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Is Sanctuary really now the only one of it's kind left?


Staff member
I just found out today that kiwifarms.net is down. Completely down. Now, I knew that they were going through some major hosting problems in the past, but I thought by now that they would have been since resolved...


Kind of ironic too as, yesterday, I was taking a trip though memory lane and looking at all of the older and very permissive (for lack of a better word) websites that used to exist. We all know about TOTSE, but there were many others as well. Bombshock, totse2, zoklet, totseans, totse.info, 4chan, RDFRN, RottenEggs, and of course, Kiwi Farms. niggasin.space is a relatively recent addition to the collection, but the only thing they seem to care about anymore is making alts and flinging shit at each other. Now, of that list I just gave, only ONE of them, 4chan, can be counted to be any kind of alive, although I think they're slowly dying off as well. The rest of them are all eerily dead in the water.

So that's it then. To my knowledge, we are pretty much the only fucking ones left standing. We were not the first at all, but apparently, we are now the last. Of course, I've always said in the past that there were never any websites that were fully like Sanctuary. We stood unique in that regard, but now, it seems like there's no sites like us in almost ANY CAPACITY anymore.
I just found out today that kiwifarms.net is down.
its been down for weeks now. Something to do with trannies, again.
Real annoying because now i can't laugh at jim sterling, amongst others. hopefully it comes back sooner, rather than later
its been down for weeks now. Something to do with trannies, again.
Real annoying because now i can't laugh at jim sterling, amongst others. hopefully it comes back sooner, rather than later

Well, you know, you can laugh at Jim Sterling without Kiwi Farms still.

Fuck, what happened to that guy? And I'm not even talking about the transitioning stuff. He used to be SO on the ball with industry bullshit.
Well, you know, you can laugh at Jim Sterling without Kiwi Farms still.

Fuck, what happened to that guy? And I'm not even talking about the transitioning stuff. He used to be SO on the ball with industry bullshit.
Haven't watched him since years before he transitioned, but, based on every experience I've had talking with transgender people on the internet, my guess is that hormone therapy makes you emotional, unstable, and irrational. Hard to do good industry analysis in that state. But honestly, he's been on a downward slide for years. Too many videos just repeating previous videos which themselves were about 3x as long as they needed to be.

Also, I didn't actually realize that Sanctuary was 'of a kind' with Kiwi Farms. Should I start doxing people to try and get them to kill themselves now?
Too many videos just repeating previous videos which themselves were about 3x as long as they needed to be.
for me, it was stuff like the boglins, wrestling and then the trans shit that killed my interest in his videos. That and the fact that, pretty much every video was either "company bad" or "fans/community bad".
Kiwifarms is still accessible through tor, I think. They have been getting slapped around by ISP's for a while, sometimes it's up, usually down. Joshua Null Moon has become an activist for open and free internet speech. (but now they are blocking access to his activism page too)

I warned other small forums that one angry twitter person, and the same could happen to any site, Oh, you don't like it? Just build your own ISP, build your own reality and ignore the cucked anti freedom reality going on all around you.

Live in 12 hours
I don't know if you ever watched his Youtube livestreams but he seems pretty unphased by all this, like every week he's like "Oh yeah the sites shitfucked, use Tor I guess" it seems to work sometimes for him, I don't know the Tor link and I can't find it easily, I assume most search things are blocking it like google or whatever *rolls eyes*

I'm a long time poster on KF I have an old account on there but I am not going out of my way to chase down an "alt right" gossip forum that was originally about freaking chris chan lol and Keffels doesn't even CARE about KF anymore she has moved on AND NOBODY CARES ABOUT HIM/HER EITHER , they fell off. So alllllll this was for fucking nothing because if you really want to read KF you probably can.

It's all just so tiring. Yes, free speech is dying. Go on any white hate alt right racism forum like dailystormer and you will get banned for saying racism against Jews because they are trying to be CIVIL white nationalists *ROLLS EYES*

I got banned for making an introduction thread on the David Icke forums because I mentioned their forum section dedicated to Israel/Palestine and I made a comment that I thought wasn't offensive, just a bit conspiratorial/nutty, and I get BANNED from a CONSPIRACY FORUM for saying that it's WEIRD for Israel to put soldiers in a Mosque, yeah I am a real hardcore racist that wants to genocide a peoples saying stuff like that! Don't question ANYTHING, you wanna talk about conspiracies? Well you better make sure your words match the ones that come out of the TV, don't try thinking for yourself, that's dangerous.

