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General movie thread


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Just making a general movie thread. Favourites/recomendations/ what have you seen lately, etc.

Recently saw:
Joker - Thought it was really good. Liked the plot-twist(not sure if that's the right word but close enough) around the middle part. Wasn't expecting it, especially when they then switched it round again. Seeing Arthur's slow descent into the joker was great. I'd recommend seeing it, even if you're not a comic fan.

Godzilla II: King of The Monsters - Didn't think the previous Godzilla was that great, just kinda alright, so I wasn't super interested in seeing a sequel. Then they released the trailer and my opinion changed. Was really curious to see how they portrayed the classic godzilla monsters or if any others would show up (none others did). Plot felt like it moved a little bit too quickly, but that didn't really ruin my enjoyment of it too much. Would've liked to see some more of the other muto's, but aside from mentions in the credits, you don't really see or learn much about them. Guess they'll be saving them for later films. Really looking forward to seeing future Monsterverse films.

Frozen 2 - Its just more Frozen. If you enjoyed the previous one, or animated Disney in general, you'll likely enjoy this too.

Some recommendations:

Shin Godzilla - Hands down the best Godzilla movie. Period. Great soundtrack, featuring both classic godzilla and evangelion tracks. Great portrayal of Godzilla, especially seeing him evolve over the course of the film. Highly recommend see it.

A Silent Voice - Poignant and really resonated with me

Wolf Children - Really touching film about how sometimes you just have to let your kids choose their own path

Garden of Words - Watch for the visuals more than the story


Arch Disciple
Last one I saw was Joker. Didn't like it.

Before that was My Life as a Zucchini. A somber yet cheerful animation of a group of kids in child services.

Alita Battle Angel was a butchered work.

Personal favorites:
Chicken Run - I don't want to be a pie
The Illusionist (2009) - Lapin
Children of Men - I just don't think about it

Honorable mention: Cloverfield - I really digged how they fleshed out the attack by making IRL websites for the in-universe companies and Myspace accounts for the characters all sharing the last sign in date. That type of shit really appeals to me.


Sanctuary legend
My tastes in movies these days seem to be turning, slowly but surely, as utterly weird as my choices in reading material.

Recently watched The Hourglass Sanatorium (Sanatorium pod klepsydrą - Poland, 1973).... and really, it's a masterpiece; it has instantly earned a place in my BEST EVER list, along with the likes of Wake in Fright, Mad Max 1 & 2 and Drive. Now, granted, that may very well be because it's an adaptation of Bruno Schulz's work, with which I've recently fallen in absolute love, and if I hadn't read it (or enjoyed it) it might very well have struck me as nothing but self-indulgent, willfully obtuse artsy-fartsy drivel... or perhaps not - its gorgeous portrayals of dust-covered, cobwebbed, at once completely alien and strangely familiar dreamscapes alone might have been enough to win me over.

I've also been watching a lot of Japanese cinema, among which I must say Akira Kurosawa's Dreams (Yume - Japan/United States, 1990) stands out. I'm not a fan of Kurosawa, personally (he definitely has a very strong directorial "voice", so to speak, but as it happens it's not one I particularly appreciate), but this anthology of eight short films, each supposedly inspired by a dream Kurosawa actually had, does perfectly capture the nature of its subject matter - at once beautiful, poetic, eerie and unsettling.
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Staff member
Last one I saw was Joker. Didn't like it.
Why is that?

Recently watched The Hourglass Sanatorium (Sanatorium pod klepsydrą - Poland, 1973).... and really, it's a masterpiece; it has instantly earned a place in my BEST EVER list, along with the likes of Wake in Fright, Mad Max 1 & 2 and Drive. Now, granted, that may very well be because it's an adaptation of Bruno Schulz's work, with which I've recently fallen in absolute love, and if I hadn't read it (or enjoyed it) it might very well have struck me as nothing but self-indulgent, willfully obtuse artsy-fartsy drivel... or perhaps not - its gorgeous portrayals of dust-covered, cobwebbed, at once completely alien and strangely familiar dreamscapes alone might have been enough to win me over.
Why exactly is it the best then?


Arch Disciple
Why is that?
It was boring. Didn't laugh at the slapstick. Considering the tone I was surprised when others did.

Didn't believe the relationship at all. One could say it was real to him but all that comes of it aside from additional disappointment is a single scene post having devolved into a killer and me concluding a lot could of been cut. At that point everything may as well not have happened. Despite Gotham being such a shit city you only hear sirens go off when he returns from the wrong room, go figure.

Doesn't help that the citizens don't do much aside from being angry with signs/masks. Maybe they went that route to emphasize the murder of Wayne but the people of Gotham may as well not exist but to praise Joker by the end.

