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Sanctuary Forum Game #2: D&D Test Run


Staff member

The island of Suraga is a desolate if beautiful one. Few people come there of their own volition and the people that live here like it that way. Unlike your group. You all hail from this island, but the itch of discovery is now upon you all and it was time to make your mark on the world. And what better time than the present? For, today, your group has just gotten word of a nice little bounty. The Princess of Suraga has captured the island wizard and is marshalling evil forces! 2,500 gold for her, dead or alive. Now your group is at the Furai Inn and Bar at the middle of the day, rested and well-equipped, ready to set off to the west where the princess' evil keep lay. A chance to earn some gold, a chance to right wrongs, or a chance to simply cause destruction. All of them were valid reasons. And your group would fight through to your respective rewards.

andersonnnunes - Eneva - Cleric - The jaded but honorable half-orc fighter.
gaijinkaiju - Siegfried - Paladin - The scarred but kind human paladin.
Kaleion - Eleria Ezel - Fighter - The knowledgeable but unsocial human cleric.
Battousai - Rosh the Great - Barbarian - The tough but charismatic dwarf.

Turn 1

All characters may now act. Use @ to talk to each other. So say I wanted to talk to Eneva, I would do "@andersonnnunes - Hi!" You may talk to someone as often as you like, but the turn won't end until everyone has performed an action or has used PASS to simply wait. Remember that PASS does not put your character in automatic or anything! It literally means that your character is standing/sitting/laying there passively, performing no action.

Welcome to the sandbox. Good luck and have fun!
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Are you reading every message here and we don't need to use @Arnox?

Eneva enters the inn, says hi to everyone and sits at any chair close to the center. Eneva looks around, search for someone she could challenge for a duel and who is weaker than her. (unsure if I need to ask "what does she see?" or if the DM will just pick it up and reply with the flow)


Staff member
Are you reading every message here and we don't need to use @Arnox?

Eneva enters the inn, says hi to everyone and sits at any chair close to the center. Eneva looks around, search for someone she could challenge for a duel and who is weaker than her. (unsure if I need to ask "what does she see?" or if the DM will just pick it up and reply with the flow)
Yeah, I'll read all messages. And yep, just state whatever actions you'd like to perform. No need to @ me. Also, I should have clarified further. Everyone's already in the inn, sitting around at a table to the back.

As to when I'll respond with the effects of the actions, generally it'll be next turn, but if the request is small enough, I may squeeze it into the current turn.


Sanctuary legend
Keep in mind that I am quite busy (Playing an RPG at the table right now) so I'm unable to respond for the most part today right now.

After arriving in town from a long journey all I want to do is relax I arrive and look for a quiet corner in the Inn where I can relax and have a drink and a nice meal.

It is important to note that since I have just arrived from a long journey I'm still wearing my scale mail, and if it is not illegal in this town my shortsword should be in my scabbard as well as my shield not to mention there's a light crossbow hanging from my backpack as for my appearence I'm wearing bright red Robes with a hood as well as a fairly large and bulky travelling backpack.

Picture for refference, Link to art & artist's profile on ArtStation


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Siegfried continues to sip away at his jug of ale, thinking about the journey to come


Brother Sharp
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Cookmaster supreme
Rosh gets up from the table, casually strolls to the bar and asks the innkeeper for his strongest Dwarven Ale, as he waits for his drink he gazes at the rest of the room thinking there might still be time to get into a fun bar fight before heading out for some real adventure. After getting his ale he goes back to his chair and promptly chugs the drink, slams the mug on the table and sighs in relief and exclaims "NOW THIS WHAT GOOD DWARVEN ALE FEELS LIKE, LADS!" He now feels ready for whatever comes next.


Staff member
Turn 2
The group is mostly quiet at the moment, muttering their afternoon greetings to each other and getting settled in, save for one of the party members who was a bit more... Vociferous than was normal for the others. As Rosh and Eneva eye the sleepy bar room, looking for challengers, they spy a few hardy townsfolk looking to their direction in general distaste for Rosh's outburst but saying nothing. One was sitting on a bar stool while the other had a booth to himself. Soon enough though, Rosh and Eneva's eyes fell on each other.


