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Redefining self-explanatory words.


Sanctuary legend
Racism means viewing one race as superior or inferior to another, right? Wrong! It means privilege + power! So black people cannot possible be racist against white people!

Homophobic means that you're scared of homosexual right? Wrong! It means that you hate them and want them to die!

Diversity means a bunch of people who differ, right? Wrong! It means everything but white men! A room full of black women is diverse!

Incel means "involuntarily celibate" right? Wrong! It actually means that you're a part of an online community that hates women so much that they are willing to commit mass shootings about it!

Minorities means people with darker skin tones, regardless of their actual numbers in comparison to everyone else.

Man means whatever one wants it to mean.

Woman means whatever one wants it to mean.

White Supremacy is when white people don't want their cultural identity to be erased. Everyone else can want to preserve their cultural identity, and it's not a form of supremacy.

There seems to be a trend among certain people of taking words that are self-explanatory, and saying "no, actually the word doesn't mean that".

Please discuss, and list more words that don't mean what a normal, reasonable person would think that they mean.


Politics - Left, Right, and Center
...White supremacy is the belief that "white" people are superior to people of all other races.

But yeah this post is generally right.

Most of these words have connotations that do not suit the literal meaning of the word, and most people are quick to jump on the bandwagon of using them. They have become buzzwords, people will call anything racist or homophobic these days.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
Gender, when meaning personality (in a very narcissistic way).

Equality, when meaning Equity.

Liberal, when meaning Authoritarian.


Sanctuary legend
Vaccine: anything that provides any amount of protection against a virus. It doesn't have to make you immune to anything. Definition updated 2020.


Sanctuary legend
Sympathizing/Defending: Pointing out that some claim about a person or thing is untrue. For example: "Alice claims that Jan 6th was the bloodiest day in American history. Bob says that Alice's claim is untrue. Bob is defending Jan 6th!"


Arch Disciple
Sympathizing/Defending: Pointing out that some claim about a person or thing is untrue. For example: "Alice claims that Jan 6th was the bloodiest day in American history. Bob says that Alice's claim is untrue. Bob is defending Jan 6th!"
"Alice claims that Jane has the bloodiest tampons in American history. Bob says that Alice's claim is untrue. Bob is defending Jane!"