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Sanctuary D&D Game Details, Instructions, and Sign-Up Page


Staff member
For our first foray into D&D, we're gonna take it slow and do a practice session. Just kinda slap a first level character sheet together here. (And before you do so, don't forget to add the OrcPub PHB source file that's in the pack here! You upload that source file to the site here.). Don't worry about writing up a background or personality or whatever at all on the sheet. Just tell me the basic appearance and attitude of the character when you give it to me. Don't worry about equipment or weapons or etc. either. The generator should give you all the things you need at level one automatically. Finally, for the attribute scores, use the point buy system. Once you've done all that, simply "print" (Hit the yellow 'Print' button.) the sheet out to download the finished sheet to your computer, and then give me a download link to it. The submitted character sheet will be how you sign up!

Basically, the story is... Uh... You gotta rescue the mage from the evil princess who stole him away. She's doing evil and stuff. Slay that bitch and get home. Or don't. Don't take this game too seriously though. Again, this is merely a test run. The real game will be more serious and much more in-depth, world and story wise.

This is the barebones required reading:

For the Player's Handbook - Read about your chosen race, your chosen class, and then both pages 173-174, and then 189-198.

For the included PHB modifications document - Just read over the contents page. The contents page has everything very quickly and nicely summarized and laid out. You can look at the details for each rule further on in the document on the specified page, but it's not necessary.


How the forum-based version of the game will work: It will work pretty similarly to how we did it last time. Players can make as many posts as they like, but the rule is everyone must post at least once per turn. If for whatever reason you cannot do anything that turn, just post a simple '-' or "Pass." just so I know you're still with us.


I know that this game isn't exactly pick up and play, but the hard part is in the beginning by far when you're first learning everything and putting out your first character sheet. Don't worry about screwing up either! Whether with the character sheet or in play, that's what this run is for. Just have fun. If anyone needs any help, please post about it here! The game will commence in one week. Please have your character sheet submitted by then!

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Sanctuary legend
Crap. I knew I forgot something. Just use point buy.
Ok, Feats are an optional rule, are we using them?
Keeping in mind the Variant Human has access to those at level 1.

By the way people, I'm willing to play pretty much any class so if no one wants to play a frontline Fighter, Healer, DPS, Control, Scout, or Skill Monkey I can easily fill in any roll that no one else wants, in fact I could fill multiple roles with one character depending on the roles, it's not necessary to have all of the roles though it's just more convenient so don't worry too much about it.


Staff member
Ok, Feats are an optional rule, are we using them?
Keeping in mind the Variant Human has access to those at level 1.

By the way people, I'm willing to play pretty much any class so if no one wants to play a frontline Fighter, Healer, DPS, Control, Scout, or Skill Monkey I can easily fill in any roll that no one else wants, in fact I could fill multiple roles with one character depending on the roles, it's not necessary to have all of the roles though it's just more convenient so don't worry too much about it.
Yeah, feats are in.


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Do we need to fill out the description part or just not bother with that?


Staff member
Do we need to fill out the description part or just not bother with that?
Just tell me the character's appearance and general attitude in the submission post. No need to fill out that stuff on the character sheet for now besides of course the character's name.


Sanctuary legend
Waiting to see who else will sign up before I prep anything. No one yet?
I'll do it but I haven't decided what I'm playing, I'm between Cleric, Rogue or Bard for this game and haven't decided what I want to do, probably a Cleric of Knowledge, but possibly a Bard specifically because I get the feeling Arnox isn't a fan of the Bard's flaour and I very much am.


Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
I'm failing to upload the character sheet to the site though, gonna have to find a diff method, was simply trying to link it.


Staff member
I'll do it but I haven't decided what I'm playing, I'm between Cleric, Rogue or Bard for this game and haven't decided what I want to do, probably a Cleric of Knowledge, but possibly a Bard specifically because I get the feeling Arnox isn't a fan of the Bard's flaour and I very much am.
I like the Bard, gameplay wise. I don't like them, style wise. Hence, they've been renamed as the Adventurer class and all singing is now banned. lol


Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
Ok, Arnox already has my character sheet. My character is a dwarf barbarian called Rosh the Great (told you I'd name him that Arnox m8) short and stout as all dwarves but stockier than most, with a head full of red hair and an equally red beard, fast on his feet and quicker with a weapon in his hands. A headstrong guy, rushes to correct what he perceives as injustices whenever he can. However our dwarf is no fool, and with his witty charm will try to outsmart opponents whenever possible......so he can later axe them in the back properly.

