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[Article] Why I won't play your Mobile Game


[...] I bought the game Knights of Pen and Paper 2 on Steam[2] and as you can read in the review I am enthusiastic about this computer game. After a few hours of playing I asked myself if the mobile version[3] was as good as the one I bought or if there were any significant differences. There are even very big differences.

tl;dr: race to the bottom on mobile makes devs nudge players into pay to win with micro-transactions.

Link to full article: https://voidnill.gitlab.io/cosmic_voidspace/mobile_gaming.html
Discussion on Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19952109


Staff member
Microtransactions. It's ALWAYS microtransactions. It's like a fucking plague that's on app stores. In a way, the stores themselves are responsible for this as well, with little if any tools to sort out the apps that have mtx and the ones that do not, so people can just spam their shitty little apps.