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If you don't want you mural defaced, maybe don't paint it on the ground


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
If you don't want your pride flag defaced, maybe stop painting it on the road? What do you expect is going to happen. People are sick of seeing it literally everywhere, and if you put it somewhere where it can easily be defaced, it will be. They also think anyone driving over it is defacing but YOU put it on the fucking road. If you don't want it defaced, maybe don't on the ground where people and cars are going to walk/drive over it.

We had something identical happen here a few months again, except they just painted white over the whole thing instead. There's also plenty of other instances of it happening elsewhere in the world.
If I were an evil mastermind, I WOULD want my symbols to be easily defaced, so that when they are, I can cry and pretend to be the victim. Then I would call for punishment and more protections, and generally use such incidents as a way to gain more power.

IRL trolls? Perhaps. Ultimately though, we have to remember that attention is power. If you don't like it, don't give it attention.
The outrage/mentality is attention bait, yeah.
The mural maker don't care, they get paid to redo lines of color

Hollywood star vandalism is no different from a billboard ad being vandalized
The issue is not the issue, but the revolution. James Lindsey pointed it out a while ago, but I'm seeing it in every topic now. The mural being defaced isn't the issue, it's the fact that it was captured territory, and someone is fighting back and resisting the revolution. For all the double standards on the left, it's the only way they all make sense. It's OK when they do it, because when they do it, it's for a greater good. See what happens when you paint an American Flag on the ground and it gets vandalized. You'll be told it's not a big deal.