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8 Actually Good Movies That People Got Ass-Mad About


Staff member
A merry Christmas to you, and as a small gift, here's a listicle with my arrogant opinions that I know you all enjoy.

Ranked in order of how famous they are and ass-mad they made everyone.

8. McHale's Navy (1997)

Definitely the most obscure movie on this list. I wouldn't blame you at all if you never heard of it. Still though, at the time when this movie came out, it did poorly in sales and was criticized for not sticking enough to the original show it was based on. Now I'll admit that I've never seen the show, but at least on its own, this movie is still a very solid action comedy. You even have Tim Curry in here hamming it up, and this ham is damn delicious. There's a few hokey scenes in it, but nothing that would drag the movie down at all. Give it a shot if you haven't seen it. Though... Getting a copy online may be kinda tricky nowadays considering how obscure it is now.

7. Reign of Fire

By far, the biggest issue with Reign of Fire is that, plot wise, it's set in the wrong time. It SHOULD HAVE been set right after the dragons first woke up. I would have paid good money to watch dragons duking it out with military jets and Apache gunships. Reign of Fire feels like a great sequel to an awesome first movie that we never got. And that blows for sure. Perhaps we never got that missing first movie because the execs thought it would have been too expensive to do for a series-initiating movie. Nevertheless though, I'm willing to appreciate this for what it is. Acting's good. Effects are good. Action's good. It's been a bit, but I don't remember seeing any egregious plot holes in the movie, though the solution to the dragons seemed a little contrived.

6. Cloud Atlas

"Freedom. The fatuous jingle of our civilization. But only those deprived of it have the barest inkling of what it really is."

It's a bit hard to keep up with Cloud Atlas as it juggles around four different stories in four different timelines. It also handles four different genres. But through it all, the movie juggles these seemingly disparate threads excellently and ties them all together to make one coherent whole. It's pretty genius. I feel like the people who didn't like this movie didn't really understand what they were watching, or if they did, the genre whiplash was perhaps too much for them. I don't know. Regardless though, Cloud Atlas is a stirring movie about oppression, freedom, and how our actions are all connected together for the benefit or the doom of our race. Plus it has Hugo Weaving in three different roles plus one in drag. I mean, c'mon.

5. Armageddon

Alright, NOW we're starting to get into some real controversy. And next on our list is a movie that even one of the lead actors, Ben Affleck, criticized. And what did all these people criticize Armageddon for? The acting? The special effects? The story? No, they criticized it because it "wasn't scientifically accurate." Well, consider the following then. Who the fuck cares??? The movie never made any pretense of being accurate. It's like shitting on Terminator because, "Well, ACKTHUALLYY time travel doesn't exist." Seriously, people? Another thing that was criticized was that "Oh, why are they sending oil drillers out into space? Hurr hurr." The movie ALREADY EXPLAINS this. Did you all not watch the same movie I did? It would have been much easier to get the drillers into space and have them do their thing than for them to teach the astronauts how to drill. The drillers had decades of experience and skills doing it which would have taken way too long to teach the astronauts. And while it's not the most convincing reason, it certainly is perfectly plausible, and it's certainly plausible enough for a fucking action movie.

4. X-Men Origins: Wolverine

People will actually give praise to this movie for the awesome timeline-spanning introduction, and it is indeed very well done. But then, so is the rest of the movie. Criticism of this movie seems to be a lot like the criticism for McHale's Navy where the movie didn't stick to the comics enough. I guess? I mean, here's the thing, guys. Sometimes... It's a good thing that they don't stick to the comics. There. I said it. BUT... I just say that in general. In this specific case, I'm not quite sure again if it was a good idea or not. I'd probably agree that Deadpool should have been differently done. Nevertheless, that is the only issue I can think of, and it's not enough to bring down this otherwise fantastic movie. Consider it on its own merits and you'll probably enjoy it.

I also heard that the game isn't too bad, though I also think Ninja Gaiden II scratched that itch first.

3. Die Another Day

You look on pretty much any James Bond film tier list and they'll very probably have Die Another Day at or close to the bottom. That is just downright unfair. Now, is it as good as Goldeneye? No. Daniel Craig's Casino Royale? No. Skyfall? Nope. But is it the WORST James Bond? Not even CLOSE. Hell, it's even probably in the low top 10s by my ranking. But why? Yeah, the action can sometimes be cheesy. Yeah, one of the special effects shots in the movie (surfing on a CGI wave) was pretty dumb. But if we're gonna lambast James Bond films just because of these things, then boy oh boy, have I got a list of problems for you about Goldeneye and even Skyfall. Perhaps what rustles my jimmies here is the lack of consistency in criticism really. I don't think I actually mind that people don't like Die Another Day, but if they don't, then I sure as hell don't wanna hear ANYTHING about how much more "grounded and realistic" Goldeneye was. Seriously. Not a damn word. But if you don't expect Citizen Kane, then you'll find Die Another Day has a LOT to offer. Heat beams, invisible cars, North Korea, and cool sword fights, plus Pierce Brosnan just absolutely killing it as James Bond.

2. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

I'll give people this. Tomb of the Dragon Emperor is not as good as The Mummy 1 and 2 at all. It makes a few key mistakes. Rachel Weisz is MIA and Maria Bello does her best, but it's just not the same and it's not fair to Maria either that she had to stick through that. People also complained about the special effects... Eh... Mummy 2 had worse. But it also does get a lot right as well, and I don't think it's really right to completely write off this movie as a total failure. With it being set in China, I'm kind of torn on. I think for a fourth Mummy, it would have fit pretty well, but I would have done the third Mummy in Egypt just one last time, or at least have had it connected to Egypt. All in all, a missed opportunity, but not the disaster people made it out to be at all.

1. Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

And now, we come to it. The Last Jedi. And holy fuck, the butthurt around this movie dwarfs just about all the other movies on this list by comparison, and at this point, I am just SO TIRED of talking about it and defending this movie from people who either COMPLETELY MISUNDERSTAND what it is about, or just get whole entire plot points completely wrong altogether. Now, I've been a Star Wars fan for decades. Veterans on this site will already know. And while I wouldn't call myself a hardcore fan of Star Wars, I do really like the universe and have indulged in some movies and games within it. But I don't say all that to establish my "geek cred". Merely to state that I'm not someone who saw Episode VII as their first Star Wars film or something. Now, Episode VII and IX, yeah, not good movies really. No argument there at all. But Episode VIII? The ONE GOOD main series Star Wars movie we got out of Disney got PISSED AWAY by neckbeards who think they understand Star Wars but just want Episode IV, V, and VI again and want to make Luke Skywalker be the Second Coming of the Messiah. You know, there's a lot to get mad at Disney for. And I mean, an awful lot. But this... This ain't it, chief. So... To the Star Wars fandom at large, you guys fucked up and are partly responsible for the utter mess that Episode IX was. Thanks.

If you want a lot more detail as to why TLJ is gold, then I would ask you to watch this fantastic (but kinda long) video by Nerrel. He'll lay it all out. And next time you see this movie, please, for the love of fuck, give it another chance.

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Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
Haven't seen the first three, agreed on the next four, and hard disagree on the last one.


Technophiliacs & Technophiles
I'm forty seconds in to that TLJ vid and the guy is bragging about the rotten tomatoes score. The critic rotten tomatoes score.

As they say, you don't get a third chance to make a second impression.

(Plus it's immediately after obliquely bragging about what a terrible risk he's taking with his internet pointz by making the video. If your point is that you've come up with a variety of ways in which you're better and nobler than me, just make the video a minute long, say so, and save google the disk space. While I'm at it, allow me to suggest this behavior contributes to why people still firmly assert they dislike this movie, since that's the other complaint he thought mattered more than an actual introduction.)
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Staff member
I'm forty seconds in to that TLJ vid and the guy is bragging about the rotten tomatoes score. The critic rotten tomatoes score.

As they say, you don't get a third chance to make a second impression.

(Plus it's immediately after obliquely bragging about what a terrible risk he's taking with his internet pointz by making the video. If your point is that you've come up with a variety of ways in which you're better and nobler than me, just make the video a minute long, say so, and save google the disk space. While I'm at it, allow me to suggest this behavior contributes to why people still firmly assert they dislike this movie, since that's the other complaint he thought mattered more than an actual introduction.)
While I actually agree that pointing out the RT Critics score was a bad point, what he's saying is that fans have been acerbic and he's sure he's gonna get railed for this video as well. That's all. Please just watch the rest of the video and then make a judgement call.


Technophiliacs & Technophiles
what he's saying is that fans have been acerbic and he's sure he's gonna get railed for this video as well.

It amuses me to no end just how badly these people overestimate how much the rest of the world cares about them. They almost need to, emotionally.

"In retrospect, this was telling me two things about people's relationship to technology. One was that romance and image go a long way towards shaping their opinions. If you doubt it (and if you have a lot of spare time on your hands) just ask anyone who owns a Macintosh and who, on those grounds, imagines him- or herself to be a member of an oppressed minority group." -Neal Stephenson, 1999


Staff member
View attachment 95

It amuses me to no end just how badly these people overestimate how much the rest of the world cares about them. They almost need to, emotionally.

"In retrospect, this was telling me two things about people's relationship to technology. One was that romance and image go a long way towards shaping their opinions. If you doubt it (and if you have a lot of spare time on your hands) just ask anyone who owns a Macintosh and who, on those grounds, imagines him- or herself to be a member of an oppressed minority group." -Neal Stephenson, 1999
Just watch the rest of the video, ya' cunt. lol