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Tabletop RPG campaign.


Sanctuary legend
-----------------People we now should discuss what hour we would prefer to play what characters you would like to play & preferred setting --------


Staff member
Kaleion said:
-----------------People we now should discuss what hour we would prefer to play what characters you would like to play & preferred setting --------
Sometime after 5 PST would be best. Character... Hm... What's the level we'll be at? And I don't really have a preferred setting in Faerun.


Sanctuary legend
Arnox said:
Kaleion said:
-----------------People we now should discuss what hour we would prefer to play what characters you would like to play & preferred setting --------
Sometime after 5 PST would be best. Character... Hm... What's the level we'll be at? And I don't really have a preferred setting in Faerun.
I meant general setting like Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, Ravenloft, Eberron and so on.

5 is fine for me but I don't know how that would be for the European.

Level is 1st level.


Sanctuary legend
Arnox said:
I'm gonna be a cleric. And perhaps we can make it extra stereotypical and do the Sword Coast.
Don't know that much about Forgotten Realms but it's the default setting, and I do have the Sword Coast Adventures (Actual Physical copy) book for additional refference so that's fine.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
Arnox said:
Vendor-Lazarus said:
I think I'm going to need some help even filling out the character sheet...
Do you have the Player Handbook?
Yes. I've read it cover to cover.
I've also got a form fillable character sheet.

I've got my Surname, nickname, lastname. & Race, class, level (Rogue 1..Rogue 1st..?).
I think I've got my alignment, but it might not fit as I understand it.
Experience points..0. Player name? Vendor-Lazarus?
Background is background from the book, not my own made up one?
Speed I think I know. Personality traits is also from the books?
Ideals, bonds and flaws is on me to make up..right?
I roll dice (real or virtual) and fill in str, dex, etc? or just use 13x3 and 12x3?
I make up everything on the second page..height etc, appearance?
Might need some help with determining what is what and/or applicable there.
Last page I leave blank. Ain't got no spells.

Anything I missed?
Lots of question marks..


Sanctuary legend
Vendor-Lazarus said:
Arnox said:
Do you have the Player Handbook?
Yes. I've read it cover to cover.
I've also got a form fillable character sheet.

I've got my Surname, nickname, lastname. & Race, class, level (Rogue 1..Rogue 1st..?).
I think I've got my alignment, but it might not fit as I understand it.
Experience points..0. Player name? Vendor-Lazarus?
Background is background from the book, not my own made up one?
Speed I think I know. Personality traits is also from the books?
Ideals, bonds and flaws is on me to make up..right?
I roll dice (real or virtual) and fill in str, dex, etc? or just use 13x3 and 12x3?
I make up everything on the second page..height etc, appearance?
Might need some help with determining what is what and/or applicable there.
Last page I leave blank. Ain't got no spells.

Anything I missed?
Lots of question marks..
I personally think alignments are an awful mechanic so I wouldn't worry about it.

You can make up your own backgrounds, traits, bonds & flaws but discussing it with the GM is encouraged.

If you want to roll stats I'll provide a way to do it later today.


Staff member
Kaleion said:
Vendor-Lazarus said:
Yes. I've read it cover to cover.
I've also got a form fillable character sheet.

I've got my Surname, nickname, lastname. & Race, class, level (Rogue 1..Rogue 1st..?).
I think I've got my alignment, but it might not fit as I understand it.
Experience points..0. Player name? Vendor-Lazarus?
Background is background from the book, not my own made up one?
Speed I think I know. Personality traits is also from the books?
Ideals, bonds and flaws is on me to make up..right?
I roll dice (real or virtual) and fill in str, dex, etc? or just use 13x3 and 12x3?
I make up everything on the second page..height etc, appearance?
Might need some help with determining what is what and/or applicable there.
Last page I leave blank. Ain't got no spells.

Anything I missed?
Lots of question marks..
I personally think alignments are an awful mechanic so I wouldn't worry about it.

You can make up your own backgrounds, traits, bonds & flaws but discussing it with the GM is encouraged.

If you want to roll stats I'll provide a way to do it later today.
Do we just normally have a flat amount of points to spend then? That's how I would do it anyway.


Sanctuary legend
Arnox said:
Kaleion said:
I personally think alignments are an awful mechanic so I wouldn't worry about it.

You can make up your own backgrounds, traits, bonds & flaws but discussing it with the GM is encouraged.

If you want to roll stats I'll provide a way to do it later today.
Do we just normally have a flat amount of points to spend then? That's how I would do it anyway.
Page 125 of PHB actually details customizing backgrounds, if you have any ideas for alternate features consult the DM, do keep in mind that if you are looking for ideas Sword Coast Adventures has some aditional backgrounds, there's also Haunted One from Curse of Strahd & so on if you want ideas, the background ability tends to be extremely situational.


