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Would you like a forum game or a D&D campaign?

Which would you like?

  • Forum Game

  • D&D

  • I don't care.

Results are only viewable after voting.


Staff member
A simple poll to see where everyone lies here.

A forum game is much simpler to run and to play, but it has a very set short-term length. D&D takes a lot longer to set up and to run but of course, offers much more options to everyone.

Also, I should say, if we do another forum game, you can have the chance to earn a permanent title again. With our last forum game, Houseman and Gauche won permanent titles. If you've already earned a permanent title and you win one again, you can change your old one to something else at any time once. If we do D&D you may still be able to earn a title, but it's not guaranteed and will depend on game circumstances.
Sure, I guess, I'll try to be there, I'm interested in both to be honest but given that I'm already playing plenty of RPGs I'll say the forum game is what I'd prefer to play.