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Assuming there's an afterlife, do you gain omniscience when you die?


Libertarian Contrarian
Sanctuary legend
I grew up in a religious household, so while I'm not entirely certain there's an afterlife, my image for one includes going around as an invisible ghost still being able to view the world and stuff. Does anyone else have a similar image for what the afterlife would look like? Or are you steadfast in believing that when you die, there is nothing further to be experienced that you can't even imagine there being more? My grandpa died last night, and I'm mostly asking if I need to delete my browser history or not, because he could be spying on me.
lol Well, I think people who are dead have viewing access to this world (though I wouldn't call it omniscience per se). HOPEFULLY... I think that when you die though, you will basically go in the astral plane... Where you want to go. Where you think you should be. Usually this will be your view of what paradise should be but not always. So there's a chance your grandpa may be too distracted to really care about spying on you.
Sorry for your loss. We'll never see his like again.

Which ties into my views on it. Afterlife is the same as Beforelife. Nothing.

Personally though, I would find it nice if there really where a non-corporeal existence generated by ones brainwaves and imprinted upon some form of subspace or something. The odds and evidence for that are non-existent however.
I understand how you can be skeptical of the afterlife but to me it just makes sense. Without getting into theology I'll just say I believe in heaven, he'll, and purgatory. I would think If human souls could return to earth, they'd probably have too much going on in heaven to even want to.
My condolences.

To answer your question, no.

Eccl 9:5 "For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all..."
10 "Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might, for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave..."
The odds and evidence for that are non-existent however.
I'm just gonna say, if you really look for it, you're gonna find some weird unexplainable shit that can only be answered through spiritual answers. Whether you want to go on that path or not though is up to you. There's no right or wrong answer. What matters regardless is how you live your life now.
I'm just gonna say, if you really look for it, you're gonna find some weird unexplainable shit that can only be answered through spiritual answers.
Spirituality answers nothing. It's just another form of "white lies".
lol Well, I think people who are dead have viewing access to this world (though I wouldn't call it omniscience per se). HOPEFULLY... I think that when you die though, you will basically go in the astral plane... Where you want to go. Where you think you should be. Usually this will be your view of what paradise should be but not always. So there's a chance your grandpa may be too distracted to really care about spying on you.
My Grandpa's paradise probably includes watching his grand kids, so I'm worried I'm not safe. And yeah, omniscience is a strong word for what I was suggesting, but if you have no form to slow you or prevent you from going anywhere you want, is there a tangible difference between how you'd define the word and what the original question was posing?

Thank you everyone for your kind words. He had been looking like he was a gonner as far back as March, so it's just a relief he's not suffering anymore.
My Grandpa's paradise probably includes watching his grand kids, so I'm worried I'm not safe. And yeah, omniscience is a strong word for what I was suggesting, but if you have no form to slow you or prevent you from going anywhere you want, is there a tangible difference between how you'd define the word and what the original question was posing?

Thank you everyone for your kind words. He had been looking like he was a gonner as far back as March, so it's just a relief he's not suffering anymore.
I watched my grandma die of stomach cancer bc of polluted well water and it was absolutely brutal, so I completely understand. Not happy they're gone but relieved they aren't suffering anymore.

As far as the afterlife I think she is in heaven. What it's like I couldn't tell you, but she definitely earned her spot.