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My Thoughts on DMT and My Own DMT Trip Reports


Staff member
I decided to condense everything else together into this thread so I don't spam the DMT guide thread or the forums. My personal trip reports on DMT will also go here. First though, my thoughts so far. Also, keep in mind that the DMT I'm taking, though it says it's a liquid, is NOT ayahuasca. Or at least, not what people would normally call ayahuasca. See the recipe in the guide for more details on what this is exactly, but the TL;DR is that it's just DMT extracted from MHRB powder via hot water and strained with a coffee filter.


A common thing I keep seeing in other people's trip reports is what I call, the "DMT psyche-out". They get their minds blown away and then they think they understand everything there ever is and ever was. Maybe... Or maybe we're all vastly underestimating the capabilities of our minds in terms of what it can imagine and show us. Not that I don't believe people aren't seeing actual spiritual entities at times. I'm sure they definitely are. But in a way, that's even more dangerous than just our minds lying to us. The tripper will also report supposed truths that seem like huge insights, but practically speaking, are just useless. Maybe worse than useless since they can sometimes be demoralizing.

The trips also seem to HEAVILY encourage the Buddhist thought that not thinking or feeling or desiring is the ideal. I still say this is absolute fucking nonsense. Apathy is death. True life is about an eternal forward motion. A constant progression of knowledge and power and love. (This is something the LDS religion actually got very right I think.) Granted, I don't know everything of course, and I have yet to trip that hard, but I've also given this sort of thing much more thought than most.

Coming back to spiritual entities, some of these have to be spiritual parasites. They seem to dangle trinkets of utterly consuming happiness and pleasure, and when they do so, the tripper becomes much more pliable and suggestible. Not to say that the tripper would do absolutely ANYTHING they are told of course, but the deceptions can be quite strong regardless. When the tripper comes back with questions or doubt to the entities, they become angry and indignant. With that said though, resisting pain is one thing, but resisting pure pleasure and happiness? Very fucking hard to do, so in that regard, I absolutely understand the powerful, almost irresistible desire to submit to such urges and I am definitely sympathetic.

Resisting pain is one thing and building discipline against it requires a certain set of practices and skills. But resisting pleasure and desire is something else entirely and requires a completely different set of practices and skills. Hell, even though I've prepared against that somewhat, even I don't know how well I could really resist that amount of pleasure and desire.


It is a theory of mine that the crazy things DMT trippers see is basically the spiritual mind trying to make sense of the dimension that it's in. In the process, it puts things into symbols that we can understand, at very least, at the surface level. For example, there may not ACTUALLY be machine elves in these dimensions described, but the mind doesn't really have a good way to visualize the actual entities in question, so... Machine elves it is.

In summary, the dimension and the mind work together hand in hand to bring about what you're actually seeing. It is half actual truth and half your-mind-making-shit-up.



My Personal Trip Reports

Starting off very light. I predicted initially that this dose won't have me feel or see much, if anything at all. Before the dose, I had a slice of pizza. Didn't know if that was the smartest thing, but I needed to really stress-test this method of taking DMT and seeing what its limits were. I gotta tell you guys though, they weren't lying about taking honey with it, because drinking the liquid is literally like drinking a carpet. 0/10. Very bitter and slightly grainy. Just choke it down as fast as possible and chase it with something sweet.

Damn. The things I do for answers...

About a couple minutes in, I get a gentle wave of nausea. But a wave of nausea is a wave of nausea regardless, and nausea sucks. This all goes away after about a minute though, thankfully. But there's more to the feeling than that.

Thinking back, the best way to fully and accurately describe it, I think, is like if my body and mind was a chain-bound rocket starting up and trying to take off, but the power behind the boost was definitely too little at that moment, and so, it went upwards just a bit and stopped there, struggling weakly against the chains of my ego and sanity. Chains that you'd definitely want there normally, but with DMT, suddenly become a liability, creating a mental tension and somewhat animalistic panic inside you.

I pushed through that though and things quickly settled down again. Honestly, not much to report after that. Felt a bit relaxed actually. Bit of pressure of both sides of my head but no pain at all. Felt a bit of focus along with the relaxation. Almost like my brain was just on the edge of visual and/or auditory hallucinations, but never actually having them at all.

With my next trip, I'll increase the dosage to 100 mL (~17 mg DMT). Excited but, naturally, also kinda nervous.
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My credit card was denied.

Jokes aside, do be careful, Arnox.
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My credit card was denied.

If you're trying to buy MHRB out of the US, you may very well get declined as US banks often get suspicious of international transactions, and usually rightly so. You may have to call them up and authorize the merchant.
My credit card was denied.

EDIT: lol Got the joke too late. Yeah, I'll do my best. Honestly, I don't really want to do DMT at all, but I have questions that I'm sure aren't EVER going to get satisfactorily answered unless I bring in some serious shit like DMT.

Sometimes, answers do not come without sacrifice. Without stepping through the gate, there will be things you will never be able to find out.
EDIT: lol Got the joke too late. Yeah, I'll do my best. Honestly, I don't really want to do DMT at all, but I have questions that I'm sure aren't EVER going to get satisfactorily answered unless I bring in some serious shit like DMT.
How do spoilers work? I can see a message I typed when I edit, but I can't see it anywhere without doing that. It looks like I gave you a 100% straight answer.
How do spoilers work? I can see a message I typed when I edit, but I can't see it anywhere without doing that. It looks like I gave you a 100% straight answer.

Yeah, when it prompts you for text, that means it's asking for if you want to label the spoiler to read as something else. Once you're done with that, it'll put in the BBCode tags for you and you just enter the text you want to hide between the BBCode tags.

If you don't put anything in between the tags, the spoiler won't show up.
UPDATE: After talking to one of my relatives more about this, I've decided to put this trip on hold for now. They asked me personally to at least try mushrooms or LSD first before I did DMT. Normally, I'd be happy to try other psychedlics first, but I don't have access to such right now and this question of mine is rather important. Nevertheless, they have asked me to have patience until they procure some, so... I have agreed. As soon as I finish the other psychedelics, I will resume this DMT experiment.
Yeah, when it prompts you for text, that means it's asking for if you want to label the spoiler to read as something else. Once you're done with that, it'll put in the BBCode tags for you and you just enter the text you want to hide between the BBCode tags.

If you don't put anything in between the tags, the spoiler won't show up.
Thanks. I used to know that but totally forgot.