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The 6 Major Content Updates I'm Currently Waiting On (UPDATED)


Staff member
Serious Sam 4 - Editor

When SS4 came out, it came out unfinished and everybody knew it. Linux support was on hold. Multiplayer was on hold. Even the classic editor was not shipped with the game at launch. And to top things off, it was buggy. Now, it wasn't Cyberpunk levels of bad, and I think they did mostly fix it now, but regardless, the game is still unfinished, and the biggest thing it's missing by far is the editor. Without it, the game is a shadow of what it could be in my eyes.

Guild Wars 2 - End of Dragons

If you haven't played Guild Wars 2 yet, you should get on that. It's, overall, currently the best MMO on the market you can play. But unfortunately, since it's such a great game, it also makes its flaws stand out all the more. Also, at this point, Guild Wars 2 is beginning to reach end-of-life, engine wise, and it's time to put this tired busted thing (and boy oh boy, is it tired and busted) to bed with GW3 hopefully sometime in the future. But until then, the next expansion pack will have to be enough to tide us over for that. Here's hoping it can fix the most egregious flaws in GW2 such as no Guild vs. Guild. (No GvG... In a Guild Wars game... >_>)

Project+ - Custom Characters/Rollback Netcode

For those who don't know, Project+ (formerly Project M) is a mod for Super Smash Bros. Brawl that makes it infinitely better. So much better in fact that I consider one of if not the absolute best fighting game to play now. And SSB was already very good. Now, Project M used to have support for custom characters, but when P+ came out, they had to break a few things to get others things to work. Nevertheless, custom characters are set to come out again with Project+ EX, and soon, we'll get the best version of Smash with full custom character support again. As to rollback, this is netcode that can GREATLY help with lag issues in fighting games. Unfortunately though, implementing this is not a small feat. SSB: Melee only got it because someone poured an absolute butt ton of their own hours into making it work for that game. As such, it is unknown if we will ever see it for P+, but there is an awful lot of talk about it, so the demand is there.

Halo MCC - Editor/Stripping Out Forced Microsoft Account Usage

So, here's what's confirmed. Full mod support for Halo: MCC in the vein of Halo: Custom Edition. They're supposedly focusing on this with all cylinders firing now, but time will tell. What isn't confirmed is if they'll finally give a way for players to bypass the STUPID AS FUCK AND INVASIVE Microsoft account creation for local play and custom games only. Or at very least, allow us to not have to enter a damn phone number in. With that said, if they're going to open up the game as much as I think they are, then it shouldn't take long for everyone to find out how to bypass the forced Microsoft account creation. I mean, technically, you can do that already with pirated editions of MCC, but it's kinda jank.

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Randomizer

Sadly, unlike Ocarina of Time, TP is more linear, and thus, doesn't lend itself as well to Randomization. Or at least, not at first glance anyway. But a Randomizer is currently in development for this game, and they're also aiming to make the game more open. How they'll do this, I have no idea, but either way, I'm excited to see what they come up with when it's nearing completion.

KotOR 2 - KotOR 1 Port

Since KoTOR 2 shipped with full mod tools, this gives the ability for modders to port the first game into the second's engine. And the very good news is it's 99% complete. Ultimately, this isn't that big a deal at all and not something super high at all on my list of things to get hyped for, but nevertheless, the ability to play KotOR 1 seamlessly after KotOR 2 and with KotOR 2's enhancements and extras is kinda cool.


UPDATE (12/26/2022)

So, it's been pretty much a year. How are these things doing? Let's do a check.

Serious Sam 4 - Editor RELEASED

Still no multiplayer component released though. May make a weapon rebalancing pack for it. Not sure.

Guild Wars 2 - End of Dragons RELEASED

One of the the best Guild Wars story lines released to date. We've also gotten a full engine rework to DX11 and even a full Steam release but... No Guild vs. Guild STILL!

Project+ - Custom Characters/Rollback Netcode PARTIALLY RELEASED

Specifically, PM EX Remix is now using the full P+ base, and we've even gotten matchmaking in the form of lylat.gg, but rollback is still a work in progress. Progress is slow but steady.

Halo MCC - Editor/Stripping Out Forced Microsoft Account Usage PARTIALLY RELEASED

The editor and tools have all come out, but besides maybe pirating MCC, you're still stuck with Microsoft's absolute bullshit forced account sign-in. Further, El Dewrito maps are still completely incompatible with MCC. To me personally, someone who's put a lot of man-hours into making and balancing the maps I have for ED, this is pretty unacceptable.

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Randomizer RELEASED

It doesn't have all the features of the OoT Randomizer, but all the essentials are definitely there and completed. I need to try this sometime.

