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Facts about your anus

I said this was coming, now it is here!

Put a ring on it! Anus means ring in Latin.

2 for the price of 1!. You actually have 2 anal sphincters.

Can't control that ass! The inner sphincter can't be controlled by you. It only moves when it's time to poop.

Hair where there was no hair before! During puberty, pubic hair grows around the anus.

And the payoff! SupahEwok has a glandular problem.
This so much worse than cat facts.
SupahEwok said:

You knew this was coming, I even mentioned in my last thread, the one about Uranus.

Also, back to the topic at hand:

Just like your grandma, the anus is quite wrinkly.

Keep it away from clowns, though! The anal cavity is balloon-like.

Size doesn't matter! Your anus can release objects five times its size.
  • The hair around your asshole muffles your farts. So – it’s impossible to fart silently if you shave your asshole.
  • There is an ancient Greek word for having an awesome ass—it’s “callipygian.”
  • People have died from pooping too hard. It caused their blood pressure to rise enough to shake loose a blood clot or burst an aneurysm.
  • Your ass is super absorptive, which is why chugging beer, wine, or hard liquor from your ass (“butt chugging”) is super dangerous. Without running alcohol through your liver and kidneys first, you lose the ability to puke when you’ve had way too much. This means you can easily butt chug too much and die.
:eek: I read the topic; I really can only blame myself for being here...
Does nothing for those gains. The average poop burns no calories.

You don't need to upsize this! The average person releases 4 liters of gas per day.

Silent, but hairy! The hair around your asshole helps silence your farts. If you shave it off, your farts won't be silent.

The poop is just like the planet! The average poop is 75% water, close to the same percentage of water the Earth has.
Chimpzy said:
  • The hair around your asshole muffles your farts. So – it’s impossible to fart silently if you shave your asshole.
  • There is an ancient Greek word for having an awesome ass—it’s “callipygian.”
  • People have died from pooping too hard. It caused their blood pressure to rise enough to shake loose a blood clot or burst an aneurysm.
  • Your ass is super absorptive, which is why chugging beer, wine, or hard liquor from your ass (“butt chugging”) is super dangerous. Without running alcohol through your liver and kidneys first, you lose the ability to puke when you’ve had way too much. This means you can easily butt chug too much and die.
Dying from pooping too hard will be my fate. It's almost impossible for me to vomit. I just vomit out my ass. The same full body heaving that goes into puking happens to me on the toilet. I consider it preferable to puking, but it's not that nice either, and it does put me at risk for other things I'm sure.
Chimpzy said:
  • Your ass is super absorptive, which is why chugging beer, wine, or hard liquor from your ass (“butt chugging”) is super dangerous. Without running alcohol through your liver and kidneys first, you lose the ability to puke when you’ve had way too much. This means you can easily butt chug too much and die.

Can confirm. I use ~75% of my drugs this way and they work only barely slower than IV
PointlessKnowledge said:
I said this was coming, now it is here!

Put a ring on it! Anus means ring in Latin.

2 for the price of 1!. You actually have 2 anal sphincters.

Can't control that ass! The inner sphincter can't be controlled by you. It only moves when it's time to poop.

Hair where there was no hair before! During puberty, pubic hair grows around the anus.

And the payoff! SupahEwok has a glandular problem.
Human beings are deuterostomes. That's a fancy word meaning that while we are developing, the first part of us to develop is the anus.

That's right, folks. We're all assholes from the start!
