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Husky Cast for Ein in Cowboy Bebop Live Action


Staff member

Da fuq are they doing over there? I'm sure Bella is an outstanding dog, but Ein is a damn corgi. It's even explicitly stated in the show. Period. End of story. Like 'em or hate 'em, that's what he is.

Nothing in the story says Ein has to be a Corgi... and honestly, a reboot that precisely mimics the source material is boring. We’ve already seen that story.

Then why the fuck are you doing a reboot for instead of making something original, you dumbasses? You know what, as far as I'm concerned, Cowboy Bebop is pretty much perfect where it is. I don't think at this point it ever needs a sequel or live-action. Even Watanabe agreed:

Well... I don't think we should just keep on making Cowboy Bebop sequels for the sake of it. It's more in keeping with the Bebop spirit to quit while we're ahead when people still want more. Don't you think?

And mind you, this is all coming from a HUGE fan of the show. (Me, I mean. Not Watanabe. lol)
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What did you expect? Its another live action adaption where they'll make "creative choices". I look forward to seeing how the rest of the cast look now though.
I never watched Cowboy Bebop. Does Ein do some very character specific things? Just knowing breeds, I could see a husky acting more like a character than a corgi. And I'm more of a corgi fan than a husky fan.

Just saying, you got to get a dog that can act, and I could see the troubles in getting a corgi to do something over a husky.
I'm also a huge fan of Cowboy Bebop, but I would like more..Rather run it into the ground (but better to quit on a good note when the decline is real recognizable) than always have the feeling of wanting MORE!

I would agree with Signa here though. Better to have a smart intelligent dog, like Ein, that can act the part and be styled/colored, than a corgi that can't.
Don't know how I feel about live-action though..nor a reboot..eeeh..
I never watched Cowboy Bebop. Does Ein do some very character specific things? Just knowing breeds, I could see a husky acting more like a character than a corgi. And I'm more of a corgi fan than a husky fan.

Just saying, you got to get a dog that can act, and I could see the troubles in getting a corgi to do something over a husky.

Corgi's are supposed to be reasonably smart. Now, I don't think anyone would expect the live-action corgi to perfectly mimic Ein, but it could still definitely be done.