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That moment when a Youtuber finally speaks my language.


So here it is Arnox, I made a thread about it. (Even though I tried to make a thread based on a ramble)

Because these 2 videos perfectly encapsulate why I hate the current tonal direction of modern Superhero movies or just things in general. And I get lambasted for being a overly serious edgelord because of it. After seeing countless upon countless of videos that all shill for these movies, I find this one that speaks my language and it feels good to get some validation no matter how small and against the wall I'm in.



I mean yeah Snyder probably went to far with the dark and grim look, but I still prefer it over literal shit talking of the GOTG and Thor Ragnarok, even Aquaman succumbed to being like this shit with a guy literally sticking his face in a toilet to breath the water.

FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN....But no substance, no drama, no stakes, no tension, no pathos. And when they try to do it it gets undercutted by a last minute gag that ruins the whole thing.


Staff member
Well, the thing is, I'd call that more a problem with the review videos than anything. But yeah, ever since GotG exploded in popularity, I imagine everyone at Disney thinks that all superhero movies now need to be super funny, even if it doesn't match the theme. But it's hard to blame them going in this direction though when a ton of serious superhero movies didn't take off as much as the funny ones at all. Nolan's Batman was the big exception. And it also doesn't help that a lot of the Marvel superhero plots are kinda ridiculous too. I mean, OG Thanos had a boner for Death. I mean, c'mon.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
You are a serious sourpuss edge-lord drama-queen..

I would agree that all silliness and no substance would make for poor movie quality, but that is infinitely better than the heavy pointless and soul-sucking opposite.
Which movies have failed again and again? The hulk, spider-man, superman, green lantern.
All trying to be too serious...


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Which movies have failed again and again? The hulk, spider-man, superman, green lantern.
All trying to be too serious...
Spider-man failed? Which one, new spidey or sam raimi spidey? I wouldn't consider either version "trying to be too serious" tbh, though I haven't seen new spidey so maybe it is? Hulk and green latern, yeah. New superman, also yeah but what about the older ones? Even though I've never seen them, surely they weren't "too serious"?
Frankly the only superhero movies that matter are the Burton / Schumacher batman ones


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
Spider-man failed? Which one, new spidey or sam raimi spidey? I wouldn't consider either version "trying to be too serious" tbh, though I haven't seen new spidey so maybe it is? Hulk and green latern, yeah. New superman, also yeah but what about the older ones? Even though I've never seen them, surely they weren't "too serious"?
Frankly the only superhero movies that matter are the Burton / Schumacher batman ones
My mistake. I was sure I included a "current" or "latest" in there somewhere...Apparently not.

Both of the latest Spider-man incarnations has failed, I think. The confusion in trying to separate them doesn't help either.
The latest Batman movies are...ok..meh..watchable. I enjoy the setting and villains and everything..but the actor playing batman doesn't really jive with me.


Sanctuary legend
FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN....But no substance, no drama, no stakes, no tension, no pathos. And when they try to do it it gets undercutted by a last minute gag that ruins the whole thing.
See, this is your problem. To you, this stuff is srsbzns, to most of us, Fans included, Superheros are inherently silly and a indulgence. When you start going on about how you want the Movies to take themselves overly seriously, well, it kinda makes you look silly.