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Matrox C420: A New GPU Challenger Approaches


Staff member
... Again.


I'm pretty late with this as this video came out a year ago, but basically, AMD gave Matrox the plans and specifications and source code for their old GCN 1.0 architecture and chips and Matrox heavily modified them, both software and hardware wise, and the TL;DR is that this new card and the drivers actually run well. Really well. Extremely stable too. And it only just sips power while doing it. That's really freaking impressive and promising. Maybe we can expect future brilliance from Matrox and won't have to rely on Intel to save us? We'll see! It's still early days, but I'm really liking what I'm seeing here so far with their entry level card, even if the card is a little too underpowered for serious GPU duties. There are other newer cards they've released as well that I need to check out.

Budget Builds also makes a very funny and poignant comment in the video.

In fact, dare I say it, Matrox have done ten times a better job at making AMD drivers than AMD does themselves.