Thank you, Arnox, for being a beacon of light in a sea of darkness

Haven't watched him since years before he transitioned, but, based on every experience I've had talking with transgender people on the internet, my guess is that hormone therapy makes you emotional, unstable, and irrational. Hard to do good industry analysis in that state. But honestly, he's been on a downward slide for years. Too many videos just repeating previous videos which themselves were about 3x as long as they needed to be.

In a world without hormone therapy I think a lot of these types would be just as insane with ruined careers and probably just become gay or something. Maybe "cat ladies" were secret lesbians all along?
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Also, I didn't actually realize that Sanctuary was 'of a kind' with Kiwi Farms. Should I start doxing people to try and get them to kill themselves now?

I lol'd. Kiwi Farms and us definitely have some major differences, that's for fucking sure, but beyond the harassment bullshit, they also have some parallels to us too.

Joshua Null Moon has become an activist for open and free internet speech. (but now they are blocking access to his activism page too)

Oh yeah, NOW he is. After he fucking permabanned me from his damn forums for saying stuff he didn't like. I kid you not.


I don't know if you ever watched his Youtube livestreams but he seems pretty unphased by all this

Makes sense. One thing Joshua does go through is CONSTANT attacks on the site. Like, neverending. At this point, he's a hardened ass vet, and he knows how to handle this shit. Or at least, he knows how to handle it as best as one can.

KF, in my mind, also serves as an example of what might happen to us if I don't go full paranoid mode and lock Sanctuary down as much as I can. I was just talking to @Angel yesterday about this. Sanctuary can't just have defenses. It has to be UTTERLY UNASSAILABLE in every regard. An island unto itself.

I don't know the Tor link and I can't find it easily, I assume most search things are blocking it like Google or whatever.

If you're going to use Tor you really might as well just use it with the Tails Linux distro. That's the easiest, and by far the most secure way to do it. It's still a bit of a process though, and finding accurate onion links can sometimes be a big problem.

Thank you, Arnox

You're welcome. <3 Enjoy the site. That's all I ever wanted.
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In a world without hormone therapy I think a lot of these types would be just as insane with ruined careers and probably just become gay or something. Maybe "cat ladies" were secret lesbians all along?
i feel like part of it's also down to social media. I suspect that without social media and hormone therapy 90-95% would likely grow out of it, much like some people go trough an emo phase.

Sanctuary can't just have defenses. It has to be UTTERLY UNASSAILABLE in every regard. An island unto itself.
good luck with that, even kiwifarms hasn't managed that.
Y'all ever heard of this?

Y'all ever heard of this?


Reminds me of Freenet a lot. Wonder how they differ, though Osiris is probably gonna have a tough time competing since Freenet just received a major grant from FUTO for version 2.0. In any case, these systems may actually be really good for acting as an emergency failsafe in case Sanctuary gets taken down or broken into.

good luck with that, even kiwifarms hasn't managed that.

Well, one thing to keep in mind is that Kiwi Farms also, somehow, managed to piss EVERYBODY off and burn every bridge. And when you do that, you're painting a target on your back. People generally don't like the community and they don't like KF's goals. So naturally, nobody wants to host them or sometimes even be associated with them.
Well, you know, you can laugh at Jim Sterling without Kiwi Farms still.

Fuck, what happened to that guy? And I'm not even talking about the transitioning stuff. He used to be SO on the ball with industry bullshit.

Well, me, I've been unable to take a word he's said seriously ever since way back with Gamergate and his little friend, Zoe Quinn. You know, the moment one of his personal friends in the incestuous journalist/indie dev clique turned out to be engaging in some seriously shady behavior, and suddenly the uncompromising firebrand consumer advocate who tells it like it is suddenly started singing to a tune of "why can't we be friends?"

If I had to guess, I'd say his spineless, principle-free nature simply led him to follow his chosen companions' ideological proclivities to their inevitable logical conclusion.
Well, me, I've been unable to take a word he's said seriously ever since way back with Gamergate and his little friend, Zoe Quinn. You know, the moment one of his personal friends in the incestuous journalist/indie dev clique turned out to be engaging in some seriously shady behavior, and suddenly the uncompromising firebrand consumer advocate who tells it like it is suddenly started singing to a tune of "why can't we be friends?"