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Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
I like the Bard, gameplay wise. I don't like them, style wise. Hence, they've been renamed as the Adventurer class and all singing is now banned. lol
I like the idea of a bard that just goes around singing. Not fighting, doesn't even carry a weapon, just a vareity of instruments and a repertoire of songs. Everyone's fighting the dragon or whatever, meanwhile he's standing off to the side singing songs to motivate

ADMIN EDIT: Uploaded gaijin's character sheet here.

(DO NOT TRUST ATTACHMENTS BY DEFAULT. Use VirusTotal at least to quickly scan the files.)

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Sanctuary legend
I like the idea of a bard that just goes around singing. Not fighting, doesn't even carry a weapon, just a vareity of instruments and a repertoire of songs. Everyone's fighting the dragon or whatever, meanwhile he's standing off to the side singing songs to motivate
Unfortunately as of D&D 5th edition the Bard no longer works like that, the Bardsong mechanics have been completely dropped but you do get to dish out inspiration points, however they are supposed to summon their spellcasting through artistic performance (Typically music but according to even in-game mechanics it could be any form of art such as Dancing or painting or whatever), so you could just focus on healing and buffing spells and interpret it like that in game.


Sanctuary legend
Crap. I knew I forgot something. Just use point buy.
Forgot to ask BTW, how many points?
Typically it's 27 Points but it's up to you, also regular rules don't let you go over 15 giving you a maximum of a 17 with a +2 Racial bonus, and don't let you go below 8 on any score, which would be useful if I'm trying to min/max, sorry asking because I'm actually a bit of a munchkin and want to know what my options are, won't complain either way.


Staff member
Forgot to ask BTW, how many points?
Typically it's 27 Points but it's up to you, also regular rules don't let you go over 15 giving you a maximum of a 17 with a +2 Racial bonus, and don't let you go below 8 on any score, which would be useful if I'm trying to min/max, sorry asking because I'm actually a bit of a munchkin and want to know what my options are, won't complain either way.
Whatever default amount Orc Pub gives you for point buy is the limit. Again though, this is a test run to get everyone acclimated to playing this online, so unless you plan to carry this character over, you won't need to focus that much at all on it at the moment.

Unfortunately as of D&D 5th edition the Bard no longer works like that, the Bardsong mechanics have been completely dropped but you do get to dish out inspiration points, however they are supposed to summon their spellcasting through artistic performance (Typically music but according to even in-game mechanics it could be any form of art such as Dancing or painting or whatever), so you could just focus on healing and buffing spells and interpret it like that in game.
It's ADVENTURER class! Adventurer I say. Reeeeeee!


Sanctuary legend
Whatever default amount Orc Pub gives you for point buy is the limit. Again though, this is a test run to get everyone acclimated to playing this online, so unless you plan to carry this character over, you won't need to focus that much at all on it at the moment.
So exactly what I described in the post then, 27 can't go over 15, can't go below 8 got it, do I have to use Orcpub though?
It just annoys me that I have to type in every class feature, background or spell that isn't included on Player's Basic Rules and it would be faster for me to just fill in a PDF.
It's ADVENTURER class! Adventurer I say. Reeeeeee!
Everyone is an adventurer though that's why there's an Adventurer's League, which BTW will just sound like a Bardic association if we do that.


Staff member
So exactly what I described in the post then, 27 can't go over 15, can't go below 8 got it, do I have to use Orcpub though?
It just annoys me that I have to type in every class feature, background or spell that isn't included on Player's Basic Rules and it would be faster for me to just fill in a PDF.
Are you using the PHB or are you using supplements? Don't use supplements. Just stick to vanilla for now. The zip hosted here should have a source file for the PHB that you can and should upload to Orc Pub.


Sanctuary legend
Are you using the PHB or are you using supplements? Don't use supplements. Just stick to vanilla for now. The zip hosted here should have a source file for the PHB that you can and should upload to Orc Pub.
I can't get the Source to work, but I assure I am only using PHB, after all I'm doing a Human Cleric of Knowledge, so all I could gain would be either Spells or a Feat from another book and that would be hard to sneak in.

