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We Will No Longer Be Actively Supporting Chromium-Based Browsers


Staff member
You know, Chromium has long been the Eric Cartman of browsers now. People don't like it, but kicking it out would be generally more trouble than it's worth. So... People put up with it. For years we've all been dealing with shit now from a few sites refusing to work on Firefox to Manifest v3. And now, the newest shit-in-a-bag decision straight from Google HQ is this unholy Web Integrity API abomination which is basically Google-enforced DRM for the web. It started as a proposal with a massive amount of backlash. And did Google listen to any of this?

No. It's been merged into the Chromium code as of today.

Ok. You know what?


This is horseshit and you know it. And I know I just run this little rinky dink XenForo forum and I really don't have much power to do anything about this here, but damn it, I'm gonna do my fucking part.

As of today, and until further notice, while we are certainly not going to deny access to anyone at Sanctuary if they're running a Chromium-based browser, if you have a formatting issue or a JavaScript issue, or any other such related issue, if we find out you are running a Chromium-based browser, we are no longer going to provide technical support to you. You are entirely on your own. We will now only provide official support to any browser that isn't Chromium-based.

That will be all.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
That's good, though I wouldn't be surprised when FF includes Web Integrity too. Like they've done with google Web-RTC, google Web-GL, google Web-Components, google Web Extensions (and MV3), google Safe Web, google Widewine, google Skia, google GeoLocation, google IrRegex, google search, and google analytics. Not to mention how they give your browser a unique identifier, collect massive amounts of telemetry, display a propensity and possibility to install and uninstall extensions without your consent, and last but not least, supports pro-censorship/deplatforming and general wokeness. Oh yeah, they also mislead people into conflating Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation, appropriating funds people think go to the browser but actually goes towards previously mentioned political activism.

Thank Thor for Pale Moon.
Last edited:


So that means up until now you have been actively supporting Google Chrome? I guess it's better to get integrity late than never.


Mad Scientists
Allright, duly noted. I much prefer firefox anyway, despite this specific box running chrome. What do you guys use these days?


I'm using Waterfox, but I kind of feel like it hasn't updated in a really long time and a bunch of websites don't work properly. I should probably switch to Palemoon.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
I'm using Waterfox, but I kind of feel like it hasn't updated in a really long time and a bunch of websites don't work properly. I should probably switch to Palemoon.
Waterfox has been owned by the shady ad company System1 up until now. It's recently changed back to the original owner, so it might get new updates now. However, I do recommend Pale Moon highly. Or you could try Basilisk as well.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend

"Warning banner if a user's browser supports Web Environment Integrity (WEI), can be embedded on websites to nudge people to switch to a better browser."


Staff member

"Warning banner if a user's browser supports Web Environment Integrity (WEI), can be embedded on websites to nudge people to switch to a better browser."
No need. I already put a notice into our Welcome message for visitors.


Engineering Sector

I will be personally ordering the removal of the Chrome web browser as well as other Chromium based browsers such as Brave and Microsoft™ Edge™ effective immediately. Such removals of common browsers should not be a huge issue. Unknown to many, Lockheed Martin's official browser is (and will always continue to be) Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer, produced by the Microsoft™ Corporation (one of our top sector partners), is the best browser known to human kind and can support stunning features such as Active X™ content, riveting add on's such as LuckyTabSave, feature rich systems including Altavista toolbar®, and amazing customizable shells such as AOL Explorer.

While not officially supported, Mozilla™ Firefox will continue to be available for download through the Lockheed Martin approved software list. While I will never be able to convince many others of the superiority of Internet Explorer, Mozilla™ Firefox is a popular web browser amongst our LGBTQAP+ workforce at the company. Many employees tell me that they enjoy the web browser specifically due to its slow speed and insufficient rendering engine, often commenting that it makes them feel as though "[They are] taking it in the ass ... while browsing the internet. ... I love taking it [in the ass]." Out of respect for their homosexual desires, Firefox will remain allowed on internal company networks. This rule change excludes classified areas where clients have exclusive control over user web browsers.

