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Firearms Wishlist

infinityshock said:
SupahEwok said:
"Society is being sissified into being afraid of guns, when there isn't anything to worry about guns at all, they're just a tool like a shovel"

"Oh yeah, I measure the worth of guns by how much damage they'll do to a human body"

I'm not sure I've ever heard of anybody attaching a similar metric to shovels...

This is why I don't like guns. Or a subset of their owners.

causal fallacy

youre doing it right

Actually, the formal argument you want to hide your fragile ego behind in this case is "false equivalence."

It'd be nice to have an intelligent discussion with your particular kind of gun nut, but if you all were intelligent the conversation wouldn't be necessary.

Yes, that statement is also a fallacy, but I'll leave its determination as your homework.
SupahEwok said:
infinityshock said:
causal fallacy

youre doing it right

Actually, the formal argument you want to hide your fragile ego behind in this case is "false equivalence."

It'd be nice to have an intelligent discussion with your particular kind of gun nut, but if you all were intelligent the conversation wouldn't be necessary.

Yes, that statement is also a fallacy, but I'll leave its determination as your homework.

what i want is for you to suck my cock then ill give you more nut than your puffy little chipmunk cheeks can handle.

theres no chance of you ever having an intelligent discussion due to your lack the most basic premise of having one: intelligence.

'false equivalence' does not apply to the point i was making.

speaking of homework, you better get working on your own or when you get back to the retard academy on monday your kindergarten teacher isnt going to give you a gold star.
infinityshock said:
SupahEwok said:
Actually, the formal argument you want to hide your fragile ego behind in this case is "false equivalence."

It'd be nice to have an intelligent discussion with your particular kind of gun nut, but if you all were intelligent the conversation wouldn't be necessary.

Yes, that statement is also a fallacy, but I'll leave its determination as your homework.

what i want is for you to suck my cock then ill give you more nut than your puffy little chipmunk cheeks can handle.

theres no chance of you ever having an intelligent discussion due to your lack the most basic premise of having one: intelligence.

'false equivalence' does not apply to the point i was making.

speaking of homework, you better get working on your own or when you get back to the retard academy on monday your kindergarten teacher isnt going to give you a gold star.

Ooh! Switching it up there from the sheep? I didn't know you loved diversity.
Signa said:
infinityshock said:
what i want is for you to suck my cock then ill give you more nut than your puffy little chipmunk cheeks can handle.

theres no chance of you ever having an intelligent discussion due to your lack the most basic premise of having one: intelligence.

'false equivalence' does not apply to the point i was making.

speaking of homework, you better get working on your own or when you get back to the retard academy on monday your kindergarten teacher isnt going to give you a gold star.

Ooh! Switching it up there from the sheep? I didn't know you loved diversity.

arnie...this little diaper jockey is going to get your shit shut down by the FBI for violating child abuse laws. there are laws that prohibit these little elementary school kids from being allowed online.
chocolate_chip_cookie said:
i'll put your fuckin eye out you fuckin hunchback noob

youll put your own eye out then i stick my dick in the socket and skull fuck you till your brain cavity is filled with nothing but my testicular goo.