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I'm back from vacation!


Staff member
Kaleion said:
Arnox said:
Normal site activities will now resume.
Good to see you're back, BTW, I seem to be unable to use the Chat and I'm not sure why.
I'm assuming you're using Chrome? Did you try opening it in its own window?


Sanctuary legend
Arnox said:
Kaleion said:
Good to see you're back, BTW, I seem to be unable to use the Chat and I'm not sure why.
I'm assuming you're using Chrome? Did you try opening it in its own window?
Yes to both and it didn't work, I mean it's fine since the chat isn't used all that much but it's kinda weird being unable to access it.


Staff member
Kaleion said:
Yes to both and it didn't work, I mean it's fine since the chat isn't used all that much but it's kinda weird being unable to access it.
Look at your Chrome extensions. Disable all of them if you have any running, and then reload the page.

If that doesn't work, I'd just download Firefox, or a derivative of it anyway since Chrome is planning to force out support for non-Chrome Store extensions. I know it's not exactly the ideal solution here, but to debug it, I'd need to be at your computer.