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The Escapist is dead, again.


Sanctuary legend
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Escaped the escapist discord server - could of gone with any name but you went with the hella cringe one that includes your prior employer
That is like naming your new pet over an Ex, shit is just creepy

Never knew Yahtzee as the type to stick his neck out for others. Can't imagine him in cahoots with the lessers.
The forums were legit drowning in bot ad posts for months and he was fine sticking with it as long as he was paid

Then again, all the tweets we're made just hours apart. Could of given it the ol' "wait 24 hrs before posting" but choose not to. It may of been a tight-knit walk out the door after a bad group video call or something. Wonder what Nick got axed over, not like they were losing views
in response to the treatment of my collogues
If you are gonna quit for/over others and social media post about it you could at least be direct as to the why

Entire video team quits.
Who was that?
Escaped the escapist discord server - could of gone with any name but you went with the hella cringe one that includes your prior employer
That is like naming your new pet over an Ex, shit is just creepy

Well now it's called "Second Wind" and full of zoomers talking about how trans they are.

Wonder what Nick got axed over, not like they were losing views

Nick sez:

"I was let go for "not achieving goals" that were never properly set out for us, and lack of understanding of our audience and the team that built that audience."

Who was that?

I dunno, bunch of people I've never heard of before, that probably made a bunch of content that I never watched, and aren't as famous as Yahtzee.
All these companies relying on Discord for communications... I'm gonna laugh my ass off if Discord has a massive outage or goes under. Day #3,468 that I'm happy we have what we have here at Sanctuary. It isn't much, but it's all ours.
Well now it's called "Second Wind" and full of zoomers talking about how trans they are.
on the one hand, i want to ask if you're joking; on the other hand, its discord we're talking about, so you probably are correct
I would go and follow them over at "Second Wind", but I stopped following all of their video content a long time ago. The thing that drew me to the original Escapist was the journalism. They were one of the only places to write both-sides articles on Gamergate and to allow discussion about it. It was real journalism.

But then they scrubbed all their Gamergate content and banned discussion of it on the forums, signaling that they were abandoning actual journalism.

The apple has fallen far from the tree and rolled down the hill. It is unrecognizable. The Escapist wasn't doing journalism before or during Nick's reign, and Nick's new group won't be doing any journalism either.

The new generation is wearing the skin of the old generation, and the new generation thinks that the decay and withered flesh is normal.

"Do you think we could pull off a mass migration to Into Sanctuary? (Manifest destiny n'all...) If it's still around with so few users, I think we could take over with our active group and keep this camaraderie going. Do you have a link to it? "

"Do you think we could pull off a mass migration to Into Sanctuary? (Manifest destiny n'all...) If it's still around with so few users, I think we could take over with our active group and keep this camaraderie going. Do you have a link to it? "

Since they would have no power over Arnox, including the power to enforce their own rules, or moral values, they would not be able to "take over" in any meaningful sense. They would all flee whenever their opinions get challenged, or whenever they first encounter an idea that they're uncomfortable with. Whichever comes first.

Like I said: 263

It's kind of telling how they want to "take over", though, isn't it? They don't want to co-exist, they want to rule.

Bring drinks and be decent folk
Be sure to call Arnox a dumbass for suicide tip threads and you'll do just fine
Well, it got me to swoop on by for a little bit. Hope you're all well!
Be sure to call Arnox a dumbass for suicide tip threads and you'll do just fine
Someone else referenced this too. Was it one of Arnox's ramblings I missed? Seems like it caught external attention...

One sentence in and I'm ready to bring the torches and pitchforks! How egregious!!!

You didn't edit that in later, did you?

EDIT: Fully reading it, I dont know what to think. Base line, I don't think it needs to exist here, but I understand your rationale for posting it. To me, it feels a bit like letting your intrusive thoughts write an article rather than anything helpful to the public. If it was therapeutic to you, I won't condemn it too strongly, but this is one of those examples where an ideology (free speech in this case) can be turned into a decadent behavior with no limits for your own dignity or consideration for society.

I bet you could have achieved much of the same desired effect if you made a thread "I suffer with suicidal ideation, how about you?" And then tried to make a conversation about it, rather than an instruction book with phrases like "recommended" and "not recommend"
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You didn't edit that in later, did you?


EDIT: Fully reading it, I dont know what to think. Base line, I don't think it needs to exist here, but I understand your rationale for posting it. To me, it feels a bit like letting your intrusive thoughts write an article rather than anything helpful to the public. If it was therapeutic to you, I won't condemn it too strongly, but this is one of those examples where an ideology (free speech in this case) can be turned into a decadent behavior with no limits for your own dignity or consideration for society.

I bet you could have achieved much of the same desired effect if you made a thread "I suffer with suicidal ideation, how about you?" And then tried to make a conversation about it, rather than an instruction book with phrases like "recommended" and "not recommend"

You read this part, right?

Before we start, I feel I need to talk about why this guide/analysis is even being posted in the first place. Sanctuary is a place where we investigate the unknown. The not-talked-about. We stare into the deepest pits and we do not flinch. Further, we as a human race must progress. To progress requires knowledge, and knowledge is power. Power to create, to save, to change, and to destroy. The second thing is that this knowledge is not some secret confidential information. All pieces of information below could be gathered through a 5-second Google search and some basic logic. The third thing is that, as much as we all very understandably may not want to admit it, there ARE still a few situations where suicide is justified. For example, towards the latter part of terminal cancer. And the fourth and final thing is that some people may actually be comforted and assuaged by simply knowing that the option of suicide is ready and available to them. As long as it's available, might as well just see where life goes from here, just for the hell of it, and so, the decision is put off.

On-Topic: Wow, they're seriously using Reddit now. lmao
You read this part, right?
Of course! I said I understand your rationale for posting it and I'm not meaning to come down on you if it was therapeutic. But I'm sure you've already hashed this out months ago (or whenever posted, I didn't check time stamps).
Of course! I said I understand your rationale for posting it and I'm not meaning to come down on you if it was therapeutic. But I'm sure you've already hashed this out months ago (or whenever posted, I didn't check time stamps).

Yeah, we did, but I'm always looking for new insights. Ah well. Let's watch The Escapist slowly implode on itself.
Just replied to you over there 😉
Did. Choose firearm. Bullet through head. Now I pee funny

I know you intended it as a joke, but actually that article has some valuable information. The bullet has to go through both halves of the brain. I'll update the thread.
Will The Escapist be dead again, again? A creator (Frost) has publicly left Second Wind by posting a laundry list of complaints to twitter, blaming Nick Calandra (again lol): https://archive.is/RnavT

Inb4 muh corpos did it
It's pretty incredible how Nick was an improvement over his predecessors, and yet he's still so shit that people can't be around him. Then again, these are the kind of people that love to eat their own. I don't see details explaining what made Nick intolerable, and the chance exists that he was too centrist for them so they are throwing a temper tantrum and leaving.