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some of you use to know me. some parts of me are the same. hello, i was ghost prototype

Technophiliacs & Technophiles
hello. i can't guarantee that i will stay in this community, just wanted to say a few things. came across a few results here while name searching - wanted to see how much of me was still available on the internet. looks like i've been mostly forgotten, thankfully. i am not proud of some of who i use to be. specifically, i was pretty casually racist. and as one of the former administrators of totse2, i fostered a racist and hateful environment by my adherence to "free speech at any cost", though some of the old members may disagree for having the audacity to ban them from time to time. regardless, i am sorry for who i was and for facilitating harm. if this place is anything like zoklet, totse2, totseans, etc. were, i know there will be people here that disagree with this change, and all i can say is get fucked. we're going to build a better world for everyone, no matter what it takes.

i left totse2 without notice shortly after the main site suffered some kind of issue, and we had reverted to the old url. i was burnt out, and in the process of going through some ideological changes that made me question what it was that i was supporting. i'm sorry for not saying goodbye or ever providing some explaination.

i recognize a few names here, and i hope to reconnect with a few of you, for better or for worse.
Speak of the devil. Though I kinda doubt you're the OG Ghost Prototype. If you are, your grammar has taken a small turn for the worse. lol So you're on the left I presume? Also, while it's been a long ass time, I don't remember Ghost being racist at all. That was much more DirtySanchez's thing.
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it was more of an ignorance thing, i wasn't like, "we need to do something about these people", i just thought it was funny. not very defensible imo. i've got a lot of old logs here and there and have a lot of moments of "oh those are some hard-r's with my name next to them". though i suppose it's for the best that that's not how i am remembered by others. maybe i'm just too hard on myself.

my grammar has sort of changed! i still use punctuation regularly, at least as well as i'm able to (was never great at it in spite of it being my native language) but one day i realized that capitalization just doesn't matter. it was a hard habit to break, and i still revert to it for things like work correspondence and what not, but casually? i've dropped it. and i'm okay with that. younger me would have thrown a fit but honestly he needed to chill out about a lot of stuff. but being understood is important, and utilizing commas, apostrophes, etc. helps to that end, which is especially important for people who are not native english speakers that are learning.

i've been meaning to rewrite "a call to extremism". maybe i will one of these days.

i was hoping to prove my identify cryptographically but i've misplaced my ghostprototype@totse2.com pgp key. i had it, at one point. it might be on the external drive next to my computer and i might go searching for it eventually. if i can find it, i'll post a pgp signed message which can be verified using the pgp public key in my account signature on archive.org, once the site's full functionality is restored. i do still have the private rsa key from the .onion URL, though that might not be useful since i believe the tor network no longer supports those older, 16-character urls.

and yes, i'm now a communist of some sort. i was sort or vaguely right-leaning when i was growing up and drifted into some sort of libertarianism around the time that you knew me, and some aspects of libertarianism i still respect, though i do not think works as a state-level (state referring to a national state specifically though also for how the u.s. does states) policy. ultimately people must wrest as much liberty from the government as possible. though that is more anarchist-informed these days than from the perspective of an american libertarian. i'll be dropping by the politics sub-forum at some point and you'll see a little more of what i'm about there, from time to time.

edit: elaborated a bit in the second paragraph
edit: reworded and elaborated on last statement
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it was more of an ignorance thing, i wasn't like, "we need to do something about these people", i just thought it was funny. not very defensible imo. i've got a lot of old logs here and there and have a lot of moments of "oh those are some hard-r's with my name next to them". though i suppose it's for the best that that's not how i am remembered by others. maybe i'm just too hard on myself.

I think you're being too hard on yourself. So you said some dumb stuff on TOTSE2. We all did. I think most of us on that site were barely getting into adulthood with a few exceptions.

Again, assuming you ARE the GP of old...

All that said, I'm still proud to have been a part of TOTSE2. I don't regret it in the slightest. I learned extremely valuable things at that site that I don't think I would have been able to learn elsewhere. And I don't just mean the many text files TOTSE2 hosted. The true TOTSE mindset taught one to sort through bullshit posts and use critical thinking to arrive at your own conclusions instead of somebody else telling you or what some dumbass post voting system said was good or true. (Reddit)

It is strange though that you're here now if you're now no longer a fan of such sites.

once the site's full functionality is restored.

