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If you could be king of the world for a day, what one law would you make?

Dale Gribble

I know what you guys think I'm going to say, but it's not that. I would make manufacturing single use plastics a capital offense. There is nothing I hate more than single use plastics. Microplastics have washed up all the way on Easter fucking island and have even been found in human blood, testicle and ovaries. I go for a walk and see empty soda bottles, plastic bags, straws and all kinds of shit everywhere and it fills me with an indescribable, burning rage. Not only because of the pollution but because of what it represents. Consumerist culture, companies just doing what saves them money, consequences be damned, and lazy fucks who can't even recycle their plastics. Also, when you "recycle" plastics, most of it just ends up in the ocean. A fraction of what is recycled is actually reused. The most mind numbing part of it all, is that almost anything is better for the environment than plastic. Drinks? Aluminum and glass. Bags? Paper. Straws? Metal/cardboard/rice.

Anyway, i could go on about environmentalism all day, but what would be your law?
I'd make crime illegal.

That should do it!
Assuming just king and not a god and I could only make one unchangeable law... I guess I'd make a law where EVERYONE must be trained in firearms use before 18 and, when they reach 18, MUST be armed with a firearm in public.

This is definitely not going to solve every problem at all, but this will have a MASSIVE knock-on effect. Now, the playing field is equal and predators of all types will have a much, MUCH harder time preying on people. Politicians will also know that everyone is both armed and trained which will have a huge deterrent effect. Again, not gonna solve every problem at all, but I only have one law I can enact so... This would be it.
The result of studies/expert conclusions can't be shared publicly

I feel like millionaires sponsor these shits just to have it spread nation/world wide by news outlets/radio/talk shows as an inoffensive factoid all the while slighting on society

No shit bright lights are bad for sleep, fuck off influencing the world Karen
Assuming just king and not a god and I could only make one unchangeable law... I guess I'd make a law where EVERYONE must be trained in firearms use before 18 and, when they reach 18, MUST be armed with a firearm in public.

This is definitely not going to solve every problem at all, but this will have a MASSIVE knock-on effect. Now, the playing field is equal and predators of all types will have a much, MUCH harder time preying on people. Politicians will also know that everyone is both armed and trained which will have a huge deterrent effect. Again, not gonna solve every problem at all, but I only have one law I can enact so... This would be it.

That's a pretty good one tbh, but the future of warfare is drones. I'm sure you've seen those Ukrainian videos of dive bombing exploding drones and drones that drop thermite on the enemies. It should really be against the Geneva convention imo. I'm sure before long we will be seeing those dog looking drones with guns mounted on them. Truly terrifying.
The result of studies/expert conclusions can't be shared publicly

I feel like millionaires sponsor these shits just to have it spread nation/world wide by news outlets/radio/talk shows as an inoffensive factoid all the while slighting on society

No shit bright lights are bad for sleep, fuck off influencing the world Karen

I like this one too, you're correct about millionaires sponsoring bullshit studies. From my understanding, and I am no expert, but what will happen is let's say you're going to study a soda with a certain ingredient that's making people lose hair. The soda company will pay for a study to see if it's true. Of course if you find it is true you're not getting paid. So you bend the numbers somehow to make it inconclusive, "no link has been found between soda and hair loss" then it gets peer reviewed and everyone takes it as truth. "Science" can be corrupt and bullshit like everything else.

Here's another one I hate, "some researchers suggest that soy increases your testosterone" and everyone goes zomg guys see no link between soy and estrogen !!!11+!!!1+
That's a pretty good one tbh, but the future of warfare is drones. I'm sure you've seen those Ukrainian videos of dive bombing exploding drones and drones that drop thermite on the enemies. It should really be against the Geneva convention imo. I'm sure before long we will be seeing those dog looking drones with guns mounted on them. Truly terrifying.
This is true, but even drones need a target in order to be militarily effective. And even if we lived in a society where drones didn't exist whatsoever, if the assailant didn't have any qualms about collateral damage, they could just do a classic driveby. Drones do change state-on-state warfare, but it doesn't actually change hit-and-run tactics that much, if at all.
This is true, but even drones need a target in order to be militarily effective. And even if we lived in a society where drones didn't exist whatsoever, if the assailant didn't have any qualms about collateral damage, they could just do a classic driveby. Drones do change state-on-state warfare, but it doesn't actually change hit-and-run tactics that much, if at all.
Still, the drone footage and the forecast it provides is chilling to me.

I also wonder what kind of societal impact your law would have. I would think people would be much more polite and a lot of petty crimes would go down.