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Witness Steel - A Pistol That Can Fire Most Pistol Calibers


Staff member

Just found out about this incredible piece of weaponry. Based on the CZ75, it can fire most pistol calibers using hot-swappable parts. This is accomplished by doing a quick unlock of the "top end" of this gun and putting in a top end that fires your desired caliber while of course changing the magazines. Not only that, it's reliable as hell, and on the cheap end. You can pick one up for around a modest $500 these days. Holy hell. How come I've never heard of this pistol?
A lot of glock pistols can do it as well, for some reason nobody sees the possibilities. Everyone on the gun forums call it "impractical." I think it's just that everyone is so dead set on their caliber of choice that they consider it sacrilege to want to use a different one every now and then.

Any glock pistol can use any of the slides and mags from any other glock pistol of equivalent generation and size.

I used to carry a Glock 21, and all you need to convert to 10mm, .40, or .22 was a slide change and mag change, which could both be accomplished in under a minute.

Of course, glocks, being great guns and all, are starting to get so expensive that they're not worth the cost anymore
Nice find!

Hadn't heard of it either. Such a simple thing, once thought of at any rate.
Monoochrom said:
And for what exactly do either of you need a Gun?

The question isn't entirely why we need guns. More, the question is, why DON'T we need guns?

juicebox said:
Of course, glocks, being great guns and all, are starting to get so expensive that they're not worth the cost anymore

Maybe guns are just generally going up in price now for some reason.
The question isn't entirely why we need guns. More, the question is, why DON'T we need guns?

Maybe guns are just generally going up in price now for some reason.

they are. and the cost to manufacture a typical firearm is about a tenth of what the MSRP is. the barrel is literally several times more 'value' (and expense to manufacture) than the entire rest of the gun.

when plastics became the norm as the component of non-load-bearing parts of the gun those costs dropped at least 50% yet sales prices did not drop in relation.
they are. and the cost to manufacture a typical firearm is about a tenth of what the MSRP is. the barrel is literally several times more 'value' (and expense to manufacture) than the entire rest of the gun.

when plastics became the norm as the component of non-load-bearing parts of the gun those costs dropped at least 50% yet sales prices did not drop in relation.

Well, they will charge whatever the customer will pay. That's just basic business.
Well, they will charge whatever the customer will pay. That's just basic business.

thats why prices skyrocketed when obummer was in office...then a few months before the 2016 election the manufacturers didnt know if they should produce buttfucktons of components in anticipation of a democrat ban...or stop production completely to let the on-hand stock dry up because selling prices are going to drop but the manufacturing costs wont have.

Name some

The question isn't entirely why we need guns. More, the question is, why DON'T we need guns?

That's not a Answer.

As a totally unrelated Aside, why don't you need a Pineapple lodged in your rectum?

because 'murica.

only some sub-third-world vermin would speak ill of the inalienable right to keep and bear arms.


Here's the thing though, having the Right to do something or own something is not the same thing as having a reason to own a thing or to do a thing.

Your Mother for instance had the right to Abort you, clearly she didn't think she needed one, no matter how much many of us would disagree with her assessment.
Nice. Just by not being a Taurus, it is already half-way to being a good weapon.

These days I would be conflicted between putting money towards a nice weapon and buying a better GPU to crank up the graphics of my preferred virtual reality gun range simulator.
Name some

That's not a Answer.

As a totally unrelated Aside, why don't you need a Pineapple lodged in your rectum?


Here's the thing though, having the Right to do something or own something is not the same thing as having a reason to own a thing or to do a thing.

Your Mother for instance had the right to Abort you, clearly she didn't think she needed one, no matter how much many of us would disagree with her assessment.

you need to stop being jealous that the extent of the rights you and the other denizens of whatever sub-third world country you infest possess is limited to crying or taking it in silence as your betters jam things into your asshole. that...and the freedom of choice to eat the moldy bread with the green mold or the moldy bread with the brown mold.

regardless of your lack of rights and freedoms they cant stop you from killing yourself. take advantage of that fact...immediately, if not sooner
Self-defense. And to keep our weaponry out of the government's hands. And if you really think that the government wouldn't ever abuse gun control, then I have no more words for you on that subject.

the funny thing is...most countries dont recognize the most basic natural right of self defense.