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War, am I too in love with it, even though I get its horrible?


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
This reminds me of playing Rogue Legacy. With a "coprolalia"(?) trait against different mobs.
Another trait was IBS, but that's the entirely other end of a long tube.


Vendor-Lazarus said:
This reminds me of playing Rogue Legacy. With a "coprolalia"(?) trait against different mobs.
Another trait was IBS, but that's the entirely other end of a long tube.
because any of that makes any sense at all.


Libertarian Contrarian
Sanctuary legend
infinityshock said:
Signa said:
infinityshock said:
because using kike-created fantasy worlds are what you should base reality on.

get off your fat ass and leave mommy and daddys house to see the real world. not what you see on tv.
Not every movie has to be about diaper sheep girls.


thats cute
I'm glad you liked it! You replied to the wrong thread so I thought I'd fix it for you ;)


Signa said:
infinityshock said:

thats cute
I'm glad you liked it! You replied to the wrong thread so I thought I'd fix it for you ;)
you are a full-kroz tier retard and deserving of no more elaborate reply than pointing out a concept youre too fucking stupid to grasp:

youre an idiot.

arnie: heres an example of why youre a failure and youll never have a successful site. you ban me for some stupid ass reason and this dumfuck is literally off topic spamming.


Staff member
infinityshock said:
arnie: heres an example of why youre a failure and youll never have a successful site. you ban me for some stupid ass reason and this dumfuck is literally off topic spamming.
No, he's not "literally off-topic spamming". You're the one who started down this whole path in this thread. They're just replying to you. Not what I would recommend but whatever.

OT: I think you like the element of competition, like me. Also, there is beauty in destruction. And finally, wielding power is visceral.

Having said that though, what you don't like really is the horrible consequences of it all.


Libertarian Contrarian
Sanctuary legend
infinityshock said:
Signa said:
I'm glad you liked it! You replied to the wrong thread so I thought I'd fix it for you ;)
you are a full-kroz tier retard and deserving of no more elaborate reply than pointing out a concept youre too fucking stupid to grasp:

youre an idiot.

arnie: heres an example of why youre a failure and youll never have a successful site. you ban me for some stupid ass reason and this dumfuck is literally off topic spamming.
Sweety, whenever you post, the topic is all about you, every time. I literally can't be off-topic if I'm replying to you.

~Loves! <3~


Arnox said:
infinityshock said:
arnie: heres an example of why youre a failure and youll never have a successful site. you ban me for some stupid ass reason and this dumfuck is literally off topic spamming.
No, he's not "literally off-topic spamming". You're the one who started down this whole path in this thread. They're just replying to you. Not what I would recommend but whatever.

OT: I think you like the element of competition, like me. Also, there is beauty in destruction. And finally, wielding power is visceral.

Having said that though, what you don't like really is the horrible consequences of it all.
youre an idiot.

my first inclination is to leave that as the only reply your idiocy is deserving of but im going to add the following just to make fun of you:

that kroz-tier retard literally cut-pasted a quote from a completely different thread and brought it into this one. that is literally the definition of off topic posting, you fucking retard.

ive already said youre delusional and professing to know anything about me along with your nonsensical drizzlings only reinforces that fact.


Signa said:
infinityshock said:
you are a full-kroz tier retard and deserving of no more elaborate reply than pointing out a concept youre too fucking stupid to grasp:

youre an idiot.

arnie: heres an example of why youre a failure and youll never have a successful site. you ban me for some stupid ass reason and this dumfuck is literally off topic spamming.
Sweety, whenever you post, the topic is all about you, every time. I literally can't be off-topic if I'm replying to you.

~Loves! <3~
youre a good bitch. you'd make me a lot of money in prison.


Libertarian Contrarian
Sanctuary legend
infinityshock said:
Signa said:
Sweety, whenever you post, the topic is all about you, every time. I literally can't be off-topic if I'm replying to you.

~Loves! <3~
youre a good bitch. you'd make me a lot of money in prison.
You clearly have some repressed homosexual tendencies. If prison is your only outlet then I wish you luck.