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Theistic Isolationism


Staff member
You don't have to get up early to go to church, donate money, time, and energy, or change yourself to fit in with other people's expectations.
But you shouldn't be doing something just because other people, or even deities, expect it of you, even if you're a Christian or other faith. You should be doing something because you truly believe it to be the right thing to do.

You also don't have to follow anyone else's rules and restrictions... You can do what you want, on your own schedule. And that alone makes it more convenient.
If this was a mere hedonistic snatch at leisure and/or pleasure, I assure you, I could have achieved such much more easily if I, say, went and invoked some greek gods like Aphrodite or perhaps some demons like Lilith and made pacts. Or at least, attempted to. They do not accept just anyone for the asking. But yes, there are many roads I could walk down that assure much more results for less effort than what I'm doing.

It's like starting a company versus just getting a job at an existing one. Sure, you have much more freedom when you start your own company, but that's exactly the issue, isn't it. You have much more freedom, and thus, much more possibility to screw something up. Maybe even screw something up massively. With a job, you just do the task you're assigned and that's that. Everything else is not your problem.

We don't know what progress, if any, you have made.
And you probably never truly will until you die, perhaps. But then, that's true for anyone. It doesn't matter if it seems on the outside that someone is devout. They could secretly be hiding dark desires and curses in their heart. But as Christ says, "By their fruits, ye shall know them." A good bit of wisdom I also go by, even if it's not entirely infallible.

On a sidenote, I actually like a lot of what Christ says and have incorporated much of his advice into my life and doings, even if not everything. For example, his advice on not making promises is very good.
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Sanctuary legend
But yes, there are many roads I could walk down that assure much more results for less effort than what I'm doing.
The point is, I'm accusing you of not putting in any effort at all. That's why I'm saying your path is easier and more convenient. You don't have to do anything.

It's like the people who say "the bar is my church" or whatever. They're just doing what they normally do and then claiming that they're doing something spiritual when called out on their inactivity.

It's like starting a company versus just getting a job at an existing one.
It's not, because starting and maintaining a company takes time, effort, and sacrifices and the proof of such things can be plainly seen.

I'd say it's like registering a company, vs actually building a company to the level where one can sustain several employees. Registering a company does not require any more effort than filling out a form. Anyone can do it. Anyone can call themselves an owner of their own company. It means nothing. Actually being a company that has customers and employees is the part that takes effort.

You've just done the paperwork. You ain't making money. You haven't even taken out a loan.


Staff member
The point is, I'm accusing you of not putting in any effort at all. That's why I'm saying your path is easier and more convenient. You don't have to do anything.
You just assume that I'm not doing anything though. In fact, there's an awful lot of assumptions of non-sacrifices made in here. No, I may not have to get up at 6 am every week, but I do have to maintain and make sure this site stays at least a little active and is fully maintained and paid for at ALL times. No, I don't have to hang around at street corners trying to tell people about my religion. But I do have to bail out a family member I technically owe nothing to and barely even know, spending five straight days busting my ass and even having to deal with a fuckton of family drama as a cherry on top.

But I don't talk about any of that because it's not good form. I'm not here to do self-congratulatory pats on the back. And in any case, what are we really talking about and comparing here? How many metaphorical lashes are owed by being in a certain religion?

"In my religion, I have to take 10 lashes a week!"
"That's nothing. I have to take 50 lashes a week!"
"Pft. I have to take 50 lashes a DAY!"
And here in the corner is someone just quietly trying to make the world a better place through whatever efforts they can do.

Could I do better? Certainly. Could I do more for others? Absolutely. I'm not perfect. There's always room for improvement. But that was never the claim at all here anyway.


Sanctuary legend
You just assume that I'm not doing anything though.

but I do have to maintain and make sure this site stays at least a little active
I'm just talking about your "spiritual journey", not being a forum admin or anything else you have to do in life.

And in any case, what are we really talking about and comparing here?
We're talking about your "spiritual journey" and whether or not involves hard work or not, and whether or not it's more convenient.

Seems to me you're working on it like Brian's been working on his novel.



Staff member
Seems to me you're working on it like Brian's been working on his novel.
I literally laughed out loud. Thank you for that.

But yes, alright, I understand what you're saying now. So, as an example, what would you consider "making progress" on this journey then?

How well are you following the five Vedic precepts to escape Samsara?
But Houseman is a Jehovah's Witness. im confus


Sanctuary legend
But yes, alright, I understand what you're saying now. So, as an example, what would you consider "making progress" on this journey then?
I want you to spend 5 hours a week working on it, and every month, write a blogpost or something about what you've learned, and get criticized.


Staff member
I want you to spend 5 hours a week working on it, and every month, write a blogpost or something about what you've learned, and get criticized.
You want to learn about my deep-dives into magick, reincarnation, working with spirits, and energy work through meditation? That's going really far into the deep-end, and most people, for many understandable reasons, aren't ready for any of that stuff. I mean, look at how the ye olde tulpa thread went. And that was a purely mental technique.


Sanctuary legend
You want to learn about my deep-dives into magick, reincarnation, working with spirits, and energy work through meditation?
I don't want to learn about that, no, I just want you to do the work if you're going to keep on talking about how "inconvenient" it is.


Staff member
I don't want to learn about that, no, I just want you to do the work if you're going to keep on talking about how "inconvenient" it is.
Because it IS spiritually very inconvenient, Houseman, even if it's not necessarily physically so. There are many ways something can be uncomfortable and undesirable. For example, when some shit went down, I'd at least be able to pray to a god for help and put my faith in the hope that someday, it would all be right. But now, something terrible happens, guess who you get to pray and look up to. Nobody! :)

Now, hey, if you personally don't believe I'm making any progress, that's fine. Maybe you'll never really believe that, no matter what I do. But it doesn't matter. We all have our own paths to worry about.