Libertarian Contrarian
Sanctuary legend
Not that I have any horse in this race, but I always dislike point buy. It's a bit complicated, and it takes the "adventure" out of creating your character. I much prefer to have the GM look at the overall stats and say "you can roll again" if they are really that shitty.

My GMs have done it where you get to roll 4d6, drop the lowest die, and then do that 7 times so you can drop the lowest stat. It works out pretty favorably. It also means that if the character dies, I can't just use the same point allocation and get my exact character back again, thus negating all death penalty.

He also made a house rule for leveling up and rolling for HP. Instead of being boring at taking max HP every level, you get max HP for every level before current. So you roll to see how much HP you get for your current level, but once you level up again, you get the remaining HP you missed out on. You still get the drama and gambling rush by rolling for what could make or break your character's life, but you won't get trashed on later when you've rolled 2s and 4s on your D10 character for 3 levels straight.


Staff member
So there's a sudden problem I ran into.

Character generators online only use the SRD of 5E. Which has barely anything from the Player Handbook. Thankfully though, I found a way to do quick character generation while still having the PHB resources at least. (Although with this method, you can add more resources pretty easily as well.)

Main character sheet: http://www.enworld.org/forum/rpgdownloads.php?do=file&fileid=5895

PHB resource (right click this link and hit "Save Link As..."): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/safety-orange/Imports-for-MPMB-s-Character-Sheet/master/WotC%20material/pub_20140818_PHB.js

You will (annoyingly enough) have to have Adobe Acrobat to open the character sheet properly since it relies very heavily on Javascript for its automatic functions. Besides that though, once you open it, just click the "Get More" button once the resources window pops up. Then browse for the PHB resource you just downloaded. Add it. Apply changes. Apply changes again. Voila. Save that and you now have an automated empty character sheet for 5E with PHB resources.

Anyway. I'm all done though. "Deebah" is ready. I didn't write a history for her though since this is just a one-over campaign and I don't plan to keep her.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
I still can't create a character..really struggling.

Since everything else affects everything else, I'll need some form of priority checklist, where what goes where and is changed by what and in what order.

All the different settings/campaigns also muddle things up when looking for info.
This is really not a newbie friendly activity, heh.

I've also found out that I either condense story writing to simple sentences with few words or dragging out a few words into a dozen pages..there is no in between.


Staff member
Vendor-Lazarus said:
I still can't create a character..really struggling.

Since everything else affects everything else, I'll need some form of priority checklist, where what goes where and is changed by what and in what order.

All the different settings/campaigns also muddle things up when looking for info.
This is really not a newbie friendly activity, heh.

I've also found out that I either condense story writing to simple sentences with few words or dragging out a few words into a dozen pages..there is no in between.
Download all the stuff in my last post. Have your PHB handy for reference. First fill out the top part. Name. Faith. Sex. (Yes, please.) Class. Etc.

Then pick your ability scores. Use the calculator Kale instructed. Make sure it's not going over the limit indicated in the lower right corner.

Then look at your skills. Your class will probably give you a selection of skills you can have proficiency in. Hover over the right hand checkboxes to find out which you can pick for your class.

Then look at your HP. Just click the "Set Max HP" button and select the "Change Max HP to the Total Average HP" option.

Now look at your defense. If you're a Wizard or Sorcerer, I'm pretty sure you can't wear armor. So if so, ignore that. Just consult your PHB as to what your class can use and pick what you want. If you can use a shield and you're not using a two-handed weapon, go ahead and pick that too. Don't worry about any of the fancy magic or custom options. Just get standard vanilla armor and/or shield of some kind.

Now go down to your attacks. Pick a standard vanilla weapon from the list. Even if you don't use it, you can just unequip it.

Next is the equipment. Scroll down to that. Click the add equipment button. Just pick the Explorer's Pack for now. Then click it again and pick the "All three of the above" option for the right column.

Last is who you are! Just a little up from equipment, you'll find blank spaces for two personality traits, one or two ideals (goals), one or two bonds (emotional moments/ideas that affect you), and two flaws of your character. Fill that all in as you will. Don't worry about character history right now though unless Kale says otherwise. This is a practice run.

You're done!


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
Thanks. I got a bit further with the character creation, but it is still so fucking hard.
There is just waaay too much to keep track of.

I usually give up out of frustration and exhaustion, but I'll keep working on it.

Maybe if I copy all the relevant data into one single txt file and work out the number and limits of what I can choose, then delete the unwanted ones to get a better overlook..oversight?..anyway.. If they want more people to be even interested in this, start out simpler and cut out some of the more tedious and annoying shit in the beginning.
Then, when one is familiar with the rote, start adding on things.