Expected the childhood. Smothering the mother had the biggest bang to it despite the other three gun kills.
Best scene was the washroom confrontation.


Sanctuary legend
Why exactly is it the best then?
Well, like I said, basically because Bruno Schulz. More than just an adaptation (though the overarching plot roughly follows his short story of the same name), it's a love letter to all of his writings, and almost a game of spot-the-reference for those familiar with them.

It's also, visually speaking, a stunningly beautiful representation of the dreamlike places and events he describes, even though I personally think Schulz's tone tends more towards the whimsical and nostalgic, rather than the somewhat gloomy and decrepit ambience the director was clearly going for.

For anyone who isn't familiar with the man's work (or simply does not like it), though, I'd imagine the film's meandering, apparently haphazard weirdness could quickly become just tiresome.


Arch Disciple
Had me saying "This fictional bitch is dead" on repeat to the end
That fictional bitch is dead

The Irishman
Too fucking long
Old man telling (yet not sharing) a story - gee wonder where this goes
Who the fuck says candy?
Nobody says fucking candy

Uncut Gems
Too much fucking cursing yet came out enjoying it
I'm a sucker for greeding after riches
That being said, will never watch again
Shit is anxiety inducing

Ip Man 4
Could of dug it but that speech made by some fucking nobody about racism/bigotry killed it for me
Take out that speech and it would improve the movie immensely

The Island Of Dr. Moreau
Animals, the lot of them!


Arch Disciple
Truth and Justice (2019)

Ever go out of your way to read some reviews of a film to see what others thought of it?
Ever find someone have a completely wrong understanding of the ending?
Have you then looked into it and confirm they are in fact wrong and find there are several published deconstructions of the novels by literary nerds in pdf format on the net that make it clear they completely missed aspects of the film?
Then you write a post on a forum about it to share to all the world and ask how this could be?

I haven't

Andres wanted to be wed,
as his Krõõt was cold and dead.

While Juss was sulking by himself,
Mari went to Andres' bed.

Stroked her leg and winked his eye,
Juss will likely lose his wife.

Nice and fair was Andres' maid,
from her front and from behind.

Sailed her way straight up the Hill,
to fulfill her master's will.


Staff member
Truth and Justice (2019)

Ever go out of your way to read some reviews of a film to see what others thought of it?
Ever find someone have a completely wrong understanding of the ending?
Have you then looked into it and confirm they are in fact wrong and find there are several published deconstructions of the novels by literary nerds in pdf format on the net that make it clear they completely missed aspects of the film?
Then you write a post on a forum about it to share to all the world and ask how this could be?

I haven't

Andres wanted to be wed,
as his Krõõt was cold and dead.

While Juss was sulking by himself,
Mari went to Andres' bed.

Stroked her leg and winked his eye,
Juss will likely lose his wife.

Nice and fair was Andres' maid,
from her front and from behind.

Sailed her way straight up the Hill,
to fulfill her master's will.
If you're not getting mad at random posts on the internet, what are you even doing with your life?


Sanctuary legend
Well, as long as this thread is on the first page again...

Anyone else watch The Northman (2022)? From what I'd heard I expected something quite a bit weirder, but I really enjoyed it nonetheless. I thought it was a visually gorgeous and consistently entertaining film.

I've also been hearing interesting things about Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022); really curious to see that one.


Staff member
Well, as long as this thread is on the first page again...

Anyone else watch The Northman (2022)? From what I'd heard I expected something quite a bit weirder, but I really enjoyed it nonetheless. I thought it was a visually gorgeous and consistently entertaining film.

I've also been hearing interesting things about Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022); really curious to see that one.
Looks like a spiritual remake of Conan The Barbarian.


Arch Disciple
Well, as long as this thread is on the first page again...

Anyone else watch The Northman (2022)? From what I'd heard I expected something quite a bit weirder, but I really enjoyed it nonetheless. I thought it was a visually gorgeous and consistently entertaining film.
I watched it. I found it visually jarring with the family tree scenes. Physical plane stuff was pretty. Kids being murdered makes for a gorgeous watch.
Last location was a fun setting though I expected the sword to do more there. The lore about it is a bit silly without some payoff.
Loved the sound. One of few films worth seeing at the theater just for the audio experience.

Boat transports suck equally as car chases


Arch Disciple
...What? Are you even talking about the same movie?
This one: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/545611-everything-everywhere-all-at-once
Yes, that be it
Mass marketed portrayals of rocks practicing self harm are literally worse than Hitler and everyone involved should be canceled and hanged but not before going to prison where sins can only be forgiven but not really by dropping molecules that dislodge dirt
Imagine everything everywhere all at once but lacking humor

It was alright. I felt it went Jim Sterling when it wasn't necessary. Did it really add anything to the movie aside from ridiculousness?
Can't watch it with the family/kids in result which is a bit of shame when the movie focuses on family values.

