Welcome! Hypothetically, would you sexually abuse a non-consenting child in order to save its life?
Why would I want to save the child in the first place?
What makes you better than Hitler?
I'd say not being Hitler is a pretty decent start. Also, my policies are in general far more lenient than his, and I'm less inclined to enforce them with warfare. As far as personality goes, I am probably not the most neutral judge to ask. Still, I'm pretty sure I'm nicer. Of course, that does not imply that I am
nice, by any means.
Just trying to get a handle of what sort of person you are.
Thank you. One might argue that these questions reveal more far about the entity asking them, than the answers reveal about their addressee - but then again, mutual exchange of personality is the very purpose of introductions, is it not?
As for what brought me here, I can only answer the serendipitous ebbs and tides of the Internet ocean. Usually, pelagic species are more susceptible to being moved great distances, but great storms can provoke even the benthic denizens to migrate. In my case, the apparent hara-kiri of reddit (a place I've anyway grown to dislike intensely over the years) finally pushed me out on the move. I did some research, and found this place.
Gauche: Yeah, those assholes are