Website archive is online. File database is still offline. (Last I checked anyway which was some days ago.)

and yes, i'm now a communist of some sort.

About time we had some more differing opinions on this site, though I'm a centrist, so I definitely disagree with Communism. And yes, even the true-blue (or should I say, red) Karl Marx communism. Extremists from either the right or left get on my nerves big time. (Your old fabulous post being excepted of course.)

Warning signs of dementia.

Shots fired here already I see.
Warning signs of dementia.
it's true i saw this in the DSM-5

I think you're being too hard on yourself. So you said some dumb stuff on TOTSE2. We all did. I think most of us on that site were barely getting into adulthood with a few exceptions.

Again, assuming you ARE the GP of old...
a few years ago, i had a talk with easy-e about this as well. he said basically the same things (minus the questioning of my identity at the end - we had stayed in touch so there was some continuity there (and you have a healthy amount of skepticism for the info you've been given)). i was an adult at the time, albeit still a relatively new one, though i clearly had some more growing to do.

All that said, I'm still proud to have been a part of TOTSE2. I don't regret it in the slightest. I learned extremely valuable things at that site that I don't think I would have been able to learn elsewhere. And I don't just mean the many text files TOTSE2 hosted. The true TOTSE mindset taught one to sort through bullshit posts and use critical thinking to arrive at your own conclusions instead of somebody else telling you or what some dumbass post voting system said was good or true. (Reddit)
i knew the site wasn't a complete waste, and am glad it was such a good influence in certain ways. association with and influence from certain kinds of people aside, it was an experience i too am fond of.

It is strange though that you're here now if you're now no longer a fan of such sites.
i don't know yet that i'll stay here, but we'll see. i'm still a fan of this kind of site, my only real issue with it is that free speech absolutism tends to attract hateful people that had made themselves unwelcome in other communities, and their presence tends to make people who are not like them unwelcome in the 'free speech absolutist' areas. i've actually considered hosting my own totse-esque site at some point, though with restrictions on hateful speech. i think we can still acheive most of the aims of the spirit of totse without forcing the community to endure people asking "do we REALLY have to treat minorities as people? i'm just asking questions, THEY don't want us to know the tRUTH". but we'll see. it's on the ever-growing never-shrinking pile of "things to do one day", heh.

Website archive is online. File database is still offline. (Last I checked anyway which was some days ago.)
i guess the ball's in my court then, huh? i'll see if i can find it, but it not being in my "totse2 things" folder means it's either buried in a loooot of "backup/new folder/unsorted" folders, or it was just lost. we'll see!

About time we had some more differing opinions on this site, though I'm a centrist, so I definitely disagree with Communism. And yes, even the true-blue (or should I say, red) Karl Marx communism. Extremists from either the right or left get on my nerves big time. (Your old fabulous post being excepted of course.)
i should elaborate, at least a bit, if i do too much i should just start a new thread but for now, i'm first an anticapitalist. the idea of an ownership class that by some virtue (typically birth into wealth) entitles them to an abundance of value created by others is just clearly wrong, and that they are given an unfair amount of political power creates feedback loops that further increase misery of the masses. there's no reason why some people should be cursed to live a full lifetime of hard work and be rewarded with poverty while others can fail upwards and be gifted corporations and control of enough capital to live off the investments without ever so soiling their hands. there's no moral reason to stand by this as a system.

i think government should exist to serve the needs of people, and that the means of survival should not be hidden behind a paywall, especailly not one that exists for the enrichment of individuals at the expense of others. we pay way beyond any reasonable share of the costs of necessities, and we have long since past the point where we are capable of provide way more than we need. when i say that i'm a communist, it's that i believe a better world is possible, acheivable in our lifetime, and that we should work for it, be it by legislative power or by ripping the reigns from the hands of the ownership class.

i'm happy to provide that differing opinion.
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a few years ago, i had a talk with easy-e about this as well.

Oh? Are you perchance in any kind of contact with Idiosyncrasy at all as well?

my only real issue with it is that free speech absolutism tends to attract hateful people that had made themselves unwelcome in other communities, and their presence tends to make people who are not like them unwelcome in the 'free speech absolutist' areas.

