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Ready Player One is better than Infinity War.


Sanctuary legend
Haven't seen Infinity War myself so it's hard to change your mind, but what parts of Ready Player One did you like?


Staff member
bluegate said:
Haven't seen Infinity War myself so it's hard to change your mind, but what parts of Ready Player One did you like?
Whoops, sorry. Forgot to reply.

Almost everything really. The games branding in it was really cool and at the same time jarring. It was like, "Oh hey, It's the Master Chief! ... I wonder how much Microsoft paid to him in the movie." Putting that aside, I loved the message of the movie. It's very refreshing to have a movie that is about a game developer's wet dream be about going outside and meeting new people and having a life. I was thinking it was gonna be one of those "OMG VIDEO GAMES ARE SO GREAT ELL OH ELL" movies but it really wasn't. It paid respect to the medium while still effectively conveying an important message.


I haven't seen either but I'm willing to believe you.

I think the Marvel Cinematic Universe is, overall, pretty awful. Watched Civil War the other day and it felt like the low budget B-movie version of Batman v Superman. Black Panther was fun but in terms of actual craftsmanship it still looked mediocre at best. I keep giving those movies chances and they keep dissapointing me, it's a real shame.

Now, not that Ready Player One doesn't look like a dystopian, late capitalist nightmare but at least Spielberg is capable of pointing a camera in the right direction.


Honestly fuckin Marvel can eat my ass.

Always been a DC fan through and through, mostly Superman though but I can into the other heroes.

I am sick of fuckin Batman though, oversaturated and overrated.

And people who claim that DC heroes lack depth are pretentious hacks who lack imagination.