Yes. Holy hell, yes. The only thing that's stopping me from putting out a HUGE list of problems inherit in the OG trilogy is laziness. (I still like the OG trilogy BTW. Most of it.)
Then give me a short list. Honestly, I can't think of many direct flaws. Not because they aren't there or anything, it just really isn't that fresh in my mind so that most of what I could tell you without any kind of prompting would be "I find part x boring". And I'd especially like to see what flaws you consider shared.
It wasn't actually THAT long ago, film making wise. And these problems were noticed even back then too.
Considering neither you nor I were as much as a twinkle in their fathers eye some 40 years ago, I'm gonna say that it is a pretty significant amount of time from either of our perspectives.
Ultimately, I give you more of a pass
Don't. This is what I find fun. And we are just talking about a Movie, we'll still be Internet Friends.
because your critique is more fair than the other critiques I've seen.
I try.
But even so, I've discussed all of TLJ's supposed problems with people AD NAUSEAM And I've seen very few legitimate complaints.
I think that when it comes to things like this, it's hard to get anything that could be called illegitimate barring outright lies (even a misunderstanding is just that, a misunderstanding). Even if someone's complaint is "Purple-Hair Lady is a bitch that reminds me of the worst third-wave feminists." -> Fair enough to me. It's pretty much just saying they find the Character unlikable, which conceptually I agree with.
Most of them are just misunderstandings that people don't want to be corrected on because "didney awful", and the rest don't actually bring them film down enough for me to call it bad.
See, this is where I personally have issues. Like not with you, but with the ST (I haven't seen the last one yet btw, I just don't care about spoilers and know the general gist of what happens). I feel that they were very vague with a lot of the stuff to the point where I've seen a lot of people that will argue along the lines of "oh, this means x, you misunderstood" -> In such cases I often found myself thinking "seems either of you could be right".
... I mean, they are pretty awful, but not because of TLJ. It's like the one thing they did really right but it doesn't seem to matter.
Maybe it's just my personality, but I don't find Disney any worse then most other corporations, they are just huge. That arguably is THE worst part. Meh, at the same time, that size allows for certain projects in the first place. Star Wars probably would have otherwise been relegated to Video Games and Comics exclusively for the foreseeable future. So even if I think the ST has a lot of missed potential, Disney buying Star Wars still means that the likelyhood of getting a really good series of Movies is way higher then without them.
Also, my opinion but I know the Internet at large would agree, the MCU or even just Endgame are a more impressive feat then TLJ.
Also also, I just noticed that I inadvertently called TLJ bad in my last post, disregard that. Like I said, I don't think it's bad, there are just several things in it that to me come across as poorly done. For instance, I also don't see where people are coming from when they pretend nothing would ever lead Luke to where he was in TLJ, at the same time, the
way he tosses the lightsaber is very annoying to me, no real gravitas, flippant, that's not how someone would actually do that, it was done that way as a joke and I find it neither fitting nor funny. Or why does he aggressively drink the blue milk, that looks ridiculous and even considering his situation...why would he be acting outright spiteful towards Rey? I think a lot of times it's really the little things and that a lot of people just aren't very good at articulating what exactly was throwing them off and took them out of the Movie.