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How does one deal with retards operating vehicles?


Arch Disciple
Had two motorcyclist this week run red lights right next to me

It may be petty but I wish these folks bodily harm. Power tripping fantasies aside, I want their comeuppance and I want it immediately
Had two motorcyclist this week run red lights right next to me

It may be petty but I wish these folks bodily harm. Power tripping fantasies aside, I want their comeuppance and I want it immediately

They're doing that riding fucking motorcycles? lol Must be suicidal. Well, if they keep doing that, they're either going to get fined out the ass by a cop or just, uh... Die.
Around here niggers on dirt bikes and 4 wheelers ride down the highway doing wheelies and weaving in and out of traffic in a big group. It's difficult to pass them as well bc they take up the entire fucking road. It's infuriating.
Since posting this there have been two car crashes down the street from me both involving trucks. Guessing it's peeps trying to escape the summer heat by pressing down the accelerator to feel the wind