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The Escapist is dead, again.

Will The Escapist be dead again, again? A creator (Frost) has publicly left Second Wind by posting a laundry list of complaints to twitter, blaming Nick Calandra (again lol): https://archive.is/RnavT

Inb4 muh corpos did it

On one hand, I respect Sebastian Ruiz (Frost) and I like the majority of his takes. They are, you could say, cold takes...

Ahem. Still though, this seems pretty damn out of the blue. I do find it funny though that Sanctuary has now survived not one, but two iterations of the Escapist. Hell, maybe three or four, depending on how you count things.
I don't know if this is why Frost and the other one is quitting, but I've been reading what Nick posts on twitter. He had spats with several medium/small internet personalities

- Grummz
- SmashJT
- 8BitEric

Nick called them all grifters, used his discord community to dig up their dox and past tweets, then tried to get them fired from their places of work based on anything he could find.

Then he went live on SideScrollers, a podcast by Stuttering Craig of XPlay, and declared he was "taking a break" from social media.
He probably took a break because his team threatened to remove him from Second Wind if he couldn't shut up on social media (revealed by an employee on their discord).

He's a hypocrite who wants people to shut up about stuff they don't like and just consoom the stuff they do like, but also wants to shut people up for saying or doing things he doesn't like.

But that doesn't seem like much of that is relevant here. Seems like money/power/control issues of Nick treating the co-op as his joyride.
So it comes out that Nick Calandra is the grifter he accused others of being. He subscribed to Twitter Blue, which pays out money for engagement. So while he was stirring up drama with internet personalities and trying to dox them, he was making a profit.

And according to this, he lied about the reason why he was fired from escapist. The "unreasonable goals" were goals that he himself set, and he mismanaged the whole thing from the beginning.

He's a lying liar who lies, manipulated, does backroom deals and trades money for positive coverage. Typical games journalist. Now we know why he hates Gamergate. He's guilty of everything they point out
Smash JT has been landing in my feed lately and I didn't know why. Never heard of him before, but I'm guessing YouTube linked my viewing of Second Wind content with him, and I've been enjoying his videos. I even got a heart from him the other day for a comment I made.
So... Has Nick Calandra issued a statement against this stuff yet? Or is he just trying to ignore the whole thing and pretend like nothing's happening?
So... Has Nick Calandra issued a statement against this stuff yet? Or is he just trying to ignore the whole thing and pretend like nothing's happening?
Yep, several statements here: https://archive.ph/kM3wc

Two contradictions that jump out: Firstly, they take a pretty hard tack towards "This was all two seconds from being fixed if only you'd had patience for our lack of experience" as the explanation for most issues we could already tell were going on. This is a totally valid point to make... if the business were at most a handful of weeks in. Almost a year later, though, and there's not much room to doubt Frost that the business was being inexcusably impacted. In the real world most businesses die within single-digit years of founding, so anyone who advises small businesses leads off with insisting that any employee who can't hang in their role after a month or two to settle in needs to be moved or cut from payroll. Just asserting that the power of friendship will let Nick and co defy gravity this time doesn't explain how they get from here to there (although the skycrane of quid pro quo, which didn't get mentioned, could make up that difference).

Which leads to secondly: Framing the discussion as being about Frost's personal misunderstandings doesn't hold water either, because he's not the only one who left. Yes, of course he sees the interpersonal drama behind how Second Wind's issues developed differently than Nick does. That's how interpersonal drama works. The question that matters is about the truth of the reasons for the disagreements, which, since we now know can't be just made up by Frost, are largely either not discussed or given the above lame excuse.

Overall it's got a pretty heavy stench of "Second Wind has investigated and cleared Second Wind of all wrongdoing", I think. I guess we'll have to wait and see if things hold together moving forward or if a second wheel comes off at some point.
Yep, several statements here: https://archive.ph/kM3wc

Two contradictions that jump out: Firstly, they take a pretty hard tack towards "This was all two seconds from being fixed if only you'd had patience for our lack of experience" as the explanation for most issues we could already tell were going on. This is a totally valid point to make... if the business were at most a handful of weeks in. Almost a year later, though, and there's not much room to doubt Frost that the business was being inexcusably impacted. In the real world most businesses die within single-digit years of founding, so anyone who advises small businesses leads off with insisting that any employee who can't hang in their role after a month or two to settle in needs to be moved or cut from payroll. Just asserting that the power of friendship will let Nick and co defy gravity this time doesn't explain how they get from here to there (although the skycrane of quid pro quo, which didn't get mentioned, could make up that difference).

Which leads to secondly: Framing the discussion as being about Frost's personal misunderstandings doesn't hold water either, because he's not the only one who left. Yes, of course he sees the interpersonal drama behind how Second Wind's issues developed differently than Nick does. That's how interpersonal drama works. The question that matters is about the truth of the reasons for the disagreements, which, since we now know can't be just made up by Frost, are largely either not discussed or given the above lame excuse.

Overall it's got a pretty heavy stench of "Second Wind has investigated and cleared Second Wind of all wrongdoing", I think. I guess we'll have to wait and see if things hold together moving forward or if a second wheel comes off at some point.

Roger that. Thank you.
Wake up Lyle, wake up! A second Frost video has hit The Escapist!
Turn on the TV it doesn't matter what channel

What he says about Yahtzee at 01:03:49... Actually checks out. At least with me personally. I've definitely always gotten the sense that Yahtzee is exactly as Frost is describing here. Always wanting to be paid and left alone, even if that might mean giving business to unscrupulous people. He said absolutely nothing when the Escapist was falling apart, and I see he's clearly continuing that time-honored tradition even now when Frost is (allegedly) trying to call really shitty behavior out. Yahtzee may be a really nice guy in real life, but very ironically, it seems that he doesn't have a spine.