Yours Truly,
James Taiclet


Staff member

I will be personally ordering the removal of the Chrome web browser as well as other Chromium based browsers such as Brave and Microsoft™ Edge™ effective immediately. Such removals of common browsers should not be a huge issue. Unknown to many, Lockheed Martin's official browser is (and will always continue to be) Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer, produced by the Microsoft™ Corporation (one of our top sector partners), is the best browser known to human kind and can support stunning features such as Active X™ content, riveting add on's such as LuckyTabSave, feature rich systems including Altavista toolbar®, and amazing customizable shells such as AOL Explorer.

While not officially supported, Mozilla™ Firefox will continue to be available for download through the Lockheed Martin approved software list. While I will never be able to convince many others of the superiority of Internet Explorer, Mozilla™ Firefox is a popular web browser amongst our LGBTQAP+ workforce at the company. Many employees tell me that they enjoy the web browser specifically due to its slow speed and insufficient rendering engine, often commenting that it makes them feel as though "[They are] taking it in the ass ... while browsing the internet. ... I love taking it [in the ass]." Out of respect for their homosexual desires, Firefox will remain allowed on internal company networks. This rule change excludes classified areas where clients have exclusive control over user web browsers.

Yours Truly,
James Taiclet

For the record, Firefox actually works pretty great. On pretty old PCs it will be a problem though, yeah.



I will be personally ordering the removal of the Chrome web browser as well as other Chromium based browsers such as Brave and Microsoft™ Edge™ effective immediately. Such removals of common browsers should not be a huge issue. Unknown to many, Lockheed Martin's official browser is (and will always continue to be) Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer, produced by the Microsoft™ Corporation (one of our top sector partners), is the best browser known to human kind and can support stunning features such as Active X™ content, riveting add on's such as LuckyTabSave, feature rich systems including Altavista toolbar®, and amazing customizable shells such as AOL Explorer.

While not officially supported, Mozilla™ Firefox will continue to be available for download through the Lockheed Martin approved software list. While I will never be able to convince many others of the superiority of Internet Explorer, Mozilla™ Firefox is a popular web browser amongst our LGBTQAP+ workforce at the company. Many employees tell me that they enjoy the web browser specifically due to its slow speed and insufficient rendering engine, often commenting that it makes them feel as though "[They are] taking it in the ass ... while browsing the internet. ... I love taking it [in the ass]." Out of respect for their homosexual desires, Firefox will remain allowed on internal company networks. This rule change excludes classified areas where clients have exclusive control over user web browsers.

Yours Truly,
James Taiclet
It's up to the CEO to make the tough decisions, and what's popular isn't always what's right. You can't run a successful company just by blindly following what everybody else is doing. Good job!

I also have decided to go back to Internet Explorer. Sorry Vendor, Pale Moon just can't measure up to the classics.


Waterfox has been owned by the shady ad company System1 up until now. It's recently changed back to the original owner, so it might get new updates now. However, I do recommend Pale Moon highly. Or you could try Basilisk as well.
So, Palemoon seems like it kind of sucks in terms of extensions and the like. There's like 3 personas and they are all pretty ugly. Unless I learn how to make my own theme I don't think I can use this browser.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
So, Palemoon seems like it kind of sucks in terms of extensions and the like. There's like 3 personas and they are all pretty ugly. Unless I learn how to make my own theme I don't think I can use this browser.
https://addons.palemoon.org/extensions/?all=1 & https://github.com/JustOff/ca-archive gives you 20 000 powerful addons, and https://addons.palemoon.org/themes/ gives you 40 actual Themes (changing the entire browser) and not just background/color "Personas". If you want anything else from google Web Extensions, then just use https://github.com/janekptacijarabaci/greasemonkey/releases/tag/3.31.4Fork and https://greasyfork.org/en as extensions are nothing more than scripts in the end.


Arch Disciple
I was specifically looking for 20,000 weak addons

You can also change the browser via CSS with https://addons.palemoon.org/addon/stylem/
Any user style addon will do. Used one to take off the google search from the dial screen
Use the following to stop new tabs from flash banging you
@-moz-document url(chrome://browser/content/browser.xul) {
tabbrowser tabpanels,
#appcontent > #content {
background: #2b2b2b !important;
@-moz-document url(about:blank), url(about:home), url(about:newtab) {
html, body {
background: #2b2b2b !important;


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
I was specifically looking for 20,000 weak addons
The difference is that google web extensions are more comparable to user scripts and CSS, running on top of the browser alone (very limited, and more so with future MV3), unlike UXP/XUL addons that add onto and integrate with the browser.