See: https://intosanctuary.com/index.php...all-of-us-now-need-the-most-is-gone-arnox.19/ Specifically at 28:51.

Q: But what about jerks? I don’t want to have to put up with stupid people and dicks.

A: There is a lot to say about this, but in the end, it can be summed up as, you have to take the bad with the good. You cannot just say, “Free speech for me, but not for thee.” If you are serious about opening your mind and openly sharing ideas, then you need to learn to open yourself up at least somewhat. You obviously don’t have to agree with everything and everyone you read, and you don’t even need to be nice to them, but the point is that you decide now. No one is telling you anymore what to think and what to do. You are your own judge. If you do not do this and instead only talk to those you agree with, there isn’t really a good exchange of ideas anymore. Only ones you’ve already heard and agree with. Instead, it turns into an echo chamber where nothing new is learned.

Also at 29:44.

Q: There is still misinformation though, and it’s so rampant these days! How will you combat that if anyone can say what they want?

A: The best way by far to fix “bad speech” is, ironically, more speech. In this current day and age, everyone is so used to being told what is right and true instead of researching things for themselves and listening to opposing points of view. Because of all this, people in general are not developing the critical thinking and reasoning necessary to sort out the bad information from the good. In an environment like Sanctuary though where all speech can be challenged with more speech, there is no choice now BUT to need to think critically for yourself and not be told what to think because there simply isn’t just one viewpoint to absorb anymore. There are many viewpoints with equal light under the sun, so to speak. And so, the viewpoints are compared and contrasted with each other with nothing coloring them or censoring them on any side. They either survive or die in the eyes of the readers entirely based on their own merits. Many times, modern communities think that kicking out the undesirables will solve this misinformation problem, but it actually just makes the problem worse because that banned or censored person will only dig their heels in and reinforce their own beliefs and then find other communities where they ARE welcomed, and then the echo chambers get worse. As the Jackal from Far Cry 2 said, “You can’t break a man the way you break a horse or a dog. The harder you beat a man, the taller he stands.” So stop beating him and ostracizing him and instead start talking to him!

It should also be kept in mind that we are a forum. As such, we have the power to contain threads on ANY subject matter that get too common by simply making a sub-forum for them and then merging the threads back when talk of that subject matter starts to finally die down. This is an extremely powerful tool that allows for full freedom of speech while still making sure other subjects people want to discuss are not crowded out.

A lot of the former issues TOTSE, TOTSE2, and Sanctuary v1.0 had have actually been addressed and "patched" since you've been out of the forum game. It took a lot of time, mental effort, and some pain, but the Sanctuary you see now and its rules and format is the culmination of that work.

there's no reason why some people should be cursed to live a full lifetime of hard work and be rewarded with poverty while others can fail upwards and be gifted corporations and control of enough capital to live off the investments without ever so soiling their hands. there's no moral reason to stand by this as a system.

Well, that's great, but we are not in a true capitalist society anymore. Capitalism implies competition. Where's the competition for Apple? ISPs? Nvidia? There's actually a lot of issues that don't necessarily have to do with capitalism, and ironically, much of it is due to big corporations wielding the government and its judicial system like a club. Look at the current state of copyright. Lasts until the death of the author plus 70 years or something. Fucking ridiculous. Should just be 20 years. But try to circumvent that and big corporations can sue your ass and squat on a horde of copyrights to IPs. Or how about the stock market? Hell, I was just talking about how corporations can cry foul to the government AGAIN and get small players in the stock market out of it because lolsorry2poor. Another issue as well is that so many of these corporations are just too big and need to be broken up. But has the government done that? Nope. Or how about property taxes? They penalize regular home-owners while big businesses can just round up real estate and sit on it while paying a (relative) pittance. Government just ignores that. And finally, publicly owned corporations, once they get to a certain size, become very problematic. After a certain point, they should be forced to buy back their shares and transition to a privately owned company.

What you're seeing now is 90% due to the government not doing its job and bending over backwards for big corporations. It has barely anything to do with capitalism.
and yes, i'm now a communist of some sort.
This is interesting, what has brought you to this conclusion? When you say a communist of some sort, what exactly do you mean? That implies not a Marxist leninist style, but something different. I have actually read communist theory.

I was active on totse, zoklet ans totse2, but only ever trolled on totse2. I remember your username though