cool people, but there is no way that he actually was ever in. At best he is some reject from FANX who decided to talk a bit big. There are a few really easy ways to tell that he is no where near legit:
- He says on his linkedin that he has secret clearance.
- Talking about what clearances you have/had publicly is a very big no no, and if he was legit OPM would be out bonking him in the head with a bat.
- Saying you have secret clearance is like saying you have a highschool diploma. It is the most basic level of clearance that is given to pretty much everyone. I know 18 year old kids that were given secret for esentially no reason. It is the bottom of the barrel for clearance levels.
- If he was ops side like he claims, he would never be allowed to ever publicly state that he worked for the CIA. Analyst people can, and every once in a while some admin people can, but ops side never can. Sometimes they might say they are "state department" or whatever, but they can't really ever talk about anything they do.
- Almost everything Bustamante has ever talked about can pretty much be gleaned from a spy movie. Want to hear about way cooler things than this stuff? Watch a defcon talk called "advanced physical security," its a bit dated but its actually vaguely accurate.
- Lets assume that he is real, was ops side, AND was able to say it (huge stretch already). He would never be able to talk about the actual techniques and theory being used behind the scenes. There exist entire departments at the CIA, NSA, DIA, ect just to control what goes out into the public through FIOA's. If he was legit then he would be a total and complete nightmare, to the point that CID might even get involved.
This guy is pretty much a serial fraudster, of which this is his newest grift. Most of his books are trashy overpriced self help books in which he caters to people who do not feel like they have control in their life. Like god, read some of these listings:
'Everyday Espionage: Winning the Workplace' teaches you how to use spycraft to win what you want in the workplace" --
"SEX & SPIES gives you the POWER to unleash your sex, pleasure, and libido on YOUR own terms using elite spy skills."
nigga WHAT --
One of the funniest elements of this guy is his "OPTHINK" course, of which he charges a whopping $997.00. This gives you access to his learning materials and his "secret chat" that is part of his "OPTHINK platform." Of course this is actually just a shitty discord chat room that you pay a lot of money for, and unfortunately it is configured incorrectly. Any user can see the room and all of its messages, they just can't post. After reading through them, a good idea of the material being taught can be gathered. Apparently this genius has been telling people to use FUCKING MYER BRIGGS TESTS ON PEOPLE FOR "BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS." I have absolutely NO idea where this fucking retarded gem came from but I ended up laughing so hard that I almost swallowed my cig.
The best part of all of this is that for a "spy," Bustamante has really piss poor opsec. I am not going to post it here because it clearly includes his genuine honest to god home address, but I am pretty sure that he is in the process of creating one of those "crypto arbitrage trading bot" ponzi schemes.
Tl;dr, this guy is a legitimate disgrace to the actual IC, to the point of being stolen valor. If you want some actual idea of what analysis is like go rip "cases in intelligence analysis" off libgen or something. Anyways, im out.
like the old style forum btw