KotOR 2 - KotOR 1 Port RELEASED

Also need to try this sometime. It's been a long while since I've played KotOR. Also... If you guys don't have it yet, I would strongly recommend buying these games on Steam during the sale now before some publisher bullshit forces it off the platform. Pulling old games off Steam and GOG seems to be the new hotness these days.
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Arch Disciple
You should get them on GOG, as those are DRM-free
I've been pirating GOG games for years now
Pirating is just too easy with them, I don't think I can bring myself to buy a game from them at this point aside from some desperate bid not to shutdown entirely and even then I'd probably just start archiving what they have
I'm not even aware of exclusives they carry aside some nerds modded copy of Master of Magic which was probably free to begin with
They've got Civilization 2 & 4 but not 1 or 3, which were the only titles I looked into learning old games were their thang
They have Pyre but don't have Hades
They've recently been adding adult games to their catalog but they still don't have The Dungeon of Lulu Farea
99 times out of 100 their circular desktop icon looks awful


Staff member
I've been pirating GOG games for years now
Pirating is just too easy with them, I don't think I can bring myself to buy a game from them at this point aside from some desperate bid not to shutdown entirely and even then I'd probably just start archiving what they have
I'm not even aware of exclusives they carry aside some nerds modded copy of Master of Magic which was probably free to begin with
They've got Civilization 2 & 4 but not 1 or 3, which were the only titles I looked into learning old games were their thang
They have Pyre but don't have Hades
They've recently been adding adult games to their catalog but they still don't have The Dungeon of Lulu Farea
99 times out of 100 their circular desktop icon looks awful
Besides of course supporting the company (Which you absolutely should be doing anyway regardless of the following benefits. I can definitely be a rebel at times, but I also believe in being professional and courteous when circumstances merit it, and this is something I think GOG deserves some serious respect for and our support.), I just find it more convenient and safer, plus you get some neat little extras.

No having to screw around with torrents which, 99 times out of 100, will probably be fine, but regardless, you can't be completely stupid about downloading torrents. Furthermore, you don't have to worry if the game you want is being seeded or not. And not just that, you can download the game at your full internet speed. If you use Linux, Lutris is designed to hook directly into your account and do ALL of the work for you in installing and making the game work. And finally, sometimes torrents don't have the little extras that GOG gives you with the game.

So there's a lot more benefits to buying a game on GOG than you would think as compared to just torrenting them.
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Arch Disciple
Besides of course supporting the company (Which you absolutely should be doing anyway regardless of the following benefits. I can definitely be a rebel at times, but I also believe in being professional and courteous when circumstances merit it, and this is something I think GOG deserves some serious respect for and our support.), I just find it more convenient and safer, plus you get some neat little extras.

No having to screw around with torrents which, 99 times out of 100, will probably be fine, but regardless, you can't be completely stupid about downloading torrents. Furthermore, you don't have to worry if the game you want is being seeded or not. And not just that, you can download the game at your full internet speed. If you use Linux, Lutris is designed to hook directly into your account and do ALL of the work for you in installing and making the game work. And finally, sometimes torrents don't have the little extras that GOG gives you with the game.

So there's a lot more benefits to buying a game on GOG than you would think as compared to just torrenting them.
I don't value anything you listed as a benefit though
Downloads speeds would be the only applicable thing but I can live with waiting for a download to complete
Never even mentioned torrents

The main benefit to buying a game on GOG for me is that you can keep the older installers/versions of the game while somewhere like Steam will auto-update you to the newest version without means to revert. I value that. If pirating wasn't so easy I'd buy games there to support that practice

Until then I think my butthole deserves some serious respect and your support


Staff member
I don't value anything you listed as a benefit though
Downloads speeds would be the only applicable thing but I can live with waiting for a download to complete
Never even mentioned torrents

The main benefit to buying a game on GOG for me is that you can keep the older installers/versions of the game while somewhere like Steam will auto-update you to the newest version without means to revert. I value that. If pirating wasn't so easy I'd buy games there to support that practice

Until then I think my butthole deserves some serious respect and your support
Sometimes Steam will give you the option to revert to previous versions as well in the Betas tab of a game, but yeah, it's ENTIRELY dependent on the developers to make it available per game. If they didn't do it (and they probably didn't), then you're up shit creek.

Never even mentioned torrents
What are you using then?

Until then I think my butthole deserves some serious respect and your support
Well, I'll be sure to donate a penny to your butthole surgery, Gauche.


Staff member
Ok, I am utterly amazed that that site hasn't been taken down by GOG yet. And also amazed that they're hosting all this stuff free of charge and relying entirely on donations.

I'm torn on this site. On one hand, they're hosting games that have been pulled from the GOG store, and that's hella awesome, but on the other hand, they're also hosting everything else and pulling money away from GOG that could have gone to supporting them.

I think I'll just leave off by saying that it's important to financially support projects that you believe in in order to show the world at least that, yes, doing the right thing can not only be viable but financially lucrative. Because if it isn't, we're only going to get more and more companies that behave like greedy bitches. If we don't support GOG, then all these greedy companies are going to get a bunch of ammo to defend their asinine business practices. "Look, see? We can't make money doing the right thing at all. Everyone just takes advantage of it."