BTW how picky are you regarding skill proficencies, because I get a feature that gives me double profficiency on one of Arcana, History, Nature or Religion but I'm doing a medical doctor (As in heals with both Magic and scientific knowledge) and I want to get the thing that is more appropriate for knowledge of Medicines and Anatomy, this seems to fall under Nature so I would assume that but people seem to use that skill for a very different purpose.


Staff member
I can't get the Source to work, but I assure I am only using PHB, after all I'm doing a Human Cleric of Knowledge, so all I could gain would be either Spells or a Feat from another book and that would be hard to sneak in.

BTW how picky are you regarding skill proficencies, because I get a feature that gives me double profficiency on one of Arcana, History, Nature or Religion but I'm doing a medical doctor (As in heals with both Magic and scientific knowledge) and I want to get the thing that is more appropriate for knowledge of Medicines and Anatomy, this seems to fall under Nature so I would assume that but people seem to use that skill for a very different purpose.
Not picky at all. But why isn't the source working? Did you try uploading it at the link I gave? You're not trying to upload the PDF of the PHB, right?


Sanctuary legend
Not picky at all. But why isn't the source working? Did you try uploading it at the link I gave? You're not trying to upload the PDF of the PHB, right?
No, I don't know why it's not working, to be honest it was working a couple of days ago but today it din't work.

EDIT: Nevermind, I finally got it to work, seems like I accidentally replaced it with an empty file along the way, I have no idea how though.

EDIT 2: Added character sheet.

EDIT 3: Took down document & corrected with one with corrected profficiencies & Languages, original Document had only 5 skills but it should have been 7; 1 from Race, 2 from Background, 2 from class & 2 from the Divine Domain feature Blessing of Knowledge, again original doc had only 4 Languages but it should have been 6; 2 from Race, 2 from Background and 2 from Blessing of Knowledge, just clarifying.

EDIT 4: Discovered the Passive Perception bonus was miscalculated on 13, Passive Perception is 10 + Wisdom + any bonus you may have on Perception, advantage becomes a + 5, in this case 10 + 3 + 2 (Proficiency).
I was also inspired by the backstory included on andersonnnunes's to add my own, it's fairly generic drek but it lead to making some changes to the persnality & changing the Alignment from Neutral Good to Chaotic Good, since it's obvious that it's a character that does not care for norms & traditions.

Sorry if I'm making this seem more involved and complicated, you must understand that tabletop RPG's are my main hobby & something I do every weekend so this very much is what it looks like when I play a half-assed character, the only more half-assed I can go is when I go exclusively for cheese, which only happens when I get to a 3rd character in a campaign, because dying so often is no fun and if I can't play a sub-optimal but fun character then the DM can't have bosses because I will annihilate them.

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Staff member
No, I don't know why it's not working, to be honest it was working a couple of days ago but today it din't work.

EDIT: Nevermind, I finally got it to work, seems like I accidentally replaced it with an empty file along the way, I have no idea how though.
Good good. Let me know if you have anymore questions.

Also INB4 Kaleion carries the whole party.


Sanctuary legend
Good good. Let me know if you have anymore questions.

Also INB4 Kaleion carries the whole party.
Unlikely, last time I played Cleric it didn't go very well, also I've never succeeded a CON Save on D&D which makes me especially easy to kill, even when I've had 20 CON I still fail, so that's a thing...
Also Water, water also kills me, I've lost 6 characters to drowning, even ones that had positive strength & athletics (Rarely happens, I almost always do DEX builds when I play martial characters), curiously enough the Wizard that couldn't swim in a Pirate Campaign didn't drown, the last Cleric I played did drown though.
Both things are kind of an inside meme at the table where I play.

BTW I just noticed that the OrcPub didn't mark the double proficieny thing, I have, Religion & Nature should be double proficiency, which is a 7 for both.
Took care of that.
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Sanctuary legend
Eneva is ready for action.
Link to char.
Hey that's actually an interesting character that sounds like it'll be a pain in the ass for me since I'm playing a female medic/Cleric but I just wanted to mention that you forgot to add in the Background, it's a bit relevant since it grants you a couple of additional profficiencies in skills, tools or languages, a bit of equipment including a small amount of starting Gold and one Background Feature (Which are normally very situational but might still be useful), just mentioning it so that you can finish your character since it's technically incomplete, if you don't feel like you're character fits any background I would suggest consulting with the DM to see if they can grant you a custom Background, you can find them on page 125 of the Player's Handbook, both the rules for personalizing them and the backgrounds themselves.