Sorry, just rambling out of genuine interest being thwarted by what feels like endless red tape.
Also, I must have downloaded two dozen different character creation pdf's.
Also also, your suggested pdf is great, but requires Adobe Reader DC. DC being important for some features. Still works with regular version though, for basics.


Sanctuary legend
Signa said:
Not that I have any horse in this race, but I always dislike point buy. It's a bit complicated, and it takes the "adventure" out of creating your character. I much prefer to have the GM look at the overall stats and say "you can roll again" if they are really that shitty.

My GMs have done it where you get to roll 4d6, drop the lowest die, and then do that 7 times so you can drop the lowest stat. It works out pretty favorably. It also means that if the character dies, I can't just use the same point allocation and get my exact character back again, thus negating all death penalty.

He also made a house rule for leveling up and rolling for HP. Instead of being boring at taking max HP every level, you get max HP for every level before current. So you roll to see how much HP you get for your current level, but once you level up again, you get the remaining HP you missed out on. You still get the drama and gambling rush by rolling for what could make or break your character's life, but you won't get trashed on later when you've rolled 2s and 4s on your D10 character for 3 levels straight.
I pretty agree with you on this one but I couldn't be bothered to oversee that for what is supposed to be just a one-shot in which most likely no one is going to have to make a new character mid-game.

----BTW there were supposedly 3 players on this but I only see 2, I mean we could try it but the Dungeon is designed for 4 people minimum 3, so it might not go all that well.


Staff member
Kaleion said:
Signa said:
Not that I have any horse in this race, but I always dislike point buy. It's a bit complicated, and it takes the "adventure" out of creating your character. I much prefer to have the GM look at the overall stats and say "you can roll again" if they are really that shitty.

My GMs have done it where you get to roll 4d6, drop the lowest die, and then do that 7 times so you can drop the lowest stat. It works out pretty favorably. It also means that if the character dies, I can't just use the same point allocation and get my exact character back again, thus negating all death penalty.

He also made a house rule for leveling up and rolling for HP. Instead of being boring at taking max HP every level, you get max HP for every level before current. So you roll to see how much HP you get for your current level, but once you level up again, you get the remaining HP you missed out on. You still get the drama and gambling rush by rolling for what could make or break your character's life, but you won't get trashed on later when you've rolled 2s and 4s on your D10 character for 3 levels straight.
I pretty agree with you on this one but I couldn't be bothered to oversee that for what is supposed to be just a one-shot in which most likely no one is going to have to make a new character mid-game.

----BTW there were supposedly 3 players on this but I only see 2, I mean we could try it but the Dungeon is designed for 4 people minimum 3, so it might not go all that well.
We might have to postpone it then. VL is having a lot of trouble as well.

Also, making the exact same character after you die is generally very looked down upon, so the problem is moot. And even if we disregarded that, people don't need their ability scores exactly the same to create the same character again anyway.


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
If this is still on, I've just created my character and he's ready to go. Didn't bother with a background or most of the fluff details, since i couldn't be bothered for a practice run


Libertarian Contrarian
Sanctuary legend
Vendor-Lazarus said:
Thanks. I got a bit further with the character creation, but it is still so fucking hard.
There is just waaay too much to keep track of.

I usually give up out of frustration and exhaustion, but I'll keep working on it.

Maybe if I copy all the relevant data into one single txt file and work out the number and limits of what I can choose, then delete the unwanted ones to get a better overlook..oversight?..anyway.. If they want more people to be even interested in this, start out simpler and cut out some of the more tedious and annoying shit in the beginning.
Then, when one is familiar with the rote, start adding on things.

Sorry, just rambling out of genuine interest being thwarted by what feels like endless red tape.
Also, I must have downloaded two dozen different character creation pdf's.
Also also, your suggested pdf is great, but requires Adobe Reader DC. DC being important for some features. Still works with regular version though, for basics.
Are you awake between 7pm and midnight PST time during the week? I think we should have a voice call to go over this stuff since it's hard doing it solo.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
Signa said:
Vendor-Lazarus said:
Thanks. I got a bit further with the character creation, but it is still so fucking hard.
There is just waaay too much to keep track of.

I usually give up out of frustration and exhaustion, but I'll keep working on it.

Maybe if I copy all the relevant data into one single txt file and work out the number and limits of what I can choose, then delete the unwanted ones to get a better overlook..oversight?..anyway.. If they want more people to be even interested in this, start out simpler and cut out some of the more tedious and annoying shit in the beginning.
Then, when one is familiar with the rote, start adding on things.