Also, kinda hate the "rewatch this frame by frame or else miss the things we snuck in OR search it on the internet and contribute to our social buzz" angle. If I paid to watch it I'd be ticked off


Staff member
Yes, that be it
Mass marketed portrayals of rocks practicing self harm are literally worse than Hitler and everyone involved should be canceled and hanged but not before going to prison where sins can only be forgiven but not really by dropping molecules that dislodge dirt
Imagine everything everywhere all at once but lacking humor

It was alright. I felt it went Jim Sterling when it wasn't necessary. Did it really add anything to the movie aside from ridiculousness?
Can't watch it with the family/kids in result which is a bit of shame when the movie focuses on family values.

Also, kinda hate the "rewatch this frame by frame or else miss the things we snuck in OR search it on the internet and contribute to our social buzz" angle. If I paid to watch it I'd be ticked off
If you want a good family movie, I actually rediscovered Cheaper By The Dozen. That was a nice movie.


Staff member
The Mummy (2017)

As I watched this movie through to the end, I was reminded a little too much of The Matrix Resurrections in that this movie has a strong start but slowly begins to falter more and more after about the halfway mark. I could have bought Tom Cruise as the protagonist here. I could have gone with Vail being his friend and fellow comedy relief. I could DEFINITELY buy Sofia Boutella as Ahmanet. Hell, I'd buy her twice. She is clearly the highlight of this entire movie by far in acting, story background, and looks. But damn, they just could not close. They just HAD to shove in a bunch of "Dark Universe" characters and early character setups way too early in a film that is very much not theirs. Dr. Jekyll? Fine. Give him his own film. But he sure as fuck doesn't belong here, or anyone else that isn't directly connected to the background of the mummy. You're cutting into sexy Sofia time. Go away please.

Add to that a generally unsatisfactory ending, random weird and disappointing script problems (what they did with Vail for example was dumb and not a good use of the character), and missed opportunities to both flesh out the main movie lore (as it directly connects to the mummy, not anybody else), missed opportunities to play around with some concepts, and this film just really peters out by the time it's over. What a disappointment...

By the way though, no, I don't think they should have brought back Brendan Fraser. Not because he didn't play an absolutely fantastic Rick, but because he's just getting too old now. He's been in four (EDIT: three) Mummy movies already. Regardless of what you think of Tom Cruise, Brendan could not have done it again. The time is now passed for that.
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Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
The Mummy (2017)

As I watched this movie through to the end, I was reminded a little too much of The Matrix Resurrections in that this movie has a strong start but slowly begins to falter more and more after about the halfway mark. I could have bought Tom Cruise as the protagonist here. I could have gone with Vail being his friend and fellow comedy relief. I could DEFINITELY buy Sofia Boutella as Ahmanet. Hell, I'd buy her twice. She is clearly the highlight of this entire movie by far in acting, story background, and looks. But damn, they just could not close. They just HAD to shove in a bunch of "Dark Universe" characters and early character setups way too early in a film that is very much not theirs. Dr. Jekyll? Fine. Give him his own film. But he sure as fuck doesn't belong here, or anyone else that isn't directly connected to the background of the mummy. You're cutting into sexy Sofia time. Go away please.

Add to that a generally unsatisfactory ending, random weird and disappointing script problems (what they did with Vail for example was dumb and not a good use of the character), and missed opportunities to both flesh out the main movie lore (as it directly connects to the mummy, not anybody else), missed opportunities to play around with some concepts, and this film just really peters out by the time it's over. What a disappointment...

By the way though, no, I don't think they should have brought back Brendan Fraser. Not because he didn't play an absolutely fantastic Rick, but because he's just getting too old now. He's been in four Mummy movies already. Regardless of what you think of Tom Cruise, Brendan could not have done it again. The time is now passed for that.
I'm surprised you could even sit and watch that entire shitshow honestly, having Brendan Fraser would not even have made it mildly better. I still remember Tomb of the Dragon Emperor and that was painful to watch too.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
I happen to like the Mummy series (3.. there's a 4?). Just like I like The Librarian series. Sure, it's campy, but it's not cringey.


Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
The 2 first movies were fine, I enjoyed them in all good fun. They aren't masterpieces or anything but they were entertaining with the action, the effects, the campiness. The 3rd one was a stretch, they were trying to do what they did on the previous ones but it didn't come out well, I wouldn't say it was a disaster all in all but what they tried was not working for me.

The Tom Cruise movie is just bad, hell they even gave Cruise the Golden Raspberry for worst actor for this movie .


Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
LOL Where the hell did you find that?
In a shitpost in 9gag of course, that movie of course could be considered a shitpost in itself. its the typical bizarre "B movie" made for straight to video.