I use the Speed Dial from CAA (classic addons archive) myself. Much better than the native/original PM homepage site (which is the only thing that uses any kind of telemetry on PM. Weak telemetry, but still). I also use uBlock Origin, eMatrix, PureURL, DecentralEyes, Dismiss the Overlay, GreaseMonkey, Suspender, Toggle Javascript, and URL ReWriter. As well as a host of privacy changes in About:Config (fingerpring randomization, disabling hardware fingerprints, disabling interaction Observers for mouse & keyboard, etc).


https://addons.palemoon.org/extensions/?all=1 & https://github.com/JustOff/ca-archive gives you 20 000 powerful addons, and https://addons.palemoon.org/themes/ gives you 40 actual Themes (changing the entire browser) and not just background/color "Personas". If you want anything else from google Web Extensions, then just use https://github.com/janekptacijarabaci/greasemonkey/releases/tag/3.31.4Fork and https://greasyfork.org/en as extensions are nothing more than scripts in the end.
Ok great, this is exactly what I need. Basically all the addons I already used are here and I can use Persona+ to recreate the persona I've been using for like 10 years. Why is this not part of the official addon collection?


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
Ok great, this is exactly what I need. Basically all the addons I already used are here and I can use Persona+ to recreate the persona I've been using for like 10 years. Why is this not part of the official addon collection?
They're addons that were written for Firefox before they went Quantum (chromium-lite) So they're not made specifically for Pale Moon. Most should work with little to no modifications, but they're not exactly officially supported. Hence why they're external. Some have been forked to work along with the latest Pale Moon versions though, and anyone else is free to take up a maintainer position for an addon (or more) as well.


Staff member
They're addons that were written for Firefox before they went Quantum (chromium-lite) So they're not made specifically for Pale Moon. Most should work with little to no modifications, but they're not exactly officially supported. Hence why they're external. Some have been forked to work along with the latest Pale Moon versions though, and anyone else is free to take up a maintainer position for an addon (or more) as well.
Out of curiosity, why Pale Moon and not LibreWolf?


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
Out of curiosity, why Pale Moon and not LibreWolf?
LibreWolf is my third used browser (at 0.01%), and it's beause it's still based and dependent on Firefox Quantum. When it goes down, so do LibreWolf. Besides, FF is as I mentioned above, woke, spyware-ish, and chromium-lite.


Staff member
LibreWolf is my third used browser (at 0.01%), and it's beause it's still based and dependent on Firefox Quantum. When it goes down, so do LibreWolf. Besides, FF is as I mentioned above, woke, spyware-ish, and chromium-lite.
If I recall correctly, Quantum actually brought with it some major performance boosts, and LibreWolf can always fork if they need to. Also, the whole point of LibreWolf is to be a hardened Firefox, so any spyware is going to get stripped out.

I will say though, Pale Moon is in a MUCH better position to be independent than LibreWolf most likely.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
If I recall correctly, Quantum actually brought with it some major performance boosts, and LibreWolf can always fork if they need to. Also, the whole point of LibreWolf is to be a hardened Firefox, so any spyware is going to get stripped out.

I will say though, Pale Moon is in a MUCH better position to be independent than LibreWolf most likely.

It's true that LibreWolf could always fork it (true, hard, fork. I'm highlighting this because many purported forks are just soft forks, rebuilds), although they'd risk falling behind because they don't have as many devs as google & firefox. While trying to keep up with googles rapid release cycle. Since it already contains so much google code (which they also need to adhere to for the most part, making it still very chromium-lite). They also risk being called an outdated and old Firefox build (this is a favorite go-to for FF fanboys).

I'd love to see LibreWolf coming out with their own engine and browser though (although I'd rather see googles monopoly be broken up and sites going back to become browser-neutral, with fallbacks. Not adhering to WEI, MV3, DOM by default).

Pale Moon has been independent since 2014. So yeah, they'd survive the fall of Firefox just fine.