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Having finished his jug, Siegfried gets up and heads off to the general store. As he goes to leave he stops and puts his arm on Rosh's shoulder
"@Battousai Try not to cause trouble for the barkeep, aye" he says chuckling then looking in the direction of eneva "@andersonnnunes the same goes for you"


Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
Looking at Siegfried as he leaves then turning back to Eneva, Rosh just looks around, sighs and says "Aye, not really worth fighting here, there will be better fights and places to fight later on." He gets up and goes to the bar to order one more mug of ale, as he goes he glances back at Eneva and gives a quick smile and wink. Our hearty dwarf then takes his mug and starts savoring his ale slowly this time, it might be the last time he gets to drink a good one before heading out.


@everyone, as much as the DM suggested using @player (which is fine for stating a new point), I prefer quoting when replying. Depending on your alert preferences on XenForo, you may prefer one or the other. Does anyone have alerts disabled for quotes?

the same goes for you
Eneva reciprocates Siegfried's chuck and replies "sure". The let's a "his wife though..." escape in a low voice after he was gone.

he glances back at Eneva and gives a quick smile and wink
You are a charm and don't see to mind a little drip on the road [reference to his drinking and where all the extra water is going later] but I don't want to be surprised with a bath, so some interrogations are in order. [cue to the fact that, as an half-orc, she is more used to interrogate than to ask pleadingly]

Looking at Eleria, Eneva fires: And as long as we have to wait for the miss happy hour here to take her time, I may as well enjoy the place.

Eneva approaches the townsfolk at the inn and asks about the weather on the island. Her measure of joy was how many men she could intimidate to do her bidding, so she spoke in a hard tone and with a body posture tending to that of an mighty orc.


Sanctuary legend
I pretend I didn't hear anything and continue to it but now that some amount of pressure has been put, I do try to remember the purpose of me being there with these people and try to think of an excuse to leave before things get rowdy, as I don't want to spend my free time healing drunkards.


Staff member
Turn 3
As Siegfried exits the bar and enters the general store, he's greeted cheerfully by the owner, Belethor.

"Everything's for sale, my friend! You know, some may call this junk. Me, I call them treasures."

The store is decently equipped, but you note that the group already has all the basic weapons and supplies they need.


As Eneva approaches and confronts the males of the bar, some of the wives that had come with them don't look too happy, but they couldn't really do anything about it. Most of the men were nervous but some seem to be excited to serve such a strong commanding women. Eneva gets the distinct impression that more than one guy here likes the ol' whip and leather. After a bit of this, a particularly eager youth comes hurrying over to the half-orc carrying her a fresh drink...

"By Azura, by Azura, by Azura! I'm so glad to serve you madam!"

... Who was followed quickly by the surly bartender.

"Alright, that's it. You better calm the hell down or get your ASS out of my bar or else I'm fetching the guards!"


Eneva is thinking about a plot to make the eager youth be the ASS that she gets to carry out to spit on the bartender, hopefully making he so overloaded with work that the next time the guards come to have fun, he makes a mistake and gets them angry enough to smack him.

Her evil nature got the better of her for some seconds, with many evil plans popping up on her head, but she decided to keep things simple, as, for all she could see, she was around a bunch of simpletons.

@Eager Youth
Come here. How about you show me around the island?


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Having decided he had all he needed for the journey, Siegfried heads to the blacksmith to sharpen his trusty blade and make any final repairs to his armor


Sanctuary legend
While I eat I try to think of what I know regarding the Princess's bounty (I guess I want to roll History), but thinking I should probably go to the Wizard's Tower to ask for more information, but in the meantime I signal the barkeep.

@Barkeep E-excuse me sir but I was wondering if I could perhaps ask you a couple of questions.

OOC: @Arnox I assume that by well equipped you mean we have all starting gear, right? However if there is something else that I might want to acquire before leaving I also assume now would be a good time to do that.


Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
After finishing his Ale, satisified, Rosh leaves the inn and checks his gear. He notices his axes are a bit dull and decides to go and sharpen them at the blacksmith, suspecting its will probably come in handy to have a really sharp edge during the next few days. When he gets there he find Siegfried and the blacksmith, the blacksmith is already at work with Siegfried's equipment and tells Rosh he will have to wait for a few minutes while he finishes with his current job. Rosh sees no problem with this and leans on a wall of the shop while he waits.

At the same time he decides its probably a good idea to strike a short chat with Siegfried while he waits given that they will be travelling together shortly. @gaijinkaiju "So mate, how do you think our search for the evil princess is gonna fare? I expect a lot of fighting along the way, but I am really eager to get to it!"


Staff member
In order of responses...

Turn 4

"Oh yes, madam! Right away, madam!" The youth quickly nodded, clearly rising to the task before him. The barkeep grunted and nodded curtly, glad to be rid of the woman finally, now going back to his duties.

(I'm assuming then you're going to be... "Busy" with this for the rest of the day? Keep in mind, the group may probably want to set out today. If they get impatient enough, they could leave you behind.)


You finish up very quickly at the general store and then arrive at the blacksmith ("Looking to protect yourself, or deal some damage?") to make some quick checks, though the work doesn't take long at all.


As the barkeep turns away from the half-orc woman, you manage to wave him down. "Yeah, I guess I could answer your questions but... You'd probably be better off asking over at the knight's quarters or the castle. Just a barkeep after all... "

(And yep. All basic gear should already be given. Keep in mind, shops in this world generally don't sell magic weapons/items. You'd have to go to a magic user or someone who specializes in such.)

History check - You've lived on this island all your life, so you at least have a cursory knowledge of the politics here. For extra known knowledge though, you never really followed up on that sort of thing. All you know is that the wizard was a huge help to the workings on the island, but the princess was never fond of him, though the actual falling out was never publicly seen. (Ability check breakdown: 3 + 2 + 4 = 9 vs DC 15)


I'm assuming then you're going to be... "Busy" with this for the rest of the day?
Eneva really needs an ASS to carry out her equipment on the coming travel, maybe even carry her around too, so now that she found a very promising candidate, she is gonna put her fangs on it for good.

Eneva leads the conversation with the youth, asking about the equines of the island and suggests they go to the stables.


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Staring off into the distance Siegfried replies to Rosh, "@Battousai Something tells me you'll be getting your fill of fighting soon enough, but don't be too eager lest you fall in to a trap, aye" Having made final repairs, he heads back to the inn to regroup with the others. As he leaves though, he stops turns around and with a grin says @Battousai "how do feel about making a friendly wager?"


Staff member
Eneva really needs an ASS to carry out her equipment on the coming travel, maybe even carry her around too, so now that she found a very promising candidate, she is gonna put her fangs on it for good.

Eneva leads the conversation with the youth, asking about the equines of the island and suggests they go to the stables.
Alright. I'm assuming then that you're banging this boy in the stables at the moment. When you're ready to rejoin the party at the inn, let me know. Otherwise, just say PASS for the turns.


Alright. I'm assuming then that you're banging this boy in the stables at the moment. When you're ready to rejoin the party at the inn, let me know. Otherwise, just say PASS for the turns.
No way, Eneva is going to keep the boy on the edge, he will get his reward after everything is said and done, maybe.

When she arrives there, she asks for the best horse of the stable. Also, she asks how many horses are available.


Staff member
No way, Eneva is going to keep the boy on the edge, he will get his reward after everything is said and done, maybe.

When she arrives there, she asks for the best horse of the stable. Also, she asks how many horses are available.
Oh, an actually legit visit to the stables? Fair enough. Also, you can buy the best horse if you like, but it would be a waste as travel speed isn't really a factor in this particular campaign.

Also, the youth is very excited now and you can tell this is going to be very... Hard for him. He begins to ask your name, your occupation, where you live, and what your favorite weapon is. Pretty nosy, this one.