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If you have a psvita its stupid easy to crack it

Dale Gribble

I downgraded my firmware, installed custom firmware and downloaded homebrew apps to give me access to a large chunk of the psvita and psp library without even hooking it up to my PC. Everything was done through the built in browser app. Finally breathed new life into this old handheld.

You can even install ports of other games, emulators, homebrew games etc if you want to hook it up to the PC and move stuff around. I'm just lazy.
Last time I checked the emulators available on it were rather shit

Like the best way to play PSP games/other emulators was to turn on the Vita, boot up the PSP emulator and boot the emulators for it, you know, the ones made back in like ~2005 as they can be hex edited on the fly while modern ones can't or at least couldn't at the time

If you ever download The Con, you can hex edit the character creation screen and make the fattest women fighter I've ever seen in gaming

Hex edit-ers were funny folk, one of the Sword Art Online games made it so you couldn't upskirt with the camera but messing with the hex birthed a whole pantsu thread - gamefaqs was fun back in the day

I remember nopaystation had Vita games available
Last time I checked the emulators available on it were rather shit

Like the best way to play PSP games/other emulators was to turn on the Vita, boot up the PSP emulator and boot the emulators for it, you know, the ones made back in like ~2005 as they can be hex edited on the fly while modern ones can't or at least couldn't at the time

If you ever download The Con, you can hex edit the character creation screen and make the fattest women fighter I've ever seen in gaming

Hex edit-ers were funny folk, one of the Sword Art Online games made it so you couldn't upskirt with the camera but messing with the hex birthed a whole pantsu thread - gamefaqs was fun back in the day

I remember nopaystation had Vita games available

I haven't tried to emulate anything yet, although I do have adrenaline(cracked psp software) installed and play psp/1 games on that.

Nopaystation must be where vitadb pulls from. I've downloaded everything through that app on the vita itself. Really easy.
Thanks for reminding me to mod both my psp and psvita
Thanks for reminding me to mod both my psp and psvita

It used to be you had to alter the battery for the psp in some way, I think cut a wire or something, and it would flash to an earlier firmware that could be exploited with a magic memory stick.
Alternatively, you could just mod your vita and install adrenaline in about 10 mins. Install sd2vita as well so you don't have to buy the overpriced Sony crap and you're good to go.
I was actually definitely eyeing the PSVita for a while, but I dunno. The problem is I don't even play my Gameboy Advance SP or Nintendo 3DS nearly enough to feel like I can justify yet another portable that's probably also just going to sit in the corner and collect dust. And on top of that, I often just read books on my phone when I'm out and about anyway.
It has less battery life than a PSP so I'd skip unless you want to play exclusives, majority of which have been ported

Only picked up mine cause a jap seller still had the pink in stock the week they announced the end of manufacturing. Tried the same for 3DS but that shit was sold out everywhere

Pretty sure steam deck runs PPSSPP so unless you value pocket-able portability, Sony handhelds have a niche appeal in this day and age
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