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I am not happy to hear about other the accomplishments of strangers.


Sanctuary legend
On reddit, people will post about how they just got the keys to their dream house/car.
On LinkedIn people will post about how they just got their dream job.
On hackernews people will post about how they built and sold a company for millions of dollars.

I've been repeatedly told that such social medias are not healthy because they constantly expose you to the "greatest hits" of people's lives, their accomplishments, vacations, parties, best angles, etc., and you could end up comparing yourself to them and feeling bad and anxious about yourself in turn.

But that's not what I'm concerned with. I'm not comparing myself to those people. I'm comparing myself to the comments under those posts, saying "wow" and "congratulations!" That's not what I think when I see those posts. I think "good for you", but sarcastically. Because yes, it would be nice if that thing fell out of the sky and into my lap, but having that thing is not my goal.

Why would I care about the accomplishments of a stranger? Why do they?

Is it some sort of performative "I'm such a good person, I just want everyone to succeed, daily reminder to drink water tee hee" kind of thing?
Are those just posts by bots and paid agents trying to get people to invest more time and energy in the rat race so that they too can have nice things?

Is it just me?

How do you feel when you see a stranger brag about their accomplishments?
The worst isn't really the inane dribble of empty "positive" comments, but the lack of, and resistance to, "negative" comments. And I don't mean jerks or insults, but questioning comments, the critique, and anything that could come close to going against the grain.
All I can say is, if it's on LinkedIn, it's probably employer bait. "Look how successful and valued I am!" Increases the demand for that employee. Or it could be a bot too. Also likely.

On hackernews, maybe it's supposed to be an inspirational post?
I will share things I'm proud of with my communities I'm a part of, even if I'm not close friends with anyone. But to perfect strangers in a site as large as a reddit is asinine.

In unrelated news, I made this burger on July 4th to celebrate. It was very tasty.

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  • 4thfood.jpg
    162.3 KB · Views: 51
I will share things I'm proud of with my communities I'm a part of, even if I'm not close friends with anyone. But to perfect strangers in a site as large as a reddit is asinine.

In unrelated news, I made this burger on July 4th to celebrate. It was very tasty.

I agree. Just one thing though. Why that bread and not a regular hamburger bun? Was it at least toasted?
I agree. Just one thing though. Why that bread and not a regular hamburger bun? Was it at least toasted?
That was home made bread using my bread maker. The only thing on that burger that wasn't made from scratch with raw ingredients was the spinach/Parmesan/artichoke dip I used as the condiment.
