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Unfinished games you keep an eye on?


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
Anyone else have a list of future games in-the-making you're interested in?
Here are some of my bookmarked rough gems;



Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Eh, not really. I tend to bookmark/wishlist stuff then immediately forget about it till it releases, with a few exceptions:
Cyberpunk 2077
HuniePop 2
If we include games that haven't been announced but are likely in development then I'd add the God of War sequel and the next assassins creed game, but other than those I can't really think of any
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Sanctuary legend
I don't have a list, I mean I obviously have Games that I'm interested in. But I don't save Links or anything like that and may even forget about it for a while. I tend to only ever be concentrated on 1 Game, if I don't I end up not finishing them.

I'm excited for Breath of the Wild 2, but everything else is more along the lines of "that could be cool" or "I hope someone is working on this despite no announcement".


Elder Scrolls 6
Diablo 4
Kingdom Hearts 4
Lots of other stuff I'm forgetting

Not announced

Fallout for Switch, preferably NV or 4...I don't care for the Map in 3 and 76 is known to be really buggy.

Kingdom Hearts Port, since 3 is unlikely, I'd be happy with "Story so far"

Maybe a new Mario game


Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
You guys should check GTFO, its in early access with an active development by the Ten Chambers Collective who consist in part of foundeing members of Overkill the guys behind the Payday franchise. I'm actively playing it, and the devs are close to releasing the second rundown of the game along with new features.



Arch Disciple
They haven't started on it but UnderRail 2
They keep adding expansions to the base game though so I guess it also counts

The Dungeon of Lulu Farea -Kill, Screw, Marry!- 2

Years ago I would of answered with KH3 but its been out for a while now and I have no interest in going out of my to play it.

Aside from that I don't keep my eye on development of titles.
I keep an eye out on what developers make instead.


Staff member
Honestly, not much. Just Serious Sam 4, Halo 3 for the PC, and Baldur's Gate 3.

There's also a massive project that Microsoft is working on, and they're bringing in some all-stars. No other information about it, but it's rumored to be a Perfect Dark sequel. I guess I could also say Elder Scrolls, but I think we all know Bethesda's gonna fuck it up. I'm calling it now. There's also Halo: Infinite i.e. Halo 6, but I'm very cautious about that one after they had the gall to release that bullshit that was Halo 5. Then there's Guild Wars 3. Technically unannounced, but they BETTER be working on it because GW2 is reaching end-of-life.

You guys should check GTFO, its in early access with an active development by the Ten Chambers Collective who consist in part of foundeing members of Overkill the guys behind the Payday franchise. I'm actively playing it, and the devs are close to releasing the second rundown of the game along with new features.

I think last time I tried to play it, I got a Server Error. lol That was a while ago though.
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Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
I think last time I tried to play it, I got a Server Error. lol That was a while ago though.
Probably because you tried to play the Beta out of the times it was open. I gave you a key to play the Alpha and that lasted like 30 hours only, and then that was later opened to Beta access which lasted first for 2 days and then later was reopened for 3 days before finally closing for the final fixes before being released into early access almost month and a half later. A lot of people kept trying to boot the Beta between the open times and after that just to see if they still had a working game, but the game was unplayable outside of the designated times because server access was closed.

Right now if you wanna play the game the beta you still have is useless, you need to buy the full game for that.