If I had to guess, I'd say his spineless, principle-free nature simply led him to follow his chosen companions' ideological proclivities to their inevitable logical conclusion.
In fairness, he always kind of had this communist shtick going in the background of his early videos, although he never really got into it, only making passing mentions.
Well, one thing to keep in mind is that Kiwi Farms also, somehow, managed to piss EVERYBODY off and burn every bridge.

JERSH MOON is a good boy, he was part of the 8chan mod/dev/admin team with that hotwheels guy, anyone that's against JERSH and his wholesome life is probably a person with evil in their heart. He is a good boy that prints silver coins, loves his mom, grows tomatoes and feeds birds.

He stands up for privacy and free speech which are, sadly, hostile forces in this modern world instead of the values held by society itself, it is now the enemy.

niggasin.space is a relatively recent addition to the collection, but the only thing they seem to care about anymore is making alts and flinging shit at each other.
lol, the alts are all me. Any "alt" that isn't mine is usually these shit flinging types, it's all people from tinychat / tinybltc which was almost like it's own spinoff community from zoklet, and strangely enough the big head honcho tinychat room admin, who was a mod on totse or something, is now a mod on this other Xenforo site "Bastard Factory", which is a total lost cause of a community and not even fun to troll.

This thread reminds me of a thread I made not long ago on NIS

The wise words of "Lordworm" still ring true today I think
It's time to make a change here. At the moment, we're mostly following in the footsteps of Totse.com and while this is great in some aspects (nostalgia, awesome layout etc) it also means that we're still wasting our time writing up the same old articles. Making a bomb out of 20 Christmas crackers isn't exactly brilliant information, and while it used to target an audience which would effectively bring in anarchistic teenagers every day, something changed.

The Internet has opened up a little. Information on making bombs and hacking payphones is available EVERYWHERE, and writing it all up for Totse doesn't really get us anywhere. Lordworm makes a good point;

Sites like Shitbook and YouTube have killed the market for fringe discussion sites. I'm not sure how it happened, but the activity on these types of sites has been steadily diminishing since mainstream versions of internet social networks started to gain popularity. Most of the explosives/pyrotechnics forums I used to post on are dead or forgotten and inactive. Yet there are still plenty of people posting energetics related videos and having incoherent fragments of discussion on YouTube. And for fuck sakes, there are even explosives 'discussion' groups on Shitbook!

The internet is changing, and we must find a way to adapt if we are to survive. Totse was once a strong empire, but unless something drastic happens, it's always going to be a shadow in the wake of the new social networks.

There is also 'bizarro NIS' which is more active than NIS

4chan, can be counted to be any kind of alive, although I think they're slowly dying off as well. The rest of them are all eerily dead in the water.
The problem with 4chan is entire board populations migrate, like the 8chan exodus. My twitter feed feels more like "old 4chan" than going on 4chan, which makes me feel very old, like I can just tell most people posting there are teens or early 20's at most. Also apparently reddit stock crashed today, so that's good.

Hopefully facebook and twitter can be taken out behind the barn and everyone uses either TikTok or some kinda weird mastodon underground niche community, the defining genre of our era is niche culture
Never thought I'd see someone advocate for using a CCP spying platform or a decentralized Left Anarchist one.. If anything's worse than FB and TW, those would be it.
Never thought I'd see someone advocate for using a CCP spying platform or a decentralized Left Anarchist one.. If anything's worse than FB and TW, those would be it.

lawl, I mean.. I don't use either of those platforms, facebook feels like a dead mall, twitter and tiktok I have an entire rant about them, but yeah i'm not a fan of any of them, I regret 99% of my activity on the internet and the sites like YTMND and random forums and stuff, it's all trash looking back now, Myspace especially, LinkedIn used to be kinda cool but it's garbage now along with reddit

Twitter, as horrible as it is contains many secrets and hidden pieces of the 'old internet' culture, as a result of being around so long. Facebook is almost so dysfunctional and garbage that it can't even maintain relevance for archiving at the very least.

I turned on, tuned in, and dropped out long before this, I never got onto the skype bandwagon after MSN/yahoo and never got into instagram or snapchat, I have another rant/theory that in an apocalypse the vast majority of this stuff, and popular media to a certain extent could cease to exist with no loss, only technical things really have value in my eyes.

I don't get along with most crypto people because I believe in destroying technology to make it better ehehehehe