Sorry, just rambling out of genuine interest being thwarted by what feels like endless red tape.
Also, I must have downloaded two dozen different character creation pdf's.
Also also, your suggested pdf is great, but requires Adobe Reader DC. DC being important for some features. Still works with regular version though, for basics.
Are you awake between 7pm and midnight PST time during the week? I think we should have a voice call to go over this stuff since it's hard doing it solo.
I'd appreciate it.
However, that time is 2 hours of sleep, getting ready in the morning, feeding animals and myself, then going to work.

Tue-Wed-Thursday I work. Friday I got time. Either chat or voice would work.
I know basically what I want. I just don't know what the limit is for stuff like skills, or feats or tools and how that stuff again changes the outcome..
If I'm making myself clear.

I want a Guild Artisan (Jeweler) Chaotic Good Gnome (rock) Rogue (Thief) named Gimble "Gemmaugr" Sparklegem.
Male (36y), 3.28 tall, weighing 44. Ruby Red hair, Emerald green eyes, Topaz tan skin.
10str, 16dex, 10con, 16int, 16wis, 5cha.
Skills: Investigation, Insight, Perception, Sleight of hand, acrobatics & stealth.
Using two short swords and thief tools and jewelers tools.
My background is growing up as an apprentice to a jeweler in a hick gnome burrow between a human town and a dwarf mountain. Gemmaugr always looked up more to the dwarfs than humans, and heard a rumor about a supposedly legendary gem granting immortality from them. He finished his apprenticeship, but got sick of selling jewels and started looking everywhere for this gem. Only some of the gems were in others possession, so he learned the burglary trade in a shady part of a human town.

I'm sure that's all kinds of wrong though.


Libertarian Contrarian
Sanctuary legend
Vendor-Lazarus said:
Signa said:
Are you awake between 7pm and midnight PST time during the week? I think we should have a voice call to go over this stuff since it's hard doing it solo.
I'd appreciate it.
However, that time is 2 hours of sleep, getting ready in the morning, feeding animals and myself, then going to work.

Tue-Wed-Thursday I work. Friday I got time. Either chat or voice would work.
I know basically what I want. I just don't know what the limit is for stuff like skills, or feats or tools and how that stuff again changes the outcome..
If I'm making myself clear.

I want a Guild Artisan (Jeweler) Chaotic Good Gnome (rock) Rogue (Thief) named Gimble "Gemmaugr" Sparklegem.
Male (36y), 3.28 tall, weighing 44. Ruby Red hair, Emerald green eyes, Topaz tan skin.
10str, 16dex, 10con, 16int, 16wis, 5cha.
Skills: Investigation, Insight, Perception, Sleight of hand, acrobatics & stealth.
Using two short swords and thief tools and jewelers tools.
My background is growing up as an apprentice to a jeweler in a hick gnome burrow between a human town and a dwarf mountain. Gemmaugr always looked up more to the dwarfs than humans, and heard a rumor about a supposedly legendary gem granting immortality from them. He finished his apprenticeship, but got sick of selling jewels and started looking everywhere for this gem. Only some of the gems were in others possession, so he learned the burglary trade in a shady part of a human town.

I'm sure that's all kinds of wrong though.
Sounds like you got most of it down. Is the d&d 5 materials online somewhere? If not, I'm gonna need the players book you're working with. Maybe PM me a link if needed?


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
Signa said:
Vendor-Lazarus said:
I'd appreciate it.
However, that time is 2 hours of sleep, getting ready in the morning, feeding animals and myself, then going to work.

Tue-Wed-Thursday I work. Friday I got time. Either chat or voice would work.
I know basically what I want. I just don't know what the limit is for stuff like skills, or feats or tools and how that stuff again changes the outcome..
If I'm making myself clear.

I want a Guild Artisan (Jeweler) Chaotic Good Gnome (rock) Rogue (Thief) named Gimble "Gemmaugr" Sparklegem.
Male (36y), 3.28 tall, weighing 44. Ruby Red hair, Emerald green eyes, Topaz tan skin.
10str, 16dex, 10con, 16int, 16wis, 5cha.
Skills: Investigation, Insight, Perception, Sleight of hand, acrobatics & stealth.
Using two short swords and thief tools and jewelers tools.
My background is growing up as an apprentice to a jeweler in a hick gnome burrow between a human town and a dwarf mountain. Gemmaugr always looked up more to the dwarfs than humans, and heard a rumor about a supposedly legendary gem granting immortality from them. He finished his apprenticeship, but got sick of selling jewels and started looking everywhere for this gem. Only some of the gems were in others possession, so he learned the burglary trade in a shady part of a human town.

I'm sure that's all kinds of wrong though.
Sounds like you got most of it down. Is the d&d 5 materials online somewhere? If not, I'm gonna need the players book you're working with. Maybe PM me a link if needed?
I think it's this one:
I got mine from another source, but should be the same.